Board papers

Board papers

00a Document list pdf

Board -2020 -Mt g-5-Doc 00 a

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
29-30 September 2020
Virtual Meeting

Tu esday 29 September : 13.45 -18. 00 Geneva Time
Wedne sday 30 September : 13.45 -17.00 Geneva Time
Quor um: 14

Document list

No. Document
00a Document list
00b Agenda
01a Declarations of interest
02 Recalibrating Gavi 5.0 in the light of COVID -19 and successful replenishment
03 COVAX Facility operationalisation and vaccine programme
04 Review of decisions ? No paper
05 Closing remarks ? No paper

00b Final Agenda pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -3-Doc 00b

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
29-30 September 2 020
Virtual Meeting

Tuesday 29 September : 13.45 -18.00 Geneva Time
Wednesday 30 September : 13.45 -17.00 Geneva Time
Quorum: 14


Next Board Meeting s: 16-17 December 2020, Virt ual
17 -18 Marc h 202 1, TBD (Board Retreat)
23 -24 June 202 1, Geneva
1-2 December 202 1, Geneva

Brenda Killen , Director, Governance and Secretary t o the Board, + 41 22 9 09 6 680, bkillen
Jo anne Goetz , Hea d, Govern ance, + 41 22 909 6544,

Please note that the Board meeting will be recorded. This recording will be use d as an aid to minute the meeting .
A transcr iptio n of the full proceedings will not norma lly be ma de. Shou ld a transcription be made it wil l be us ed
only as an aid to minute the meeting .

Boar d-2020 -Mtg-5-Doc 00b 2

Board Meeting - DAY ONE ? Tuesday , 29 September 2020

Item Sub ject Action Schedule

Board mem bers dial into virtual meeting 13.45 -14.00
Closed s ession fo r Board members and Alternate Board
members only
14.00 -14.30
1 Chair?s report
? Declarations of interest
Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala, Board Chair
14.30 -14.45
2 Reca librating Gavi 5. 0 in the light of COVID -19 and
successful replenishment
Anuradha Gupta, Deputy C EO
DECISION 14.45 -18.00

Board Meeting ? DAY TWO ? Wednesda y, 30 September 20 20

Item Subject Action Schedule
Board mem bers dial into virtual meeti ng 13.4 5-14.00
3 COVAX Facility operationalisation and vaccine programme
Seth Berkley, Chief Exe cutive Officer
Includes covering the following:
? Funding arrangements
? Financia l operating model and financial risk exposure
? Governance
? COVID -19 vaccine delivery in AMC countries
DECISION 14.00 -16.45
4 Review o f decis io ns
Brenda Killen , Director, Govern ance
16.45 -16.55
5 Closing remarks
Ngozi Okonjo -Iwea la, Board C hai r
16.55 -17.00

01a Board Declarations of Interest pdf

Bo ard -2020 -Mt g-5-Doc 0 1a

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
29 -30 September 2020
Virtual Meeting
Quorum: 1 4
Declarations of Interest

Section 5.5 of the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Governance Bodies states ?Members
involved in decisio n-makin g processes on b ehalf of Gavi must take appropriate action to
ensure disclosure of Interests and Conflicts of Inter est, and take the necessary action in
respect thereof.?
Section 6.2 of the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Governance Bodies further states , ?T he duty
to d isclo se [in 6.1 above] is a continuing obligation. This means that Members are obliged to
disclose any Interests and/or Conflict of Interest, whenever the Member comes to know the
relevant matter.?
The following declarations were made b y me mbers of the Boar d on their most recent annual
Board members:
Member Org anisational Interest s

Financial/Personal/Advisor Int /
Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala , Chair None
Board Member, Twitter; Boar d
Member, Standard Chartered
Bank; Board Chair, African Risk
Capac ity ; Co -Chair, The Global
Commission on the Economy and
Climate; Co -Chair, Lumos; Fellow,
Harvard; Non -resident Fellow,
Brookings; Board Member,
Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace; 1 of the 4
Envoys, AU Special Envoy for
COVID -19; Board Member , The B-
Te am; Board Member, Asia
Infrastructure Investment Bank;
Board Member, International
Advisory Board ? Japan
International Cooperation Agency
(JICA); Board Chair, African
University of Sci ence and
Technology; Member, IMF
External Advisory Group; Mem ber,
Eco no mic Advisory Council for
South African President Cyril
Ramaphosa ; WHO Special Envoy,
Access to COVID -19 Tools (ACT)
Accelerator ;
Gavi -appointed special adviser

02 Recalibrating Gavi 5.0 in light of COVID 19 and successful replenishment pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 02

Section A: Executive Summary
The COVID -19 pandemic ha s triggered an unprecedented crisis , calling for an
equally exceptional response . At the Global Vaccine Summit in June 2020, in a
remarkable show of solidarity, global leaders came together to support the Alliance
and its mission for 2021 -20 25. The successful replenishment provides Gavi with
an opportunity to bolster support for its ambitious equity agenda, mitigate the
impact of the COVID -19 pandemic on immunisation, sustain hard won gains and
scale up smart investments in improv ing the quality, efficiency, effectiveness and
sustainability of immunisation delivery systems. Given the profound, multi -
faceted impacts of COVID -19 and in light of the successful replenishment , it
is opportune for the Alliance to tak e stock and re -examin e the objectives for
Gavi 5.0.
Questions this paper addresses
? What key shifts in Gavi 5.0 priorit ies does the Alliance envisage in the
context of COVID -19 and the successful replenishment?
? What are the implications for Gavi?s programmatic focus ?
? What are the resource implications ?
While leaving no one behind with immunisation and Gavi?s strategic goals
and objectives for 2021 -20 25 are more relevant than ever , the following
recalibrated priorities will require urgent action :
1. Maintaining, restoring and strengthening immunisation services:
Given the COVID -19 pandemic has caused widespread disruption of
immunisation services in Gavi supported countries, a key priority of the
Alliance will now be to support countries in adapt ing services to operate
safely in the context of the pandemic , restor ing previous levels of
immunisation coverage and catch ing up on children missed due to the
breakdown of services . In doing so, there is an opportunity to ?build back
better ? with efficient, integrat ed and sustainable approaches.
2. Reaching zero -dose children and missed communities : Gavi ?s
ambitious equity agenda has become even more urgent as COVID -19
Agenda item: 02
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
29 -30 September 20 20

02 Annex A Zero dose best practices pdf

Report to Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 02 Annex A
Annex A: Zero -dose & equity approach to immunisation: best practices
Pakistan: Precise identification of zero -dose children supported by data integration
and triangulation
? Pakistan has the 4 th highest number of zero -dose children (0.8m) in Gavi
supported countries after Nigeria, India and Indonesia 1. Identifying where the
highest number of these missed children are located and knowing why they
have been missed is a key step in reaching these c hildren through Primary
Health Care (PHC) services. Sub -national data analyses including triangulation
of data to support identification of areas with higher immunity gap and/or with
immunisation services gap. In some specific context like in pivotal count ries or
during preparation of Full Portfolio Planning, identification steps could be more
granular. Triangulation of population data from polio line listing has started
to bear fruit. Most of the electronic immunization registries (EIR) are not suited
to i dentify zero -dose children as only children who have been at least once in
contact with immunisation services are registered. To address this issue,
Pakistan used Alliance support during polio campaigns in 2019 to identify
children who have never being vac cinated in routine immunisation, to line -list
them and integrate them into Zindagi Mehfooz (ZM), the EIR solution used in
Sindh province. This was designed to solve two problems: (1) identifying zero -
dose children missed by routine immunisation; and (2) un derstanding which
children are missed by polio campaign efforts. For the first use case, analyses
showed not only pockets of zero -dose children but also the underlying reasons
for non -vaccination (e.g. ZM captures data relating to vaccinator compliance
wh ich is critical to identifying supply -related issues in the Pakistan context).
? To demonstrate the second use case, in 2019, the line list of children lost to
follow -up for polio was compared to the registry of surviving infants captured by
ZM. As this ana lysis is quite complex and requires advanced data integration
skills (which are costly), a proof of concept focused on a single Union Council
was generated. Results showed that 11% of children lost to the polio
programme, had in fact been reached through r outine immunization activities.
While these approaches require significant investment, they demonstrate how
innovation can help identify children who are otherwise missed by traditional
data systems.
South Sudan: partnership with International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and
Health Pool Fund (HPF) to accelerate vaccination coverage and reach missed
? Gavi entered a partnership with IOM South Sudan in October 2019, with an
aim to support RI through, (1) 20 high priority health facilities in a nd around
Protection of Civilian (POC) sites and (2) provision of immunisation services at
a few specific nutrition treatment centres where mothers regularly access
supplementary nutrition or therapeutic food. A pilot conducted in 5 counties of
former Unit y state (Rubkhona, Mayom, Leer, Mayendit & Panyijar) between
2016 and 2018 showed that almost 50% of children vaccinated with Penta3
received their vaccination from Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP)
1 WUENIC (2020)

03 COVAX Facility Operationalisation and Vaccine Programme pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 03

Section A: Summary
In July 2020 , the Gavi Board approved Gavi as the legal entity to administer the
COVAX Facility (the ? Facility ?), a global mechanism to pool resources and demand
for COVID -19 vaccines with the goal of accelerating the availability of and equitable
access to safe and e fficacious vaccines. The Board also approved the
establishment of the Gavi COVAX AMC (the ? COVAX AMC ?), a financing
mechanism to accelerate and reserve COVID -19 vaccines to ensure that low
income and lower middle -income economies, as well as other IDA -elig ible
economies , have access to COVID -19 vaccines at the same time as wealthier
economies .
The COVAX Facility will have global participation of over 170 economies
representing over 70% of the world?s population. As this paper is being written,
self -financi ng economies have begun to provide their legally binding agreements
which include upfront funding to reserve doses with manufacturers now. This will
allow the Facility to build an actively managed portfolio of 10 -15 vaccine candidates
based upon diverse technologies and geographies to maximise the chance of a
successful outcome and accelerate access with up to two billion doses by end of
2021. The COV AX Facility will shape the vaccine market to expand supply and
achieve economies of scale through aggregating demand and increasing
availability simultaneously in developed and developing countries.
Without a successful COVAX Facility there is a very real risk that lower income
countries will be left behind, and the majority of people in the world will go
unprotected. This would allow the virus and the pandemic to continue unabated
and continue to disrupt the global economy as well as Gavi ?s core mission . The
Gavi Secretariat, including the Office of the COVAX Facility , under the guidance of
the Board, must find the right balance to safe guard the reputation and finances of
the Alliance and successfully deliver on the promise of the Facility. To this end, the
COVAX Facility is designed to ensure the procurement and governance needs of
both Self -Financing Participants (?SFP?) and 92 COVAX AMC -eligible economies
(?AMC92?) are adequately addressed whilst minimising risks to Gavi core
resources and programmes.

Agenda item: 03
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
29 -30 September 2020

03 Annex A Implications Anticipated impact pdf

Report to the Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 03-Annex A

Annex A: Implications/Anticipated impact
Risk implication and mitigation, including information on the risks of inaction
? Risks associated with the Facility are set out in the paper.
Impact on countries
? The failure of the Facility to provide up to 2 billion doses of COVID -19
vaccines by the end to 2021 will impact equitable access to COVID -19
vaccines, in particular for low -income economies.
Impact on Alliance
? The full Alliance is invested in the success of the COVAX Facility and
COVAX AMC, with Gavi also seeking secondments to ensure that it is fully
leveraging the expertise from across Alliance partners and stakeholders.
Legal and governance implications
? Gavi, as the legal entity of the Facility, will enter into the commitments with
Participants of the Facility and manufacturers and will ultimately bear any
exposure whether financial, programmatic or reputational.
? In addit ion, Gavi must ensure that the administration of the Facility is in
accordance with the decision of the July meeting of the Board to that Gavi
would leverage current governance bodies as well as develop new
decision -making bodies to provide inclusive, tran sparent leadership of the
COVAX Facility and COVAX AMC, and prohibiting Gavi from entering into
commitments with manufacturers relating to SFPs which are not fully
secured by committed resources from the Participants , with appropriate
financial backing for such commitment, as assessed by the MSDC.

03 Annex B ToRs of the COVAX Shareholders Council pdf

Doc 03 ? Annex B

Classified as Internal

September 2020
1. Purpose
The COVAX Facility Shareholders Council (?the Council?) is established by the Board
(?Board?) of the Gavi Alliance (?Gavi?) to convene Self -Financing Participants of the COVAX
Facility with the aim of providing strategic guidance and advice to the Office of the COVAX
Facility (?the Office?) on t he operational aspects of the COVAX Facility .
The Council is not deemed to be a committee of the Board in that its primary role is essentially
an advisory function as contemplated under Article 20 of the Statues. It is empowered by the
Board to undertake t he responsibilities outlined in these terms of reference.
2. Membership
Membership of the COVAX Shareholders Council is open to all Self -Financing Participants of
the COVAX Facility.
A. Composition and size
Each Self -Financing Participant may appoint one formal representative to the Council. All
members are treated equally in terms of membership, rights and privileges .
B. Competencies and skills
Council representatives should be empowered to represent their gov ernment?s policies and
priorities, and reach agreements on their behalf. Members are expected to be willing and able
to dedicate sufficient time to fulfil Council roles and responsibilities. All members are
expected to act in a manner consistent with the Facility?s goals.
The criteria for Council membership shall be consistent with Gavi?s guiding principles on
gender for Board and Board Committee nominations and Gavi?s Conflicts of Interest Policy for
Governance Bodies.
COVAX Facility Co -Chairs shall be selected from among Council members . The Co -Chairs
should normally comprise one Co -Chair from a high -income economy and one fro m an upper -
middle income economy .

03 Annex C COVAX Shareholders Council Draft Operating Procedures pdf

Doc 03 ? Annex C

Classified as Internal

September 2020
The se Operating Procedures apply to the COVAX Facility Shareholders Council (? the Council?) and
should be ready with the Council?s Terms of Reference w hich define Council membership,
authority and responsibilities .

1 Appointment Process ? Council and Executive Committee
1.1 To be discussed at the Inaugural meeting of the Council
2 Co-Chairs
2.1 To be discussed at the Inaugural meeting of the Council
3 Resignation, replacement and vacancies
2.1 To be discussed at the Inaugural meeting of the Council
Council Meetings

3 Meeting s of the Council
3.1 The Council shall meet as often as necessary, and at least four times per year. Council
Members are expected to participate fully in all meetings of the Council unless
extraordinary circumstances prevent attendance.
3.2 A meeting of the Council can be call ed by either of the Co -Chairs , or by the Secretary 1 at
the direction of either of the Co -Chairs, or at the request of at least ten Council Members.
Notice of any meeting shall be given in accordance with Section 4.

1 From the Office of the COVAX Facility

03 Annex D ToRs of the COVAX Shareholders Council ExCom pdf

Doc 03 ? Annex D

Classified as Internal

September 2020
1. Purpose
The COVAX Facility Shareholders Council Executive Committee (?ExCom?) is established by
the Shareholders Council (? the Council?) to prepare and guide its discussions. It is empowered
by the Council to undertake the responsibilities outlined in these terms of reference.
2. Membership
Members will be appointed to the ExCom on a constituency basis, through a nomination and
sele ction process overseen by the Council.
A. Composition and size
ExCom will comprise 12 members plus two Co-Chairs .
Only Council Members may be ExCom Members.
Members will be chose n to represent constituencies as determined by the Council 1.
B. Competencies and skills
ExCom Members must be able to represent their constituency?s priorities and reach
agreements with other ExCom Members on their behalf. M embers are expected to be willing
and able to dedicate sufficient time to engage their constituency and reach positions ahead of
ExCom meetings. All members are expected to act in a manner consistent with the Facility?s
The criteria for ExCom Member ship shall be consistent with Gavi?s guiding principles on
gender for Board and Board Committee nominations and Gavi?s Conflicts of Interest Policy for
Governance Bodies.
The ExCom will be Co -Chair ed by the Council Co -Chair s.

1 For example, should Shareholders agree to be organised according to WHO constituencies, each
constituency might nominate two members to the Executive Committee.

03 Annex E ToRs of the COVAX AMC Engagement Group pdf

Doc 03 ? Annex E

Classified as Internal
September 2020
1. Purpose
The COVAX Facility Advance Market Commitment (?AMC?) Engagement Group (?the AMC
Group ?) is established by the Board (?Board?) of the Gavi Alliance (?Gavi?) to convene
representatives from implementing countries, donors and other parties engaged in the
financing and operation of the AMC portion of the Facility , with the aim of providing st rategic
guidance and advice to the Office of the COVAX Facility (?the Office?) on the operational
aspects of the COVAX Facility .
The AMC Group i s not deemed to be a committee of the Board in that its primary role is
essentially an advisory function as cont emplated under Article 20 of the Statues. It is
empowered by the Board to undertake the responsibilities outlined in these terms of
2. Membership
Membership of t he AMC Group will be open to representatives of implementing countries,
donors and other parties engaged in the financing and operation of the AMC portion of the
Facility .
A. Composition and size
Given the large number of parties engaged in the AMC, it is expected that the AMC Group will
normally meet as a representative group, drawing on Gavi Implementing Country Board
members, representatives of the non -Gavi AMC countries, and other relevant Board members.
All members are treated equally in terms of membership, rights and privileges .
B. Competencies and skills
All members are expected t o act in a manner consistent with the Facility?s goals.
The criteria for AMC Group membership shall be consistent with Gavi?s guiding principles on
gender for Board and Board Committee nominations and Gavi?s Conflicts of Interest Policy for
Governance Bodies.
AMC Group Co -Chairs shall be selected from among its members . The Co -Chairs sh ould
normally comprise one Co -Chair from a n AMC donor and one fro m an AMC funded
participant .
The Co -Chairs of the Council shall:
o Plan, lead and facilitate the conduct of AMC Group meetings;
o Facilitate and summarise discussions objectively and with clari ty seeking to gain
consensus and exert authority when necessary;

03 Annex F ToRs of the COVAX AMC Stakeholders Group pdf

Doc 03 ? Annex F

Classified as Internal

September 2020
1. Purpose
The Gavi COVID -19 vaccine (?COVAX?) Advance Market Commitment (?AMC?) Stakeholders
Group is established by the Board of the Gavi Alliance (?Gavi?) to convene the AMC
Stakeholders with the aims of performing the functions as set out in the Stakeholders
Agreement and receiving information about the AMC from the Gavi Secretariat. These aims
are in support of the objective of the AMC, which is to reduce the impact of C OVID -19 within
AMC eligible economies by accelerating the introduction and scale up of vaccines that protect
against COVID -19.
2. Membership
The following shall be members of the Stakeholders Group:
o Founding members of the PCV AMC and which decide to transfer their surplus funds from
the PCV AMC to the AMC;
o Countries entering into AMC Grant Agreements for more than US$10 million;
o Private and/or not -for -profit donors entering into AMC Grant Agreement s for more than
US$ 10 million;
o Multilateral development banks providing support to the AMC
The COVAX Facility Procurement Coordinator and PAHO will also be invited to attend the
Stakeholders Group as observers.
A. Composition and size
Each Member may appoint one formal representative to the Stakeholders Group. All
members are treated equally in terms of membership, rights and privileges .
B. Competencies and skills
Stakeholders Group representatives should be empowered to represent their government?s
or o rganisation?s policies and priorities, and reach agreements on their behalf. M embers are
expected to be willing and able to dedicate sufficient time to fulfil Stakeholders Group roles
and responsibilities. All members are expected to act in a manner cons istent with the
Facility?s goals.
The criteria for Stakeholders Group membership shall be consistent with Gavi?s guiding
principles on gender for Board and Board Committee nominations and Gavi?s Conflicts of
Interest Policy for Governance Bodies.

03 Annex G ToRs of the COVAX Facility Consensus Group pdf

Doc 03 ? Annex G

Classified as Internal

September 2020

1. Purpose
The COVAX Facility Consensus Group (? the COVAX Consensus Group?) is established by the Board
of the G avi Alliance (?Gavi?) to support effective operation of the COVAX Facility (? the F acility?)
through consensus -based decision -making .
2. Membership
The COVAX Consensus Group shall comprise the Chair and Vice Chair of the Gavi Board; the Co -
Chairs of the COVAX Shareholders Council; the Co -Chairs of th e COVAX AMC Engagement Group ;
and ? in an ex -officio , non -voting, capacity - the three leads of the ACT -Accelerator vaccine pillar,
namely the CEO of Gavi , the CEO of CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) and
the Chief Scientist of WHO .
The COVAX Consensus Group shall be chaired by the Gavi Board Chair.
The work of the COVAX Consensus Group will be supported by a Secretary from the Office of the
COVAX Facility.
3. Authority
The COVAX Consensus Group serves as a platform to reach consensus within the Facility on
matters arising where all other possible avenues to resolve the matters have been exhausted .
It will have reasonable access to information, gover nance bodies, personnel, and relevant other
parties within the Facility, as well as external expertise, as required to achieve consensus .
Decisions reached by the COVAX Consensus Group are final.
4. Responsibilities
The COVAX Consensus Group is responsible to ensure that any disputes or challenges arising in
the governance bodies of the Facility can be addressed swiftly and in the best interests of the aims
of the Facility.

03 Annex H ToRs of the Independent Product Group pdf

Doc 03 ? Annex H

Classified as Internal

September 2020

1. Pur pos e
The Independent Product Group (?IPG?) is established to make recommendations to the Office
of the COVAX Facility on the inclusion of vaccines in the COVAX Facility, regularly review the
COVAX Facility portfolio for balance and review updates on timing and availability of doses and
consider any implications for the COVAX Facility portfolio.
The IPG is not deemed to be a committee of the Board in that its primary role is essentially an
advisory function as contemplated under Article 20 of the Statues. As outlined in these Terms of
Reference the IPG does not have decision -making powers. The aim of the IPG review process is
to make a recomm endation to the Office of the COVAX Facility on vaccine candidate
prioritisation and portfolio balance. Once the Office of the COVAX Facility has negotiated the
ensuing deal terms, taking into consideration independent technical advice from the
Procurement Reference Group (PRG), the deal is then considered by the Market Sensitive
Decisions Committee.
Words and expressions used in this Terms of Reference shall, unless the context requires
otherwise, have the meaning attributed to them in the Board and Commit tee Operating
2. Membership
The membership, resources, responsibilities and authorities of the IPG to perform its role
effectively is stipulated in th ese Terms of Reference which may be amended as an d when
required or deemed necessary.
A. Compositio n and size
The composition of the IPG shall allow it to function efficiently and effectively in fulfilling its
functions and responsibilities. The composition of the IPG is intended to comprise individuals
suitably competent in the affairs and issues falli ng within the Terms of Reference so as to be
able to provide the Office of the COVAX Facility with sound advice on matters set out in this
Terms of Reference.
The IPG shall comprise not less than five persons and no more than fifteen comprising members
and observers. A majority of the IPG members shall comprise independent scientific and

04 Review of decisions No paper pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 04
Report to the Board
29 -30 September 20 20

Agenda item: 04
No paper

05 Closing remarks No paper pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 05
Report to the Board
29 -30 September 20 20

Agenda item: 05
No paper

Board presentations

03 COVAX Facility CEO presentation pdf

Classified as Internal
Sept 30 Extraordinary Board
COVAX Facility
Seth Berkley, CEO
Board meeting
29 -30 September 2020
Classified as Internal
COVAX Facility
latest sign -up
Update: SEPT 30
76 higher income economies have now joined the COVAX Facility covering >1 B
people with 47 individual commitments + 29 from ?Team Europe?
Combined with AMC92, this means a total of 168 economies , representing nearly two -
thirds of the global population , are now committed to or eligible to receive vaccines
through the Facility
A further 25 economies still indicating they will sign on as soon as they can = up to 193
Current SFP volume is 444M and it is expected to increase by ~35% with the added
subscription, reaching a total of 601 M doses
With 92 AMC economies representing 3.9 B people, COVAX Facility could provide for
5.8 B people and a total volume of 1.7 B doses
Last updated: 10 Feb 2022

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