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01a Board Declarations of Interest pdf
02 Recalibrating Gavi 5.0 in light of COVID 19 and successful replenishment pdf
Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 02
Section A: Executive Summary
The COVID -19 pandemic ha s triggered an unprecedented crisis , calling for an
equally exceptional response . At the Global Vaccine Summit in June 2020, in a
remarkable show of solidarity, global leaders came together to support the Alliance
and its mission for 2021 -20 25. The successful replenishment provides Gavi with
an opportunity to bolster support for its ambitious equity agenda, mitigate the
impact of the COVID -19 pandemic on immunisation, sustain hard won gains and
scale up smart investments in improv ing the quality, efficiency, effectiveness and
sustainability of immunisation delivery systems. Given the profound, multi -
faceted impacts of COVID -19 and in light of the successful replenishment , it
is opportune for the Alliance to tak e stock and re -examin e the objectives for
Gavi 5.0.
Questions this paper addresses
? What key shifts in Gavi 5.0 priorit ies does the Alliance envisage in the
context of COVID -19 and the successful replenishment?
? What are the implications for Gavi?s programmatic focus ?
? What are the resource implications ?
While leaving no one behind with immunisation and Gavi?s strategic goals
and objectives for 2021 -20 25 are more relevant than ever , the following
recalibrated priorities will require urgent action :
1. Maintaining, restoring and strengthening immunisation services:
Given the COVID -19 pandemic has caused widespread disruption of
immunisation services in Gavi supported countries, a key priority of the
Alliance will now be to support countries in adapt ing services to operate
safely in the context of the pandemic , restor ing previous levels of
immunisation coverage and catch ing up on children missed due to the
breakdown of services . In doing so, there is an opportunity to ?build back
better ? with efficient, integrat ed and sustainable approaches.
2. Reaching zero -dose children and missed communities : Gavi ?s
ambitious equity agenda has become even more urgent as COVID -19
Agenda item: 02
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
29 -30 September 20 20
02 Annex A Zero dose best practices pdf
03 COVAX Facility Operationalisation and Vaccine Programme pdf
Board -2020 -Mtg -5-Doc 03
Section A: Summary
In July 2020 , the Gavi Board approved Gavi as the legal entity to administer the
COVAX Facility (the ? Facility ?), a global mechanism to pool resources and demand
for COVID -19 vaccines with the goal of accelerating the availability of and equitable
access to safe and e fficacious vaccines. The Board also approved the
establishment of the Gavi COVAX AMC (the ? COVAX AMC ?), a financing
mechanism to accelerate and reserve COVID -19 vaccines to ensure that low
income and lower middle -income economies, as well as other IDA -elig ible
economies , have access to COVID -19 vaccines at the same time as wealthier
economies .
The COVAX Facility will have global participation of over 170 economies
representing over 70% of the world?s population. As this paper is being written,
self -financi ng economies have begun to provide their legally binding agreements
which include upfront funding to reserve doses with manufacturers now. This will
allow the Facility to build an actively managed portfolio of 10 -15 vaccine candidates
based upon diverse technologies and geographies to maximise the chance of a
successful outcome and accelerate access with up to two billion doses by end of
2021. The COV AX Facility will shape the vaccine market to expand supply and
achieve economies of scale through aggregating demand and increasing
availability simultaneously in developed and developing countries.
Without a successful COVAX Facility there is a very real risk that lower income
countries will be left behind, and the majority of people in the world will go
unprotected. This would allow the virus and the pandemic to continue unabated
and continue to disrupt the global economy as well as Gavi ?s core mission . The
Gavi Secretariat, including the Office of the COVAX Facility , under the guidance of
the Board, must find the right balance to safe guard the reputation and finances of
the Alliance and successfully deliver on the promise of the Facility. To this end, the
COVAX Facility is designed to ensure the procurement and governance needs of
both Self -Financing Participants (?SFP?) and 92 COVAX AMC -eligible economies
(?AMC92?) are adequately addressed whilst minimising risks to Gavi core
resources and programmes.
Agenda item: 03
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
29 -30 September 2020
03 Annex A Implications Anticipated impact pdf
03 Annex B ToRs of the COVAX Shareholders Council pdf
03 Annex C COVAX Shareholders Council Draft Operating Procedures pdf
03 Annex D ToRs of the COVAX Shareholders Council ExCom pdf
03 Annex E ToRs of the COVAX AMC Engagement Group pdf
03 Annex F ToRs of the COVAX AMC Stakeholders Group pdf
03 Annex G ToRs of the COVAX Facility Consensus Group pdf
03 Annex H ToRs of the Independent Product Group pdf
04 Review of decisions No paper pdf
05 Closing remarks No paper pdf
03 COVAX Facility CEO presentation pdf