The Programme and Policy Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities in respect to the programmatic and policy oversight of the Vaccine Alliance.

  • Programme and Policy Committee Charter


Programme & Policy Committee membership

RepresentationCommittee memberPositionTerm Ending
Independent IndividualAnne Schuchat (Chair)Board member31 December 2025
Independent IndividualAwa Marie Coll SeckBoard member30 June 2024
Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationAdrien de ChaisemartinCommittee delegate31 December 2025
World BankMichael Kent RansonBoard alternate31 December 2025
UNICEFEphrem LemangoCommittee delegate31 December 2025
WHOKate O’BrienBoard alternate31 December 2025
Governments – Implementing (Chad)Abdelkadre Mahamat HassaneCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Governments – Implementing (Sri Lanka)Lakshmi SomatungaCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Governments – Implementing (Somalia)Mohamed JamaBoard member31 December 2025
Governments – ImplementingVacant--
Governments – ImplementingVacant--
Governments – Industrialised (EC)Cécile BillauxCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Governments – Industrialised (NL)Hannah HaaijCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Governments – Industrialised (UK)Rob WhitbyCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Governments – Industrialised (US)Pavani RamCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Governments – Industrialised (JP)Hitoshi MurakamiCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Vaccine industry – IndustrialisedJulie HamraCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Vaccine industry – DevelopingRajinder SuriCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Civil society organisationsAnne Marie Mbenge SeyeCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Research & technical health institutesNgashi NgongoCommittee delegate31 December 2025
Gavi CEO (non-voting)Sania NishtarBoard memberUntil successor appointed
N/AHanna NohynekIndependent expert31 December 2025
Last updated: 10 Jul 2024

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