Countries can apply for pneumococcal vaccine support through the Gavi application procedure
Countries can apply for pneumococcal vaccine support through the Gavi application procedure
Gavi-eligible countries applying for Gavi funding support for the introduction of pneumococcal vaccine need to follow Gavi's standard application procedures.
In addition, in June 2010, the Gavi Board approved the grandfathering of the AMC such that all countries that were eligible for Gavi support at the time of signature of the AMC legal agreements – in June 2009 – are still able to access the Gavi pneumococcal vaccine price at the AMC terms and conditions.
Countries that have transitioned or are no longer eligible for other forms of Gavi support can request access to the Gavi pneumococcal vaccine price using the transitioned countries’ guidelines and price request form available here. As of the start of 2018, these countries are:
Sri Lanka
Timor Leste
It's an excellent example of how innovation and technology together can produce life-saving advances and make them available to people who need them around the world."