Meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh, the GAVI Alliance Board decided to take the first steps towards the introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) and rubella vaccines in developing countries.

The Board also received UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who encouraged the Alliance to “deliver the promise of a future free from the threat of cervical cancer to millions of young women thanks to the HPV vaccine.” 

Meeting documents

00b Agenda pdf

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
16 -17 November 2011
Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka , Bangladesh

Monday 14 November: Field visits
Tuesday 15 November: Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 16 November : 9.00 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Thurs day 17 November : 8.00 -18.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 12


Pre -Board Field visits ? Monday 14 November 2011
Item Subject Room Schedule

Welcoming coffee with pastries Hotel Lobby 6.00 -6.30
A Board Field Visit to rural c ommunity clinics in the
Sreepur area (lunch included)
6. 30-17 .00
B Visit to Matlab (lunch included ) 6. 30-18 .00
C Field Visit to ICDDR ,B Centre and Hospital 13.00 -18.00

Pre -Board Meetings ? Tues day 1 5 November 2011

Item Subject Room Schedule

Pre -Board meetings
? IFFIm Board Meeting
? Technical briefing
Coffee available
? IFFIm donors meeting
? New Board members meeting hosted by the Chair
? Developing Countries Constituency meeting
? Unaffiliated B oard members briefing
? GAVI Donors meeting
? Unaffiliated recruitment Committee meeting
? Chair?s individual meetings with Committee Chairs



8.00 -9.45
9.00 -11.00
9.30 -11.45
10.00 -11.30
10.00 -11.00
11.00 -12.30
11.30 -12.30
11.30 -13.30
12.30 -13.00

Lunch for all partic ipants Marble room 13.00 -14.00
? Executive Committee
? Governance Committee
? Closed Executive Session
Ballroom Foyer
14.30 -15.30
15.30 -16.30
16.00 -16.30
16.30 -18.30

Inauguration Ceremony
Cultural Programme with non -alcoholic refreshments
Dinner hosted by Bangladeshi P rime Minister
Winter Garden
Winter Garden
Winter Garden
20.0 0

02 CEO report pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 02
16 -17 November 2011
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

9 November 2011
Dear Board Members,

It is a great pleasure to provide you with this report, which combined with my board
presentation, provide my perspective on the first GAVI Board meeting I will attend as
CEO, as well as my first 100 days on the job.
I am grateful to the Government of Ba ngladesh for hosting this Board meeting.
Around the meeting we will have the opportunity to see some of the Government?s
achievements in improving the health of the people of Bangladesh. I would
particularly like to highlight and thank Faruque Ahmed as a former Board member
and Director of the Health Program me of the Bangladesh Rural Advancement
Committee (BRAC) which represents one of the best examples of the power of civil
socie ty in development in Bangladesh and around the world.
It is five months sinc e GAVI?s last Board meeting, and three months since I became
CEO. Some of the papers that have been provided for the Board and the decisions
that the Board will be invited to take are the result of processes that began many
months before I became CEO, an d so the perspective I offer here and at the Board
meeting is in some respects still one of an outsider. Of course, I am fully engaged
and so this is really the last time I will be able to say this?
GAVI has a strong business model, with a relatively smal l secretariat, and a large
well -functioning Alliance, drawing on the strengths of each of the partners. Our
model allows us to pool vaccine demand from countries and funding from donors, to
create a significant market for vaccines appropriate for people l iving in the poorest
This model has achieved some powerful results. Since GAVI?s inception in 2000,
WHO now estimates that the Alliance has helped countries prevent more than 5.5
million future deaths by immunizing 326 million additional chil dren against hepatitis B,
Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), measles, pertussis, pneumococcal disease,
polio, rotavirus diarrhoea and yellow fever.
I am particularly grateful to WHO fo r providing these figures. W e are also working
with our partners to strengthen the methodology behind them and the way we report
results. An additional important challenge will be to capture our collective impact on
morbidity. For many vaccines, Meningococcal A , Polio, and Rubella being good
examples, the largest effects will be in reducing morbidity. We all know we are
making a big difference in this area but we do not have an agreed way of measuring

03a AVI Update pdf

Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2011-Mtg -3-Doc 03a
16 -17 November 2011
Subject: Accelerated Vaccine Introduction ? progress report
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, MD, Policy and Performance
Authored by: Jon Pearman, Director AVI, Policy and Performance,
Johanna Fihman, with input from AVI management team
Agenda item: 03a
Category: For Guidance/Discussion
Strategic goal: SG1 - Vaccines & SG4 - Market shaping

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the r eport

1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide a summary on the progress of the
Accelerated Vaccine Introduction (AVI) initiative and review ongoing
challenges to building a successful platform for future new vaccine introduction
going forward.

2. Recommendations

2.1 For information only.

3. Executive Summary

3.1 With regard to pneumococcal vaccines, five countries have introduced s ince
the AVI Board update in July, making a total of 16 countries forecasted to have
introduced by year end. T he demand for pneumo vaccines has increased with
the approval of an addit ional 18 countries by the Executive Committee in
September . In spite of new supply agreements signed under the AMC, vaccine
supply has become even tighter in 2012 and 2013.

3.2 With regard to rotavirus vaccines, in July Sudan became the first country
outside Latin America to launch. The demand for rota vaccines has increased
with approval of an additional 14 countries by the Executive Committee in
September and there are forecast to be 30 countries introduc ing in 2012 - 13
time -frame . Award notification has been issued for longer term contracts for
rota. There is sufficient supply over the long -term to meet demand, with the
exception of 2013 where there will be supply constraints.

3.3 The GAVI Secretariat , with support from the AVI partners , worked on the
development of implementation plans for new vaccines ( agenda item 5 ).

03b Country Programme Update pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 03b
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Country Programmes Update
Report of: Mercy Ahun, MD, Programme Delivery
Authored by: Paul Kelly , Director, Country Programme s
Bakhuti Shengelia, Director, Country Grants and Renewals
Agenda item : 03b
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG1 - Vaccines, SG2 - Health systems, SG3 - Financing

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Board on : the implementation and
performance o f country programmes ; the outcome of the work of the Large Cou ntry Task
Team ; and on the possibility that the Democratic Republic of Congo could default on co -
financing commitments . The report outlines achievements and challenges against three
of the four GAVI Alliance strategic goals:
? SG1 ? Accelerate use of underu sed and new vaccines;
? SG2 ? Contribute to strengthening the capacity of integrated health systems to
deliver immunisation;
? SG3 ? Increase the predictability of global financing and improve the sustainability of
national financing for immunisation.

2. Recomm endations

2.1 The Secretariat recommends that the Board :
? Approve the continuation of existing vaccine support for Pentavalent and Yellow
Fever vaccines for DRC in 2012, in the event that the country is unable to pay its
2010 co -financing arrears for these va ccines by the end of 2011.
2.2 The Board may also wish to note that, with respect to India and Nigeria, the Policy and
Programme Committee agreed in September that the two countries need a tailored
approach for GAVI support and asked the Secretariat to work wi th the se countries and
partners to develop a country strategy .

3. Executive summary

3.1 Countries continue to make progress towards the objectives of the Alliance?s strategic
goals. Based on WHO/UNICEF estimates , average DTP3 coverage increased from 73%
to 78% in GAVI eligible countries from 2009 to 2010. The number of countries with at
least 90% coverage increased by 27% (from 26 in 2009 to 33 in 2010). However, the
preliminary Ethiopia Demographic & Health Survey 2011 report highlights ongoing

05 Updated long term financial forecast pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board
Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 05
16 -17 November 2011

Subject : Updated long term financial forecast
Report of: Barry Greene, MD, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director, Finance & Chief
Accounting Officer
Agenda item : 05
Category: For Guidance/Discussion
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This paper informs the Board of the updated GAVI financial forecast for 2011 -
20 16 (Version 4.0Fb ).

2. Recommendations

2.1 For information only.

3. Executive summary

3.1 Th e updated GAVI financial forecast incorporates the latest demand estimates
and funding decisions taken to date 1. The level of resources reflects the results
of the 13 June 2011 Pledging C onference and subsequent follow -up with
donors , and foreign exchange rates at 30 September 2011 .

3.2 The financial forecast has been extended through 2016 to provide visibility
through the next five calendar years, which is required by the Programme
Funding Policy for the endorsement and approval of new programmes in 2011.

3.3 Expenditure of US $ 9.3 billion is forecast for 2011 -201 6. This includes US$
7.7 billion for the period 2011 -2015, which is larger than the February 2011
estimate of US$ 6.8 billion (for 2011 -2015) mainly because of the magnitude of
demand from the new proposals recommended by the IRC in July 2011. The
total of US$ 9.3 billion compris es :
1 Including the funding decisions that the Executive Committee will consider for approval in November
2011 .

06 Next steps on new windows pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 06
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Ne xt steps on new vaccine windows:
HPV, JE, Rubella and Typhoid
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, MD, Policy and Performance
Authored by:
Jon Pearman, Director, Katie Moore, Senior
Manager, Accelerated Vaccine Introduction (AVI)
Agenda item : 06
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG1 - Underused and new vaccines

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the repor t
1.1 The GAVI Alliance Board is requested to approve next steps for GAVI?s
vaccine portfolio and specific implementation strategies for human papilloma
virus (HPV) and rubella vaccines .

2. Recommendations
2.1 The GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) recommend ed
the GAVI B oard to:
a) Open a funding window for HPV and rubella vaccines such that the GAVI
Secretariat can invite country proposals for support in 2012 ;1
b) Request the Secretariat to work with technical partners to develop an HPV
pilot programme following the Board meeting in November 2011;
c) Note that JE is a critically important vaccine , particularly for South East
Asia. GAVI should consider opening a window once an appropriate vaccine
is prequalified. Continued efforts are needed on surveillance ;
d) Not to revisit its previous decision on typhoid noting that the Alliance looks
forward to the development of an appropriate conjugate vaccine.

1 September application round

07 Proposed retirement of the GAVI Fund Affiliate pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 07
16 -17 November 2011

Proposed retirement of t he GAVI Fund Affiliate from
the IFFIm s tructure
Report of: Debbie Adams, MD, Law and Governance
Authored by: Anthony Brown , Senior Legal Counsel
Agenda item : 07
Category: For Guidance/Discussion
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the B oard on the analysis undertaken to
review the ro le of GFA in the IFFIm structure (when referring to the IFFIm
structure, we use ? IFFIm ?, when referring specifically to the UK charity, we will
use the ? IFFIm Company ?).

1.2 The report summarises the original rationale for the GAVI Fund Affiliate?s
(?GFA ?) inclusion in IFFIm and why those reasons are no longer relevant and
outlines GFA?s current role and proposes how a revised structure without GFA
could work.

2. Recommendations

2.1 As this paper is being presented for discussion only, there are no
recommendations at this t ime.

3. Ex ecutive summary

3.1 IFFIm was conceived in 2004 as a mechanism to increase funding for GAVI
Alliance programmes (?GAVI ?). At the outset of establishing the mechanism, it
was understood that a char ity would need to be created to issue bonds on the
international capital markets. The final mechanism that was established in
2006, for reasons set out below, required the establishment of two additional
charities : the IFFIm Company to issue bonds and the GFA to enter into grant
agreem ents with sovereign donors .

3.2 At the end of 2010, GFA , GAVI and the IFFIm Company began a review of
GFA?s historical and ongoing role within IFFI m to analyse the legal ,
governance , accounting and tax implications of amend ing the IFFIm

09 Update on GAVI Campaign and private sector outreach pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 09
16 -17 November 2011
Subject: Update on GAVI Campaign and private sector outreach
Report of: David Ferreira, MD, Innovative Finance
Authored by: Paolo Sison, Anthony Brown, Lori Smedley, Kim Hartmann
Agenda item: 09
Category: For Guidance/Discussion
Strategic goal: SG3 - Financing: global predictability/nat'l sustainability

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the report

1.1 The purpose of this report is to inform the Board on key developments
between the GAVI Campaign (the ? Campaign ?) and the GAVI Alliance
(?GAVI ?) and the ongoing work between the two to unify priorities and identify
synergies that will help them engage more effectively with the private sector.
The paper will also briefly touch on development s in private sect or outreach
since the 7 -8 July Board meeting and the outlook for 2012.

2. Recommendations

2.1 As there are no decisions, this paper has no recommendations.

3. Executive summary

3.1 The Campaign serves as a US ?friends of? 1 charity to GAVI, al lowing donors to
GAVI programmes to receive US tax deductions on their donations. Earlier
this year, the Chairs of GAVI and the Campaign agreed to jointly commission a
review of the Campaign consistent with the agreement made at the time of the
transition of the two en tities (see section 4.4 for more information on the
cooperation between the two entities).

3.2 The review reached two main conclusions 2:

1 ?Friends of? organisations are charitable organisations that do not conduct charitable activities of their
own but are set up to solicit contributions from US donors for the purpos e of granting those funds to
support qualified charitable activities of a foreign charity . 2 The reviewer?s report will be made available to Board members on request. Requests should be
directed to the GAVI CEO.

12 Vaccine supply and procurement strategy pdf

Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 12 1
16 -17 November 2011
Subject: Vaccine supply and procurement strategy for the
period 2011 -2015
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, MD, Policy and Performance
Authored by: Aurelia Nguyen and Eliane Furrer, Policy and Performance
Agenda item: 12
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: SG4 - Shape vaccine markets

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the report

1.1 The pu rpose of this paper is to seek approval by the GAVI Alliance Board of
GAVI?s new Vaccine Supply and Procurement Strategy. The strategy focuses
on the period defined by GAVI?s five -year strategic plan (2011 -2015), although
the recommendations do consider and impact the period beyond.

1.2 The strategy does not address vaccine -related supplies (e.g. autodisable
syringes, safety boxes), the selection of GAVI?s procurement partners 1 or
downstream (in -country) supply -chain and efficiency. 2

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) recommends that the GAVI
Alliance Board approve the proposed revised Vaccine Supply and
Procurement Strategy for the period 2011 -2015 as presented in detail in
Annex 2.

3. Executive summary

3.1 GAVI?s Vaccine Supply and Procurement Strategy aims to support the
achievement of GAVI?s mission to save children?s lives and protect people?s
health by ensuring adequate and secure supply of quality vaccines to meet
demand, minimising the costs of vaccine s to GAVI and countries and fostering
development of appropriate and innovative vaccines . This requires timely,
transparent and accurate market information.

1 GAVI has a series of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with the procurement partners, which run
through to the end of 2012 for some vaccines and beyond for pneumococcal vaccines.
2 In-country supply chain and delivery issues are addressed through other areas of the work of the GAVI
Secretariat and of the GAVI Alliance.

13 Performance Based Funding pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 13
16 -17 November 2011
Subject: Performance Based Funding
Report of: Nina Schwalbe
Authored by: Peter Hansen, Par Eriksson, Laura Stormont
Agenda item: 13
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: SG2 - Health systems to deliver immunisation

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the report

1.1 The GAVI Alliance Board is requested to approve the recommendations of the
Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) , as described below .

2. Recommendations

2.1 At its meeting in September, t he PPC recommend ed that the GAVI Alliance

(a) Decide not to proceed with IRIS as a stand alone window of support;

(b) Request the Secretariat to roll out the Health Systems Funding Platform
in accordance with the design summarised in Annex 1 of the report to the
Board on performance based funding (Doc 12) starting in 2012 for
countries to use as their existing GAVI cash support elapses.

3. Executive summary

3.1 Taking into consideration the Board discussion from July 2011 , the PPC has
endorsed a n approach to link GAVI?s cash support to immunisation outcomes.
These recommendations are described in Annex 1. 1

3.2 In summary, G AVI?s cash support will be split into two different types of
payments: fixed and performance. For the first year, participating countries will
receive all funds from GAVI on a fixed basis, as an upfront investment in their
national health strategy. After the first year, the fixed and performance
payments will be provided annually as long as the necessary conditions ha ve
been met. In order to ensure that countries with lower immunisation coverage
1 The task team report and detailed draft guidelines as presented to the PPC are available from the
Secretariat upon request.

14 Business plan 2012 pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 14
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : GAVI business plan 2012
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Adrien de Chaisemartin, Nina Schwalbe
Agenda item : 14
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the report

1.1 This document outlines enhancements in the business plan underly ing the
budget request for 2012.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The paper provides the programmatic framework for the budget submitted to
the Board for approval (See pape r 15 ).

3. Executive summary

3.1 The current submission is consistent with the 2011 -2012 business plan
submitted to the Board for review in November 2010. Although the
programme objectives have remained consistent, there is howeve r an
increased emphasis in the areas outlined below .1 This is largely due to the
success of the Pledging Conference and significant upscaling of activities
including the doubling of funds under management and significant increase in
new vac cine introductions.

(a) Strengthening capacity to deliver : GAVI needs to move from a one -size
fits all to a more customiz ed approach for the countries it supports. For this
reason, WHO has requested additional fundin g to help countries introduce
new vaccines and develop their national health plan s as part of the Health
System s Funding Platform. The Secretariat will increase the number of
Country Responsible Officers (CROs) to strengthen the stewardship o f
GAVI Alliance investments in -country, to better respond to individual
country needs, to facilitate in-country coordination of Alliance partners and
to conduct real -time monitoring and feedback to countries. Providing a
customized approach will also require involvement of additional partners
1 The budgetary implications of these four priorities are provided in Annex 1

15 2012 business plan budget pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 15
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : 2012 Business Plan B udget
Report of: Barry Greene, MD, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Barry Greene, Tony Dutson and Ulf Herzer
Agenda item : 15
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This paper presents the Budget for implementation of the GAVI Business Plan
in 2012 .

1.2 A two -year Business Plan b udget was approved by the Board in November
2010, with the second year (2012) approved in principle at the same amount
as for 2011, pending the development of a detailed budget for 2012.

1.3 The Business Plan has now been updated for activities to be undertaken in
2012, in consultation with Partners. The high level changes proposed in the
2012 Business Plan were presented to the Programme and Policy Committee
(PPC) in September 2011 and are outlined in the GAVI Business Plan 2012
paper (document 03a) . The Audit and Finance Committee consider ed this
budget in its meetings on 28 October and 3 November , in the light of input
from the PPC.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Audit and Finance Committee recommend s to the Board that it approve s
the 2012 Business P lan B udget in the amount of US$ 160.5 million and the
constituent capital expenditure budget of US$ 4.3 million .

3. Executive summary

3.1 Following the success in mobilising resources for immunisation, GAVI is
embarking on a step -change in programme activity in response to country
demand. Annual programmatic expenditure is expected to be more than
double the 2010 level by 2012, growing from US$ 0.6 billion in 2010 to US$

16a annex Nominations from the Governance Committee pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 16a
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Nominations from the Governance Committee
Report of: Debbie Adams, MD, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Assistant Secretary
Agenda item : 16a - annex
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations


1.1 In reference to 2.4 (e) of the Nominations from the Governance Committee
document , Anne Schuchat has chosen to with draw from consideration as PPC

1.2 Amie Batson was put forward by the donors to continue as their representative
on the Executive Committee for 2012.

16a Nominations from the Governance Committee pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 16a
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Nominations from the Governance Committee
Report of: Debbie Adams, MD, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Assistant Secretary
Agenda item : 16a
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This report informs the Board of various constituencies? recommendations for
Board and committee membership as of 9 November 2011.

1.2 It is possible that additional recommendations could be tabled between 9
November and the Governance Committee meeting on 15 November .

2. Recommendations

2.1 On 5 October 2011, the Governance Committee recommended to the Board
that it appoint:

(a) Angela Santoni as Board Member representing donor governments Italy
and Spain (in the seat currently held by Jos? Luis Solano) effective 1
January 2012 and until 31 December 2013.

(b) Jos? Luis Solano as Alternate Board Member to Angela Santoni
representing donor governm ents Spain and Italy (in the seat currently
held by Leone Gianturco ) effective 1 January 2012 and until 31
December 2013.

2.2 On 15 November, the Governance Committee will consider the
recommendation of the following persons for (re)appointment:

(a) Simon Bland as Board Member representing donor governments
Ireland, Norway, and United Kingdom (in the seat currently held by Paul
Fife ) effective 1 January 2012 and until 31 December 2013.

16b Committee leadership structure pdf


Report to the
Governance Committee

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 16b
Subject : Committee leadership structure
Report of: Debbie Adams, MD, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Asst Secretary
Agenda item : 16 b
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 In July, the Governance Committee recommended an alternative to the
current governance arrangements regarding leadership of the Executive
and Governance Committees. The proposal was based on the
understanding that the Executive Committee is responsible for making
critical and time sensitive decisions in between Board meetings and its
mandate to make recommendations to the Board on GAVI?s strategy. It
is therefore appropriate that it be led by the Chair of the Board.

2. Recommendations

2.1 On 6 July 2011, t he Governance Committee recommended to the Board
that it amend the Statutes as follows :

(a) Remove the following sentence from the first paragraph of
Article 12:

The Vice Chair shall act as the Chair of the Executive Committee.

2.2 Further, the Governance Committee recommended to the Board that it
amend the By -Laws as follows:

(a) Amend Article 2.6.3 in its entirety to read as follows:

The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall act as
Chair of and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee.
Further, the Chair shall perform such other duties as may be
assigned by the Board.

Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board
16 -17 November 2011

16c Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 16c
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies
Report of: Debbie Adams, MD, Law and Governance
Authored by: Eelco Szab?, Director of Legal
Agenda item : 16c
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 Pending discussion by the Governance Committee at its meeting on 15
November 2011, attached is the report submitted to the Governance
Committee with the current drafts of an Ethics Policy which provides the
overarching framework for dealing with Conflict s of Interest (and other related
policies) and an updated Conflict of I nterest polic y for the GAVI Alliance.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Governance Committee wi ll discuss the draft Ethics and updated Conflict
of Interest P olicies attached to the Committee paper during its meeting on 15
November 2011 . If the Governance Committee considers that their comments
on the proposed policies are adequately addressed in the drafts attached to
the Committee report it may recommend the policies to the Board for approval
in its current form or with some amendments. This report is aimed at ensuring
that the Board has the opportunity to review the draft policies in preparation of
the Board meeting at which the Ethics and Conflict of Interest policies may be

2.2 Note that the Governance Committee report references annexes 1 b and 4 b.
These are blacklined versions of the policies that have not been included here.
However, they are available upon request.

3. Context

3.1 The current GAVI Alliance Conflict of Interest Policy was approved by the
GAVI Board on 3 June 2009 and following requests for clarity, it is appropriate
to revise and upda te the Conflict of Interest Policy.

16e GAVI Currency Hedging Policy pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 16e
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : GAVI Alliance Currency Hedging Policy
Report of: Barry Greene, MD, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Barry Greene and Fabrice Dutin
Agenda item : 16e
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This paper presents the proposed GAVI policy on currency hedging; no such
policy currently exists.

2. Recommendations

2.1 On 28 October 2011, th e Audit and Finance Committee recommended to the
Board that it approve the Currency Hedging Policy .

3. Executive summary

3.1 GAVI receives contributions and other inflows in a variety of currencies , while
its outflows ? for programme and business plan expenditures ? ar e incurred
mainly in US dollars, with minor componen ts in euros and Swiss francs.
3.2 Arising from these transactions, at any given time GAVI may have future cash
flows denominated in various currencies that will be converted to their value in
another currency at the time of receipt or disbursement, to meet business
needs. B ecause of foreign exchange rate fluctuations , that value is subject to
change over time and this creates the risk of potential reductions in value to
3.3 Currency he dging instruments can reduce that risk (usual ly for up to two years
forward) and, by reducing volatility, enhance the reliability of financial forecasts
used to inform decision making. The proposed policy specifies paramaters for
currency hedging through which GAVI can manage the risk.
3.4 GAVI cannot totally eliminate the risk because its contractually agreed or
expected cash flows extend beyond the two year period over which currency

16f Appointment of the external auditor pdf

Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc 16f
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Appointment of the external auditor
Report of: Barry Greene, MD, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director, Finance and Chief
Accounting Officer
Agenda item : 16f
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 Appointment of GAVI?s current external auditor , KPMG, for the provision of audit
and tax services for the financial year 2011 (to be performed in 2011 and 2012).

2. Recommendations
2.1 On 28 October 2011, the Audit and Finance Committee (?AFC?) recommended
to the Board that it:

(a) Appoint KPMG SA/AG as the independent auditor of the GAVI Alliance for
(b) Appoint KPMG SA/AG to provide Swiss tax services for the GAVI Alliance
for 2011
(c) Appoint KPMG LLP to provide United States tax services for the GAVI
Alliance for 2011

3. Executive summary

3.1 The Board has sole responsibility to appoint the external auditor. It has
chosen to retain KPMG in the past in order to engage the same auditor as the
World Bank, and thus facilitate the most efficient and cost effective audit of the
consolidated financial statements and the affil iated entities of IFFIm and GFA .
The AFC reviewed the KPMG engagement le tters during its meeting on 28
October prior to making its recommendation. The relevant AFC paper is
available upon request.

4. Next steps

4.1 The Board is requested to consider and, if thought fit, appoint KPMG as
external auditor and tax advisor. Subsequently, the Chair of the AFC will
execute the engagement letters .

A Third Report on Gender Policy pdf

Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc A
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Third Annual Report on Implementation of the Gender
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Meegan Murray -Lopez , Senior Executive Officer
Agenda item : A
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the GAVI Alliance Board on progress in
2011 in implementing the GAVI Alliance Gender Policy , which was adopted by
the GAVI Board in 2008.

2. Recommendations

2.1 This report is for information only.

3. Executive summary

3.1 Since the last update to the Board, the focus of the GAVI Gender Policy work
has been on strengthening capacity within the Secretariat , in line with outcome
four of the 2009 -2010 Implementation Plan on introducing gender sensitive

3.2 The Secretariat has put in place an external Gender Help Desk mechanism to
ensure easy access for Secretariat staff to gender and health expertise . The
Secretariat has also taken steps internally to strengthen capacity on gender by
establishing a Gender Working Group, comprised of staff representatives from
each team, to provide input and track progress on its gender -related activities.

3.3 In the past year, t here have also been key developments related to GAVI
programmes: the PPC has made recommendations to the Board related to the
introduction of rubella and HPV vaccines. In addition, H ealth Systems Funding
Platform (HSFP) application materials now re quest information about gender -
related barriers to accessing vaccination services.

3.4 Other GAVI Alliance structures, such as Board and the IRC, have seen
positive changes to their composition and gender balance.

B Review of the Eligibility Threshold pdf

Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc B 1
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Review of Eligibility Threshold
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, MD, Policy and Performance
Authored by: Aur?lia Nguyen, Eliane Furrer , Policy and Performance
Agenda item : B
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 The purpose of this paper is to inform the Board about the analytical work that has
been done following the request of some Board members in July 2011 to explore
the impact of raising the GAVI eligibility thr eshold from US$ 1,500 to US$ 2,000
Gross National Income (G NI ) per capita.

2. Recommendations

2.1 This paper is for information only.

3. Executive summary

3.1 In July 2011, some Board members raised the question as to whether or not GAVI
should consider rais ing the eligibility threshold to US$ 2,030 1 due to successful

3.2 Six graduating countries with a combined birth cohort of roughly 600?000 infants
wo uld regain eligibility under this revised threshold.

3.3 The expected financial cost implication for the GAVI Alliance , but also the additional
health impact , is small as all six countries have already introduced pentavalent
vaccines and most have been approved for introduction of pneumo coccal and/or
rotavirus vaccines.

3.4 Almost 90% of GAV I?s additional f inancial outlay resulting from a revision of the
threshold to US$ 2,030 would not contribute to gaining additional health impact, but
would result in lower countr y co -financing for countries remaining eligible longer .
1 US$ 2,030 in 2012 co rresponds to the inflation adjusted US$ 2,000 in 2011

C Decade of Vaccines Collaboration pdf

Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2011 -Mtg -3-Doc C
16 -17 November 2011
Subject : Decade of Vaccines C ollaboration
Agenda item : C
Category: For Information

1. Introduction

1.1 On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of GAVI at the 2010
World Economic Forum, Bill and Melinda Gates called for the next decade to be
the ?Decade of Vaccines?. Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health
Organization (WHO) and Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, pledged
their personal and institutional commitment to the Decade of Vaccines.
Renowned leaders, including Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Joy Phumap hi are also lending their
expertise and leadership.

2. Key activities

2.1 WHO Member States approved the Decade of Vaccine vision and the need for
a global vaccine action plan (GVAP) at the 64th World Health Assembly
(WHA). The Decade of Vaccines Collaboration (DoVC) Steering Committee
has integrated the output of the DoVC working groups and outlined the key
issues to be included in the draft global vaccine action plan (GVAP) that must
be addressed in immunization over the next decade. A draft GVAP will be
presented to the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on
Immunization for discussion on 8 November 2011. This marks the beginning of
the DoVC consultation process on the draft GVAP which will continue through
mid -February. A revised GVAP will be presented at a special SAGE meeting
on 16 February 2012 for their endorsement. The final GVAP will be submitted
to the WHA in May 2012 for review and approval by Member States. The
GAVI Partners? Forum ? planned for Q4 in 2012 ? also presents an opportunity
to discuss the implementation of the GVAP.

3. The Decades of Vaccines Vision

3.1 The DoVC is a time -limited effort whose purpose is to outline a global vaccine
action plan to achieve the following vision: "We envision a world where children,
familie s, and communities enjoy life protected from the threat of disease. Access
to safe and effective vaccines is a human right that is currently not enjoyed by
everyone, particularly in low - and middle -income countries."



GAVI Alliance Board


16 -17 November 2011



1. Basic information about Bangladesh
2. Economic, political and social context
3. Health and development
4. GAVI Alliance support to Bangladesh

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting 16 17 November 2011 Final Minutes pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
16-17 November 2011
Board-2011-Mtg-3 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
16-17 November 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.03
Dhaka time on 16 November 2011. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired
the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed new Board members and altern ates, Her Royal
Highness Princess Cristina of Spain, and members of the board of the
International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IF FIm). Also, he thanked the
Ministry of Health of Bangladesh for hosting the me eting and the Secretariat
Governance team and local staff of BRAC, WHO, and U NICEF for their
assistance. He cited this as a good example of the GAVI partnership at work.

1.3 The Chair summarised the outcomes of the execut ive session of the Board
held on 15 November 2011: He noted that the process for constructing the
2012 budget had been extraordinary given the change in Secretariat
leadership and committed that the 2013 process woul d be more ordinary,
starting with Executive Committee consultation. Ne xt, he highlighted work to
be done on managing conflicts of interest, includin g clarifying the role of the
vaccine industry in GAVI?s governance. There had be en good dialogue and
proper management of conflicts to date, but the Boa rd needs an agreed-upon,
comprehensive philosophy that can be clearly articu lated to the public. The
Board also discussed roles and responsibilities of the Board, Secretariat and
Alliance partners, and agreed to have a full discus sion at its 2012 retreat.
Finally, the Board received an update from Cees Klu mper, Director of Internal
Audit, on investigations of misuse in recipient cou ntries.

1.4 The Chair reflected on remarks made the previou s evening by Ban Ki-moon,
Secretary General of the United Nations, to the GAV I Board. The Chair
recognised Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer, c ommenting on his
determined and enthusiastic start. He also highligh ted Sweden?s positive
assessment of GAVI, noting Sweden?s recently releas ed review that stated
that GAVI is highly relevant to its development coo peration and that GAVI?s
internal and external effectiveness is very high.

1.5 Standing declarations of interest were tabled t o the Board (Doc 01a in the
Board pack). In addition, Ronald Brus reported that given Crucell?s purchase

Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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