12 Road to Replenishment pdf
Board -2024 -Mtg -03-Doc 12 1
Report to the Board
4-5 December 2024
Subject Road to Replenishment
Agenda item 12
Category For Information
Executive Summary
On 20 June 2024, Gavi launched its Investment Opportunity (IO) for the 2026 -2030
period (Gavi 6.0), as well as the groundbreaking African Vaccine Manufacturing
Accelerator (AVMA), convening seven Heads of State, 25 Ministers, and over 200
senior representatives from key Gavi stakeholders. France, Spain, and the United
States (US) provided a strong start to Gavi’s public replenishment campaig n by
announcing a total of US$ 2.4 billion in pledges. AVMA resonated strongly at a
political and practical level, demonstrating Gavi’s strengths of partnership,
innovation, and sustainability. Notwithstanding the political and financial success of
the lau nch event, the global geopolitical situation has grown more challenging with
continued budgetary pressures and elections in many countries, ongoing conflicts,
as well as other replenishment processes within the global health and development
space. The Secr etariat continues to adjust via a dynamic and agile approach,
adapting our replenishment campaign to respond to such challenges. Under the
strategic vision provided by the IO, specific and targeted market strategies have
been developed. These have helped t o maximise donor engagement, empower
advocates from civil society, and mobilise Gavi’s influential champions from both
donor and implementing countries. Following the launch event in Paris, the
European Commission (EC) made a high -visibility pledge to Gavi during the United
Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and stated that Europe will do its fair share. To
fund its 6.0 activities costing at least US$ 11.9 billion, Gavi is working to finalise the
level of assured resources to US$ 2.9 billion and to bring in ne w pledges for at least
US$ 9 billion (of which US$ 2.8 billion has been secured to date) both in direct
contributions and through innovative financing sources. Focused replenishment
activities will continue into 2025 to continue to build the momentum towar ds a final
Replenishment Summit.
Th e priorities for the Secretariat in the coming months are to:
• Finali se discussions with donors on funds for 5.0/5.1, confirm assured
resources for 6.0 and obtain new pledges for 6.0, including early pledges
• Double -down on an agile and flexible public replenishment campaign,
building on key global events notably at the World Economic Forum annual
meeting in Davos which will include Gavi’s 25 th anniversary leading to Gavi’s
Replenishment Summit in the first half of 2025