Gavi’s programmatic policies set out principles for Gavi-supported countries and programmes. Approved by the Gavi Board and reviewed on a regular basis, these policies aim to ensure that Gavi support is efficient, transparent, and fair.
Additionally, the Framework for Gavi Funding to Countries is an overarching document that outlines the key objectives and principles under which Gavi provides funding to eligible countries and also describes the interactions between the three funding policies: Eligibility and Transition, Co-financing, and Health Systems and Immunisation Strengthening. The Funding Framework also puts these three funding policies in the context of other Gavi support and initiatives, which are not covered in the policies e.g. the Middle-Income Country Approach.
Gavi’s corporate policies ensure efficiency, transparency and accountability in our corporate processes and operations.
Co-financing means that countries contribute to the cost of Gavi-supported vaccines by financing some of the required vaccine doses.
Fragility, emergencies and displaced populations policy
Gavi enables flexible and tailored support through bespoke and differentiated interventions in countries facing chronic fragility; agile and coordinated response in acute emergencies; and a laser focus on displaced populations in Gavi-eligible…
Gender equality is a fundamental human right and a powerful driver for better health outcomes globally.
Health system and immunisation strengthening policy
The policy that guides Gavi’s support to health system and immunisation strengthening (HSIS). The purpose of the HSIS policy, in effect from January 2023, is to set out the principles, general requirements and procedures for Gavi’s HSIS…
When overall demand for support from Gavi-eligible countries is higher than available donor resources, the Vaccine Alliance needs to make fair, transparent and objective decisions on how to use its limited resources most effectively.
The risk policy forms the overarching framework for Gavi’s risk management approach. It is embedded in various structures and processes for risk monitoring, reporting and mitigation.
Assuring quality vaccines and immunisation products for countries that procure their own products with Gavi funds.
Transparency and accountability policy
If Gavi is to deliver on its mission, it must take some risk, and do everything possible to mitigate that risk. Donors realise this, but also rightly expect risks to be minimised and action to be taken when misuse is uncovered.
Donations of vaccines by industry to international organisations or to governments can bring benefits if properly managed, but also carry certain risks.