
All Evaluations

Planning and Implementing Real-time Monitoring Approaches to Strengthen Vaccination Campaigns: Guidance for country partners

This document aims to address: 1. Introduce real-time monitoring approaches and how RTM can strengthen vaccination campaigns and routine immunization programmes; 2. Provide guidance to decision-makers and planners on the key considerations enabling implementation of real time approaches and digital solutions in order to strengthen vaccination campaigns and routine immunization programmes, thereby enhancing immunization service delivery; 3. Elaborate on implementation aspects related to realtime monitoring technologies.

Rwanda Technical Brief on use of Real Time Monitoring for COVID-19 vaccination, surveillance and case management

This country technical brief presents three use cases of Real-Time Monitoring (RTM) approaches used in Rwanda for 1) COVID-19 surveillance 2) Vaccination Delivery and Monitoring and 3) COVID-19 case management. Good practices and lessons learned by Rwanda are also highlighted in the brief.

Last updated: 8 Apr 2024

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