In 2021, the initial Gavi 5.0 Learning System was developed to respond to the increased evidence needs required to successfully implement Gavi’s strategy for 2021–2025.

The aim of the Learning System is to help ensure that evidence-based learning is embedded throughout the strategy.

This allows for faster course correction, scaling of best practices and innovations and enabling cross-Alliance learning to achieve Gavi’s strategy.

The Gavi 5.0 LS Strategy has been updated with key additions including new guidance documents on Theories of Change, Logframes and Learning Agendas, a further developed approach to country monitoring and learning, and updates on new evidence generation activities such as the Learning Hubs.

Gavi’s Learning System approach is driven by a mutually reinforcing four-step process:

Learning System Strategy report

Exploring Gavi 5.0/5.1 Learning Priorities

LSS digram



Design of Gavi’s programmes, policies, and strategy to have a clear vision of success and articulation of how this will be achieved including key assumptions;


Prioritisation of evidence through collaborative identification (and regular review) of the priority programmatic and strategic learning questions that Gavi needs to answer in order to deliver its 5.0 strategy;


Generation of evidence and insights through deployment of Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) guidance, templates and tools to enhance evidence generation and performance management to ensure actionable insights;


Timely use of learning and evidence to enable faster course correction and scaling of best practices and innovations, as well as supporting delivery of Gavi’s strategy.

To implement the Gavi Learning System, the Gavi Secretariat, Countries and Alliance partners will continue to review and adopt new ways of working, adapting how we design and plan for, prioritise, generate, communicate and use data and evidence to drive decisions.

Critical to the successful implementation of the LS requires commitment and ownership across Gavi Secretariat, Countries and Alliance Partners with the right behaviours and structures in place to enable learning. It will also require a collective effort to embrace a learning mindset in our day-to-day work to make the time to reflect, question, learn and adapt, even if it means acknowledging failure and awareness of the implications of actions and behaviours and their effects on strengthening Gavi as a learning organisation.

Last updated: 11 Jul 2024

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