An inspiring new collection of art has an unusual goal: to celebrate vaccines, and how they have changed the course of history. The Art of Saving a Life  is being launched in Berlin to coincide with the Gavi Pledging conference.


Alexia Sinclair imagines an 18th century doctor’s surgery to show Edward Jenner’s Smallpox Discovery. © Alexia Sinclair 2014

The collection presents the work of more than 30 world-renowned artists who have taken inspiration from the life-saving efforts of scientists, health workers and parents. 

The collection includes film, literature, photography, music and visual art. It offers the chance to hear, see and feel the tremendous impact of immunisation, and the global effort to protect every child from life-threatening disease.  

Alexia Sinclair imagines an 18th century doctor’s surgery to show Edward Jenner’s Smallpox Discovery.


Behind-the-scenes video:

In Jonas Salk’s Vision, the American photographer Glen Wexler takes inspiration from the scientist Salk’s work to create the polio vaccine.


Other artists tell stories through music, words, animation and film. All take their inspiration from the remarkable stories of vaccines, their creation and the people they protect daily.

Explore the website and learn what has inspired these creative artists to celebrate the scientific magic of vaccines.

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