Key characteristics

The committee is composed of a range of technical experts from across the world who meet regularly to review applications for support from Gavi-eligible countries and to advise on their suitability for funding, ensuring alignment with Gavi’s strategic objectives and compliance with Gavi policies.

The Independent Review Committee (IRC), was evaluated in 2023 by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The three main objectives for this independent evaluation were: (1) to assess the suitability of IRC's strategic design in the context of Gavi 5.0/5.1, (2) to conduct an impartial assessment of IRC's proposal review process, and (3) to utilise the assessment to collaboratively develop solutions with the concerned teams. For more details we invite you to visit the IRC evaluation page.


It is the responsibility of the IRC to advise on whether to fund country plans and programmes and to review new country plans and requests for extensions of existing programmes in accordance with policies adopted by the Gavi Board. The aim of the IRC review is to make a recommendation as to whether a country plan will likely achieve (i.e. on a balance of probabilities) the proposed results and contribute to Gavi achieving its mission and strategy, taking into account the justification for the programme, soundness of approach, country readiness, feasibility of plans, system strengthening and sustainability, economic and financial considerations and public health benefit of the investment in line with Gavi’s mission.

Round opening
(on the portal)
2024/2025 Deadline for submissionIRC review dates
(indicative dates)
~2mths prior25 January 202411–22 March 2024
~2mths prior18 April 20243–14 June 2024
~2mths prior23 September 20244–15 November 2024
~2mths prior22 January 202510–21 March 2025
~2mths prior1 May 202516–27 June 2025
~2mths prior16 September 20253–14 November 2025

IRC review rounds

In addition to the previous rounds, the IRC meets periodically for in-country reviews of requests associated with the Full Portfolio Planning process and remotely for ad-hoc reviews of time-sensitive requests.

IRC Membership

Members of the Independent Review Committee consist of specialists from a broad range of expertise.

IRC members generally serve a term of three years. This term may be renewed for another period of up to 3 years. Upon reaching the second term limit IRC members will not be eligible to serve on the IRC for at least 1 year. During their term IRC members may be called upon to serve on the IRC for review of country plans or requests for extensions for which he or she has specific relevant skills.


Dr Rose Leke, a Cameroonian immunologist, parasitologist and malariologist was appointed Chair of Gavi's Independent Review Committee by the Board in December 2022. Dr Leke will serve a two-year term and is currently supported by her two vice-chairs: Dr Bolanle Oyeledun and Mr Pierre Corneille Namahoro.

Range of expertise

The increasing complexity of Gavi support types requires an IRC with a broad range of expertise in areas such as:

  • Routine immunisation programmes, especially at country level
  • Management of campaigns
  • Delivery of health services including child and adolescent health
  • Health systems strengthening and management
  • Epidemiology and disease control
  • Cold chain and logistics
  • Financial and budget analysis
  • Gender and equity

Consolidated IRC reports

IRC reports

Last updated: 24 Sep 2024

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