Download final minutes for all Programme and Policy Committee meetings below.


PPC Mtg Minutes 8 November 2017


PPC -2017 -Mtg -04 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
8 November 2017

1. Declarations of Interest

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 15.33 Geneva
time on 8 November 2017 . Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy Committee
(PPC ) Chair, chaired the meeting .

1.2 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee ( Doc 01 in the
Committee pack).


2. Nigeria ? Proposed Principles of Engagement

2.1 Seth Berkley, CEO, introduced this item , recalling that at the PPC meeting on
26 -27 October 2017 the PPC had agreed on a recommendation to submit to the
Board at its meeting in November but had asked to have a further discussion on
the proposed principles of engagement with Nigeria in advance of the Board

2.2 He also recalled that the PPC had agreed that the Board would have a discussion
in closed session on other param eters that would enable t he Secretariat to work
with Alliance partners and other stakeholders to bring back a fully developed
transition plan to the PPC in May and subsequently the Board for approval in June
2018. Such parameters would include information on the proposed timelines for
the transition plan as well as the financial parameters.


? PPC members agreed that the proposed principles were not intended to be too
detailed but to remain quite broad to enable the Secretariat to work with Alliance
Partners on a framework to guide discussions with the Governance of Nigeria
towards the development of a transition plan .

? PPC members noted that it would be important for the Board to record that what
is being proposed for Nigeria is exceptional, taking into account also that the PPC
recommendation to the Board already foresee s that certain policy flexibilities could
be consi dered as part of the transition plan.

? PPC members noted that it is at that time that indicators for monitoring the
implementation of the plan would also be presented and that it would be important


PPC Mtg Final Minutes 26-27 October 2017


PPC -2017 -Mtg -03 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
26 -27 October 2017
Gavi Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09. 00
Geneva time on 26 October 2 017 . Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy
Committee ( PPC ) Chair, chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Chair welcomed participants and in particular the new PPC member , Adar
Poonaw alla.

1.3 The Chair noted that An Vermeersch was joining this meeting as an observer,
pending her formal appointment by the Board as a PPC member to represent the
IFPMA constituency. She would not be taking part in the discussions as Lindsey
Dietschi continued to formally represent the constituency until the end of the

1.4 The Chair informed participants that he had exceptionall y agreed, at the request
of Gavi?s Australian Board member, to allow Sue Graves to observe the meeting
on his behalf. He had also agreed at the request of Jean -Marie Okwo -Bele, who
would be retiring shortly from his position at WHO, to enable Diana Chang B lanc
to accompany him to this meeting as an observer.

1.5 Finally, he indicated that Bernhard Schw ?rtlander and Michel Zaffran from WHO
would join for the session on Polio Transition Planning, along with Mike
McGovern, Chair of the Rotary International Polio Plus Committee and Chair of
the GPEI Transition Management Group (TMG).

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee ( Doc 01a in the
Committee pack).

1.7 The minutes of the 11 -12 May 2017 meeting were tabled to the Committee for
information (Doc 01b in the Committee pack). The minutes had been circulated
and approved by no -objection on 28 July 2017 . He also referred to a
recommendation which had been approved by the PPC by unanimous consent
on 2 June 2017 (Doc 01c in the Committee pack).

1.8 The Chair referred to the PPC workplan (Doc 01 d) and the Action Sheet
(Doc 01e). He reminded Committee members t hat they may contribute to the
workplan by raising issues with either himself or the Secretariat. He noted that


Joint EAC PPC Minutes 25 October 2017


EAC -201 7-Mtg 05 PPC -201 7-Mtg 02

Joint Meeting
Gavi Alliance Evaluation Advisory Committee
G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee
25 October 2017
Gavi Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s Welcome

1.1 The meeting commenced at 14.05 Geneva time on 25 October 2017 . Rob Moodie,
Evaluation Advisory Committee ( EAC ) Chair , and Richard Sezibera, Programme
and Policy Committee ( PPC Chair ), co -chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Co -chair s welcomed participants to this first joint meeting of the EAC and the
PPC and Committee members introduced themselves.

1.3 Seth Berkley, CEO, highlighted the importance of this meeting in the context of the
importance for Gavi of working within a learning and data -drive n culture and
subsequently ensuring that the outcomes of Gavi?s evaluation work are used to
inform the programmatic and policy recommendations being considered by the

1.4 The Co -chairs gave a brief pre sentation on the roles and responsibilities of their
respective Committees as outlined in the ir Committee Charters.

1.5 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc s 01a and 01b
in the meeting pack).


2. Monitoring & Evaluation to drive results in the 2016 -2020 strategy

2.1 The EAC Chair chaired this session.

2.2 Hope Johnson, Director, Monitoring & Evaluation, introduced this item, referring to
Gavi?s 2016 -2020 Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Framework, which comprise s a
number of different tools and strategies with the aim of strengthening
accountability, fostering learning and catalysing data strengthening.

2.3 She provided information on the overall approach which focuses on four areas:
strategy policy and programme dev elopment; planning; implementation and
monitoring; and lessons learnt and course correction .



PPC Decision 2 June 2017

Gavi Alliance
Board and Committee Decisions

PPC -201 7-UC -01

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Decision
2 June 2017

1. Review of PPC Charter

In accordance with article 2.7.3 and 4.8 of the By -Laws, on a unanimous consent basis
the Gavi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee recommended to the Gavi Alliance
Governance Committee that it:

Request the Gavi Alliance Board to approve the revised and updated Committee Charter
for the Programme and Policy Committee .

Mrs Joanne Goetz
Secretary to the Committee


PPC Mtg Minutes 11-12 May 2017


PPC -2017 -Mtg -01 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
11 -12 May 2017
Gavi Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09.0 3
Geneva time on 11 May 2017 . Programme and Policy Committee (PPC)
members agreed that in the absence of Richard Sezibera, PPC Chair, and at his
request, Helen Rees would chair the meeting.

1.2 The Chai r welcomed participants and in particular the new PPC members ,
namely Jean -Francois Pactet and Alejandro Cravioto, the SAGE Chair who was
invited to join the PPC as an independent expert by Dr Sezibera .

1.3 The Chair noted that Abdul Wali Ghayur was joining t his meeting as an observer,
pending his formal appointment by the Board in June as a PPC member. As had
been done in the past for PPC members elect, he would be welcome to take part
in the discussions but would not be in a position to take part in the deci sion
making processes.

1.4 The Chair informed participants that Diana Chang Blanc from WHO would join
for the session on Alliance Update on Country Programmes ; Suvi Rautio f ro m
UNICEF Supply Division wou ld join for the session on the Cold Chain
Optimisation Equipment Platform ; and Michel Zaffran from WHO, would join for
the session on IPV. She noted that Gunilla Carlsson, a member of the Gavi
Alliance Board and the Governance Committee, who served as Chair of the
Governance Committee during the Vice Chair?s l eave of absence, would join for
the session on the review of the PPC Charter. And finally , she informed
participants that David Sidwell, Gavi Alliance Board member and Chair of the
Audit and Finance Committee, would join for the session on the Risk appetit e

1.5 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in the
Committee pack). The Chair reported on her position as Chair of WHO?s
International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on Polio, while noting
that this was not in conflict with her role at the Gavi Alliance.

1.6 The minutes of the 25 -26 October 2016 meeting were tabled to the Committee
for information (Doc 01b in the Committee pack). The minutes had been
circulated and approved by no -objection on 27 February 2017 .




PPC Mtg Minutes 25-26 October 2016


PPC -2016 -Mtg -02 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
25-26 October 2016
Gavi Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09.05 Geneva
time on 25 October 2016. Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy Committee
(PPC) Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed participants and in particular PPC members attending the
meeting for the first time , namely Syed Monjurul Islam and Helen Rees . He also
formally thanked Jean -Marie Okwo -Bele for having stepped in for him to chair the
PPC meeting in Arusha in May, and the PPC members for their understanding of
the circumstances which had prevented him from being able to attend the retreat
and the meeting at that time.

1.3 The Chair noted that Jean -Francois Pactet was joining this meeting as an
observer, pending his formal appointment by the Board in December as both an
Alternate Board Member and a PPC member. As had been done in the past for
PPC membe rs elect, he would be welcome to take part in the discussions but
would not be in a position to take part in the decision making processes. The Chair
also noted that Laura Laughlin, Alternate Board member for the IFPMA
constituency, would be joining the me eting as an observer on Day Two.

1.4 The Chair informed participants that Bolanle Oyeludun, IRC Chair, would join the
meeting for Item 4 and that Sylvie Briand, WHO, would join for Item 8.

1.5 PPC members noted the written comments that had been submitted by
Hon ourable Minister Yolani Batres on behalf of her constituency, and by Rama
Lakshminarayanan on behalf of the World Bank. The Chair also referred to
comments that he had received from Canada and Tanzania.

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in the
Committee pack).

1.7 The note of the 10 May 2016 retreat discussions and the minutes of the 12 -13 May
2016 meeting were tabled to the Committee for information (Doc 01b and Doc 01c
in the Committee pack). The minutes had been circu lated and approved by no -
objection on 3 August 2015.

1.8 The Chair referred to the PPC workplan for the next year (Doc 01d) and reminded
Committee members that they may contribute to the workplan by raising issues
with either himself or the Secretariat. He noted that the workplan sets out the


PPC Mtg Final Minutes 12-13 May 2016


PPC -2016 -Mtg -01 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
12 -13 May 2016
Arusha Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09 .03 Arusha
time on 12 May 2016 . Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) members agreed
that in the absence of Richard Sezibera, PPC Chair, and at his request, Jean -
Marie Okwo -Bele would chair the meeting, ex cept for the item on malaria vaccine
pilots which would be chaired by the CEO.

1.2 The Chair welcomed participants and in particular PPC members attending the
meeting for the first time. On behalf of the PPC he extended thanks to Honourable
Minister Ummy Ally Mwalimu, Minister of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children of the Republic of Tanzania for providing support for
the organisation of the field visit which PPC membe rs had participated in the
previous day, through the national and regional EPI teams. He thanked in
particular Dr Dafrossa Lyimo, EPI Manager, without whose valuable help the visit
wo uld not have been a success.

1.3 Standing declarations of interest were tabl ed to the Committee (Doc 01a in the
Committee pack).

1.4 The minutes of the 6 November 2015 and 12 November 2015 m eetings were
tabled to the Committee for information (Doc 01b and Doc 01c in the Committee
pack). Both had been circulated and approved by no -objection on 21 March 2016 .

1.5 The Chair referred to the PPC workplan for the next year (Doc 01 d) and reminded
Committee members that they may contribute to the workplan by raising issues
with ei ther himself or the Secretariat . It was agreed that the Comm ittee would
further discuss the workplan under Item 12 Any Other Business.


2. Update from Secretariat

2.1 Seth Berkley, CEO, started by indicating that during his update he would be
highlighting major programmes and countries where there has been substantial
progress or challenges since the last PPC meeting, as well as recent
developments at the Secretariat. He informed Committee members that a special
write up of the activities of the 2011 -2015 strategic period will be included in the
next annual report.




PPC Mtg Minutes 12 November 2015

PPC -2015 -Mtg -05 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
12 November 201 5

1. Declarations of Interest

1.1 Finding a quorum of Programme and Policy Committee members present, the
meeting commenced at 17.40 Geneva time on 12 November 2015. Richard
Sezibera, Programme and Policy Committee Chair, chaired the meeting. He
thanked the Committee for having accommodate d his late request to reschedule
the meeting.

1.2 Taking into account that a number of Committee members, including himself, were
on the line from countries where the phone connections might not remain stable
throughout the meeting, the Chair proposed that th e PPC agree on a provision to
ensure that decisions could be taken in the absence of a normal quorum for a PPC
meeting, and that should he personally be disconnected from the call Jean -Marie
Okwo -Bele chair the meeting in his absence. PPC members agreed.

1.3 Prior to the Chair joining the call, and in the interest of ensuring sufficient time for
PPC m em bers to discuss the items on the agenda, Seth Berkley, CEO, had made
some introductory comments in relation to the potential role and rationale for Gavi
in the next steps for the RTS,S malaria vaccine.

Decision One

The Gavi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee:

? Agreed , for its meeting on 12 November 2015, pursuant to its Charter, to delegate
on an exceptional basis its authority and duties to a subcommittee comprising at
least six voting members present for the purposes of rea ching decisions at this

? Noted that Jean -Marie Okwo -Bele would chair the meeting, should Richard
Sezibera find himself unable to do so.


2. Update on Malaria Vaccine and o ptions for potential Gavi role in next steps

2.1 Professor Peter Smith, Chair of the Joint Technical Expert Group , provided a brief
overview of the results from the RTS,S vaccine trials and the rationale for the
SAGE/MPAC recommendation for Demonstration Projects with the vaccine He
highlighted that the risk/benefit ration of the vaccine had been found favourable by


PPC Mtg Minutes 7-8 October 2015


PPC -2015 -Mtg -03 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
7-8 October 2015
Gavi Offices, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09 .05 Geneva
time on 7 October 2015 . Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy Committee
Chair, chaired t he meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed participants and in particular Lene Lothe who had recently
been reappointed to the PPC a s the representative for the
Denmark//Netherlands/Norway/Sweden constituency.

1.3 The Chair noted that as Jason Lane would only be able to join the meeting on the
following day , Donal Brown, Board member for the UK/Canada/Ireland
constituency, would join the meeting in his absence as an observer. He also noted
that Laura Laughlin, Alternate Board member for the IFPMA constituency would
be joining the meeting as an observer in the absen ce of Erik Bossan, and that
pending a nomination from UNICEF to replace Jos Vandelaer on the committee,
Henri van den Hombergh would also attend as an observer.

1.4 The Chair informed participants that Bolan le Oyeludun, IRC Chair, would join the
meeting for I tem 3, that Michel Zaffran, WHO, would join for Item 4, and that he
had agreed that the chairs of the Steering Committees who had been involved in
the preparatory work on the items related to measles, direct financial support and
the supply and procurement strategy could join the meeting by phone for the
related discussions.

1.5 Finally, both the Chair and the CEO, welcomed Philip Armstrong, attending his
first PPC meeting as newly appointed Director of Governance and Secretary to
the Board.

1.6 PPC members noted the written comments that had been submitted by Dr Andrei
Usatii on behalf of his constituency. As Zulfiqar Bhutta would be unable to remain
for the second day of the meeting he also shared written input from his
constituency with the Committee.

1.7 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in the
Committee pack).

1.8 The minutes of the 4-6 May 2015 and 21 May 2015 m eetings were tabled to the
Committee for information (Doc 01b and Doc 01c in the Committee pack). Both
had be en circulated and approved by no -objection on 3 August 2015 .



PPC Meeting minutes 21 May 2015

PPC -2015 -Mtg -02 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
21 May 2015

1. Declarations of Interest

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 16.08 Geneva
time on 4 May 2015 . Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy Committee Chair,
and Jean -Marie Okwo -Bele, Alternate Board member and PPC member
representing WHO, co -chaired t he meeting. They referred to a document which
had been sent to the PPC by Minister Kesetebirhan Admasu on behalf of Ghana .

1.2 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in the
Committee pack).


2. Strengthening country transitions out of Gavi support

2.1 Seth Berkley, CEO, briefly introduced this item and Judith Kallenberg, Head of
Policy, provided PPC members with a brief overview of the information presented
to them in the paper for this meeting. They noted that in addition to the d ocument
sent to the PPC on behalf of Ghana, a further document had been sent by the
Secretariat to the PPC following a request for clarifications from a PPC member.


? PPC members agreed on the importan ce of the new policy being rules based in
order to ensure credibility of the Gavi model.

? A number of PPC members expressed support for option 3a (GNI p.c. increase
over 10%) as presented in the paper, while others expressed a preference for
option 3b (GNI p .c. increase over 20%) .

? One member of the PPC proposed, and was supported by other members, that
there should be an additional focus on countries entering graduation much earlier
than expected due to a sudden increase in GNI p.c. caused by rebasing.

? PPC members noted that while countries are supposed to rebase their national
income every five years this does not always happen and it is one of the rea sons
why some countries have recently seen such a sudden increase.

? While some members favour ed looking at increases in GNI p.c. over 20% linked
to rebasing , others showed a preference for increases over 30% (regardless of


PPC Meeting Minutes 4-6 May 2015

PPC -2015 -Mtg -01 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
4-6 May 2015
Gavi Offices, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09.04 Geneva
time on 4 May 2015 . Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy Committee Chair,
chaired t he meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed participants and indicated regret that none of the
representati ves from the Developing Country constituency would be attending the
meeting. PPC members noted the written comments that had been submitted by
Dr Andrei Usatii on behalf of his constituency.

1.3 The Chair noted that Anders Nordstrom, Denmark/Netherlands/Norwa y/Sweden
constituency , was to be replaced as PPC member and that pending a nomination
by his c onstituency he had agreed that A nders Molin attend this meeting as an

1.4 He also noted that Shanelle Hall, Alternate Board member representing UNICEF
and Director of UNICEF Supply Division, would join the meeting by phone for the
discussion on Item 7 Gavi support for access to appropriate pricing for Gavi
graduated countries , and would be in a position to answer any specific questions
there might be on the role of UNICEF Supply Division.

1.5 The Chair also noted that it is foreseen in the PPC Charter that ?Any Board
Member/Alternate who is not a member of the Committee may attend meetings as
an observer ? and that i n this context Laura Laughlin, A lternate Board member for
the IFPMA constituency, would join as an observer on the second day of this
meeting .

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in the
Committee pack).

1.7 The minutes of the October and November 2014 meetings were tabled to the
Committee for information (Doc 01b and Doc 01c in the Committee pack). Both
had been circulated and approved by no -objection on 10 January 2015 and 19
February 2015 respectively .

1.8 The Chair referred to the PPC workplan for the next year (Doc 01 d) and reminded
Committee members that they may contribute to the workplan by raising issues
with either himself or the Secretariat.




PPC Mtg Minutes 10 November 2014

PPC -2014 -Mtg -04 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
10 November 2014

1. Declarations of Interest

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 16.09
Geneva time on 6 November 2014. Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy
Committee Committ ee Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01 in the
Committee pack).


2. Risk Policy

2.1 Seth Berkley, introduced this item, highlighting that the work done on the paper
since the previous meeting of the PPC puts into perspective the overall risk
activities which are going on within the Secretariat. He informed PPC members
that the Board, at its meeting in December 2014, will also be considering a paper
on proposed changes to strengthen fiduciary oversight which has been reviewed
by the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC).

2.2 Robert Newman, Managing Director, Policy and Performance, and Judith
Kallenberg, Head, Policy, updated PPC members on the changes that had been
incorporated into the proposed risk policy, following discussions at the October
2014 PPC meeting. The proposed policy provides an overarching framework for
a risk management approach. While some structures and processes for
implementing this approach are already in place, others will be developed over
the coming months and years.


? PPC members commended the Secretariat on the work which had been done on
this paper since the previous PPC meeting. T hey noted that the purpose and
scope of the policy has been clarified as well as the intent of the risk appetite
statement , which is now included in the annex to the proposed policy.

? PPC members noted that further work will be carried out in 2015 in terms of
defining the roles and responsibilities of partners in managing risk for the
Alliance .


PPC Mtg Minutes 7-8 October 2014

PPC -2014 -Mtg -02 1

G avi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
7-8 October 2014
Gavi Offices, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 08.55
Geneva time on 7 October 2014. Richard Sezibera, Programme and Policy
Committee Chair, chaired t he meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed Minister Andrei Usatii and Erik Bossan, both attending a
PP C meeting for the first time, as well as observers Miriam Diallo, Ross Leach,
Michel Zaffran and Violaine Mitchell.

1.3 The Chair noted that Steve Landry, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, would not
be able to attend this meeting and that he was to be replaced both as Alternate
Board member and PPC member. The Chair conveyed, on behalf of the
Committee, thanks to Mr Landry for his dedication to the PPC, and to Gavi, over
the years. He highlighted that Mr Landry?s passion and dedication to the Gavi
mission and h is support and insight in relation to the huge number of important
programmatic and policy discussions over the years had been remarkable.

1.4 The Chair also noted that this would be the last PPC meeting for Debbie Adams
as Managing Director, Legal and Govern ance and Secretary to the Board. He
thanked her for her support to the PPC over the years and wished her well in her
future endeavours.

1.5 In the context of a number of comments received in advance of the meeting on
the review of the eligibility, graduation and co -financing policies (Item 6 on the
meeting agenda) the Chair proposed, and members of the Programme and
Policy Committee agreed, that this item would be for infor mation rather than for
decision .

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the C ommittee (Doc 01a in the
Committee pack).

1.7 The minutes of the 9-10 October 2013 and the 12 November 2013 Programme
and Policy Committee meetings were tabled to the Committee for information
(Doc 01b and Doc 01c in the Committee pack). Cop ies of the minutes of the 5 -6
May 2014 meeting were available at the meeting for participants on request. All
minutes had been circulated and approved by no -objection on 19 December
2013, 10 February 2014 and 10 July 2014 respectively .


PPC Mtg Final Minutes 5-6 May 2014


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2

PPC -2014 -Mtg -1 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
5-6 May 2014
GAVI Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09.00
Geneva time on 5 May 2014 . Richard Sezibera , Programme and Policy
Committee Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed Rajinder Suri who was attending a PPC meeting for the
first time and welcomed Robert Newman who had taken up the position as
Managing Director, Policy & Performance, in February 2014 .

1.3 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in
the Committee pack).

1.4 The minutes of the October & November 2013 PPC meetings were tabled to
the Committee (Doc s 01b and 01d in the Committee pack) and the minutes of
the joint meeting with the AFC, also he ld in October 2013 (Doc 01c in the
Committee pack). They had already been circulated and approved by no -
objection on 19 December 2013, 10 February 2014 and 4 April 2014

1.5 The Chair referred to the PPC workplan for 2014 and early 2015 (Doc 01 e)
and reminded Committee members that they may contribute to the workplan
by raising issues with eith er himself or the Secretariat .

1.6 The Chair informed PPC members that Minister Andrei Usatii , Moldova, was
unfortunately unable to attend this meeting but had submitted written
comments which were tabled for Committee members.

1.7 The Chair informed Committee members that he would like to take time at the
beginning of this meeting to have a discussion and get their views on how the
PPC is working. In this context he invited Debbie Adams, Managing Director,
Law and Governance, to review the PPC Charter to highli ght the purpose of
the PPC, as defined in the Charter, and its duties and responsibilities.

1.8 Seth Berkley, CEO, added that in the recently conducted Board and
Committee Self -Evaluation there was a good understanding of what the PPC
did and its role. One of the concerns highlighted in the self -evaluation is that a
large part of the agenda for Board meetings is taken up with information



PPC Mtg Minutes 12 November 2013


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2

PPC -2013 -Mtg -3 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
12 November 2013


1. GAVI engagement with graduating countries

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 16.05
Geneva time on 12 November 2013 . Richard Sezibera , Programme and
Policy Committee Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 The Chair reminded PPC members that he had convened this meeting due to
con cerns raised since the October PPC meeting in relation to the
recommendation on GAVI engagement with graduating countries which
excluded countries that are currently on the graduating track from accessing
the same support as those entering the graduation t rack after 31 December

1.3 Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes , outlined the
proposed revisions to the October PPC recommendation.


? PPC members agreed that they had not had sufficient time to discuss this
item at their October meeting and appreciated the Chair?s initiative to convene
this additional meeting.

? PPC members noted that some of the more detailed information provided in
the paper prepared for the November Board meeting was not in the paper for
the October PPC meeting . The Secretariat clarified that it was not new
information but was contained in the background information which had bee n
put on myGAVI for PPC members in advance of the October meeting.

? PPC members noted that in relation to the recommendation ma de by them at
their October meeting points a) and c) were new in the proposed revised
recommendation and b) was simply a rewording for clarification purposes.

? The PPC noted that the Secretariat does not require additional resources to
manage the new gran ts which may be awarded to countries and that the
workload will be managed jointly by the Country Responsible Officers and the
HSS team within the GAVI Secretariat and WHO colleagues.



JOINT AFC PPC Mtg Minutes 10 October 2013


AFC -2013 -Mtg -4a 1 PPC -2013 -Mtg -2a

GAVI Alliance Audit and Finance Committee &
Programme and Policy Committee Joint Meeting
10 October 2013
Geneva, Switzerland/Washington, DC, USA


Chair?s report 1
1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 16.00
Geneva time on 10 October 2013. Wayne Berson, Audit and Finance
Committee Chair, chaired the meeting by phone from Washington .
1.2 Wayne Berson and Richard Sezibera , Programme and Policy Committee
Chair, welcomed participants to the joint meeting . Standing declarations of
interest for both committees were tabled to all participants. (Docs 01a an d
01b in the pack distributed to each committee ). Dirk Gehl, Audit and
Finance Committee delegate, noted that he recently accepted an
appointment to join the Secretariat but had not yet started. Wayne Berson
noted he had agreed prior to the meeting that Dirk Gehl could attend the
entire meeting.
Business plan & budget 2013 -2014 2
2.1 In 2012, the Board approved a two -year business plan and budget
including annual deliverables, activities, and budgets for 2013 and 2014
for all GAVI implementing p artners and for the Secretariat (Doc 2). Based
on experience to date, including pr ogress against the deliverables, a
deepened understanding of the challenges and evolving risks in 2013 ,
Helen Evans, Deputy CEO, proposed some slight adjustments in order to
achieve the programme objectives and yearly deliverables approved in
2012. These a djustments have been made in close consultation with
funded partners. Barry Greene, Managing Director of Finance and
Operations, highlighted the key budgetary aspects of the proposal.
? Committee members observed a modest decrease in the forecast for
programme expenditures for 2014 , compared to the corresponding
amount forecast a year ago , due mainl y to updated assumptions on


PPC Mtg Minutes 9-10 October 2013


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2

PPC -2013 -Mtg -2 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
9-10 October 2013
GAVI Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 08.35
Geneva time on 9 October 2013 . Richard Sezibera , Programme and Policy
Committee Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 The Chair expressed that he was delighted to be attending his first mee ting as
Chair of the PPC and how much he looked forward to working with the

1.3 He welcomed new members attending a PPC meeting for the first time as well
as observers , and introduced his Special Adviser, Stephen Karengera .

1.4 Standing declarations o f interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in
the Committee pack).

1.5 The minutes of the April 2013 meeting were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01b
in the Committee pack). They had already been circulated and approved by
no -objection on 9 August 2013 .

1.6 Finally the Chair referred to the PPC workplan for 2014 (Doc 01 c) and
reminded Committee members that they may contribute to the workplan by
raising issues with either himself or the Secretariat.


2. Update from the Secretariat

2.1 Seth Berkley, CEO, ga ve an update from the Secretariat, highlighting that
2013 is a record year for GAVI in terms of vaccine introductions.

2.2 He referred to the Executive Committee meeting which had taken place in
New York on 27 September 2013 and at which the items disc ussed included
the GAVI Strategy 2016 -2020, updates to the business plan for 2014, risk and
risk management and polio and routine immunisation.

2.3 In relation to the GAVI Strategy 2016 -2020 he informed the PPC that based
on the input of the Executive Committee the strategic shifts will be some


PPC Mtg Final Minutes 29-30 April 2013


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2

PPC -2013 -Mtg -1 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
29 -30 April 2013
GAVI Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09.35
Geneva time on 29 April 2013 . Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali, Programme and
Policy Committee Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed new members attending a PPC meeting for the first time .

1.3 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in
the Committee pack).

1.4 The minutes of the October 2012 PPC and the November 2012 Joint
AFC/PPC meeting were tabled to the Committee (Doc s 01b and 01c in the
Committee pack). They had already been circulated and approved by no -
objection on 28 December 2012 and 7 March 2013 respectively .

1.5 The Chair informed the PPC that as he would be leaving his current position
at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in August 2013 he had informe d the
Board Chair and Vice Chair that he would be stepping down as Chair of the
PPC. The Board Chair has asked him to remain in the position until his
successor has been appointed by the Board. It is hoped that the process to be
put in place shortly will e nable this appointment to be made by the Board at its
meeting in June 2013.

1.6 PPC members expressed their appreciation for Dr Gonzalez -Canali ?s work as
Chair of the Committee over the years.


2. Update from the Secretariat

2.1 Seth Berkley, CEO, gave a report from the Secretariat . He set the context by
inform ing the Committee that GAVI, during its first 12 years, had provided
over 1 billion doses of vaccines through 151 launches and for 6 different
product antigens. In 2013 alone GAVI will provide over half a billion doses ,
there will be 47 -60 launches and the introduction of 3 new antigen products.
This is possible due to the unprecedented work of all Alliance partners.




PPC Mtg Final Minutes 16-17 October 2012


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2

PPC -2012 -Mtg -2 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2012
GAVI Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 9.35
Geneva time on 16 October 2012. Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali, Programme and
Policy Committee Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed new members attending a PPC meeting for the first tim e
and noted that this would be Anne Schuchat?s last PPC meeting as she would
be rotating off the Board at the end of the year.

1.3 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in
the Committee pack).

1.4 The minutes of the April 2012 P PC meeting were tabled to the Committee
(Doc 01b in the Committee pack). They had already been circulated and
approved by no -objection on 7 July 2012.

1.5 The Chair reminded the PPC that the Governance Committee will be
conducting a light touch review of the PPC charter and also be looking at its
size and composition.


2. Update from the Secretariat

2.1 Seth Berkley, CEO, gave a report from the Secretariat starting with
information on recent changes in the Secretariat. In this context he introduced
Hind Khatib -Othman, recently appointed to the position of Managing Director,
Country Programmes, and he reminded PPC members of the appointment of
Stefano Malvolti to the recently created position of Director Vaccine
Implementation. Stefano had served on the PP C as a representative of the
vaccine industry and in line with the GAVI Ethics Policy his appointment had
been subject to a waiver from the GAVI Alliance Board Chair.

2.2 The CEO informed the PPC that data quality and measurement continues to
be an issue of concern for the Secretariat. He has therefore, together with US
CDC, UNICEF, WHO and others, called for a high -level summit to ensure that
all partners are focused on the critical goal of improving data quality.


PPC Mtg Final Minutes 16-17 October 2012


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2

PPC -2012 -Mtg -2 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 -17 October 2012
GAVI Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 9.35
Geneva time on 16 October 2012. Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali, Programme and
Policy Committee Chair, chaired the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed new members attending a PPC meeting for the first tim e
and noted that this would be Anne Schuchat?s last PPC meeting as she would
be rotating off the Board at the end of the year.

1.3 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in
the Committee pack).

1.4 The minutes of the April 2012 P PC meeting were tabled to the Committee
(Doc 01b in the Committee pack). They had already been circulated and
approved by no -objection on 7 July 2012.

1.5 The Chair reminded the PPC that the Governance Committee will be
conducting a light touch review of the PPC charter and also be looking at its
size and composition.


2. Update from the Secretariat

2.1 Seth Berkley, CEO, gave a report from the Secretariat starting with
information on recent changes in the Secretariat. In this context he introduced
Hind Khatib -Othman, recently appointed to the position of Managing Director,
Country Programmes, and he reminded PPC members of the appointment of
Stefano Malvolti to the recently created position of Director Vaccine
Implementation. Stefano had served on the PP C as a representative of the
vaccine industry and in line with the GAVI Ethics Policy his appointment had
been subject to a waiver from the GAVI Alliance Board Chair.

2.2 The CEO informed the PPC that data quality and measurement continues to
be an issue of concern for the Secretariat. He has therefore, together with US
CDC, UNICEF, WHO and others, called for a high -level summit to ensure that
all partners are focused on the critical goal of improving data quality.


PPC Mtg Final Minutes 23 -24 April 2012


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
23 -24 April 2012

PPC -2012 -Mtg -1 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
23 -24 April 2012
GAVI Alliance Offices, Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 9. 40
Geneva time on 23 April 2012. Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali , Programme and
Policy Committee Chair , chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Chair welcomed new members attending a PPC meeting for the first time.

1.3 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 01a in
the Committee pack). Anne Schuchat informed the Committee that she would
not vote on the approval of funding under item 9 as a research group from
CDC was involved.

1. 4 The Chair referred briefly to the Board retreat which had been held the
previous week in Oslo, Norway, commenting that there had been useful open
and frank discussion.


2. Update from the Secretariat

2.1 Seth Berkley , CEO, gave a report from the Secretariat highlighting the
discussions at the Board retrea t. The key issue for GAVI during this period is
to deliver on the Strategic Plan 2011 -2015. The discussions during the first
day of the retreat were the beginning of a process on what strategic planning
might look like for the next period. A range of potential options had been
discussed and PPC members were encouraged to read the relevant paper if
they had not yet had a chance to do so. One of the issues which will go to the
Board for a decision in June relates to GAVI?s role in measles immunisation.

2. 2 The CEO reported that during the second day of the retreat McKinsey &
Company had presented their report on the Board self -evaluation. The Board
used this report as the ba sis for a useful discussion on the roles and
responsibilities of the different actors in the GAVI governance structure. The
role and composition of the PPC received particular attention and this and
other issues arising during the discussion will be taken up by the Governance
Committee to take forward to the Board in June and/or December.



PPC Mtg Minutes 2 November 2011


GAVI Alliance Program me and Policy Committee Meeting
2 November 2011

PPC -2011 -Mtg -4 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
2 November 2011


1. Commencement

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 16.06
Geneva time on 2 November 2011. Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali, the Chair
(?Chair?) of the Programme and Policy Committee (?PPC?) , chaired the
meeting .

----- -

2. Business plan and budget

2. 1 The Chair reminded the PPC that in 2010, the Board had approved the strategy
and business plan for 2011 -2015, the budget for 2011, and a provisional
budget for 2012. It was anticipated that as GAVI?s financial picture became
clearer, more details for the 2012 budget would be provided to the Board .

2. 2 The PPC held a high level discussion on 28 -30 September 2011 concerning
adjustments to business plan activity . Next the Audit and Finance Committee
performed a financial review d uring its session on 28 October , inviting PPC
members to attend. Given this additional input , the Audit and Finance
Committee determined that it would be helpful for the full PPC to review the
budget implications as well . It was for this reason, that the PPC Chair called
for thi s PPC meeting.

2. 3 At the outset , the Chair stated that the PPC should no t re -open points upon
which the Board had already agreed in 2010 . He also stated that from his
perspective the current submission did not represent a policy change from
what was pr eviously agreed. W ith regard to the budget , he stated that the
PPC?s role in the business planning process this year was to ensure that the
priority areas were appropriately managed and resourced while the Audit and
Finance Committee would evaluate whethe r the overall budget level was
appropriate and sustainable for GAVI in the current economic environment.

2. 4 Next, Helen Evans, Deputy CEO reviewed the changes to the budget, which
focused on four priority areas as outlined in the pape r.

2. 5 Also , Helen Evans noted that the revised budget compensates for changes in
the foreign exchange rate between the Swiss Franc and the U.S. Dollar.


PPC Mtg Minutes 28 -30 September 2011

GAVI Alliance Program me and Policy Committee Meeting
28 -30 September 2011
PPC -2011 -Mtg -3 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
28 -30 September 2011
Geneva , Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 9.15
Geneva time on 28 September 2011. Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali, the Chair of
the Programme and Policy Committee, chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Chair welcomed Klaus Stohr as a new member to the Comm ittee. He
also welcomed Seth Berkley, GAVI?s new CEO, to his first meeting. He
thanked Helen Evans, Deputy CEO, for her service over the past year as a
Committee member .

1.3 The Chair also mentioned that this would be the final Committee meeting for
Leone Gianturco, Magi d Al -Gunaid, Rama Lakshminarayanan , Nguyen Tran
Hien and Joan Awunyo -Akaba . He thanked the departing members for their
service and commitment to the GAVI Alliance generally and the Committee in
particular .

1.4 In accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy , standing declarations of
interest (Doc #01a) were tabled to the Committee so that any potential
interests in the matters to be discussed could be transparent and addressed
in compliance with t he Policy. The Chair announced, upon advic e from the
Managing Director, Law and Governance, that during the discussion on the
vaccine supply and procurement strategy , representatives of the vaccine
industry would attend the Secretariat?s presentation and be allowed to present
their viewpoints befo re being requested to leave the room for the remainder of
the discussion and any decision to be taken .

1.5 The Chair referred to the minutes of the Committee?s meeting on 9 May 2011
(Doc # 01b) . These minutes were approved by no objection on 15 July 2011
under section of the By -Laws .

1.6 Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance updated the
Committee on ongoing tasks assigned to it and progress to date, including
progress on the partner support task team; questions around the possibilit y for
countries to self -procure vaccines; and review of the vaccine introduction
grant . She also noted that the Secretariat has reviewed the impact on

PPC Minutes 9 May 2011


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting, 9 May 2011 FINAL MINUTES

PPC -2011 -Mtg -2a 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
9 May 2011
Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 9.18 Geneva
time on 9 M arch 2011. Gustavo Gonz alez -Canali, Chair of the Programme and
Policy Committee, opened the meeting and welcomed Leone Gianturco and Anders
Nordstr ?m to their first PPC meeting. He also acknowledged that this would be the
final PPC meeting for Olga Pop ova and thanked her for her work on the Committee.

In accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy (Doc # 01a in the Committee
binder) , standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee so that any
potential interests in the matters to be discussed could be transparent and
addressed in compliance with t he Policy. U pon advice from GAVI?s Legal Counsel ,
the Chair announced that during the vaccine supply and procurement strategy
discussion manufacturer board representatives and UNICEF would be allowed to
hear the presentation and give their viewpoints before being required to leave the
room for the discussion .

The Chair referred to the minutes of the Committee?s meeting on 3 March 2011 (Doc
#01b) and reminded the Committee that the minutes had been approved through the
no -objection voting process and were includ ed for reference purposes only .

The Chair provided an update on the Oslo retreat first thanking the Norwegian
government for hosting the retreat. He highlighte d that the Board discussed
operating pri nciples and how the B oard works with committees. He noted that there
were discussion s on cash -based programmes and market shaping.

Discussion followed:

? The Committee was complimentary of the Secretariat?s continuous efforts to
manage conflicts of interest. Some Committee members however expressed
disagreement with the decision to exclude UNICEF from the full discussion on
the supply and procurement strategy, highlighting UNICEF?s role as a key

? The Secretar iat informed the Committee that there would likely be
adjustments to the committee Workplan (Doc# 01c of the Committee papers ).


PPC Minutes 3-4 March 2011


GAVI Alliance Programm e and Policy Committee Meeting, 3 -4 March 2011 FINAL M INUTES

PPC-2011 -Mtg -1 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
3-4 March 2011
Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 9.15 Geneva
time on 3 March 2011. Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali , Programme and Policy
Committee Chair chaired the meeting.

In accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy, standing declarations of interest
were tabled to the Committee so that any potential interests in the matters to be
discussed could be transparent and addressed in compliance with the Policy. (Doc
#1a in the Committee pack).

The Chair noted that he would enforce a strict policy on attendance of observers,
particularly given the size of the Committee. Observers would generally be
approved only when necessary to provide guidance on a given subject.

T he Committee reviewed the minutes of its meeting on 21-22 October 2010 (Doc
#1b). Helen Rees, who was appointed as an expert advisor to the Committee,
requested her listing in the attendee list to be updated to reflect that she is a non-
voting member participating in her capacity as Chair of SAGE. The Committee
agreed with the request.

Decision One
The GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee moved to:

? Approve

the minutes of its meeting on 21-22 October 2010.

The Committee reviewed the forward workplan of its activity (Doc #1c). The Chair,
with assistance from the Secretariat will keep this document up to date on a rolling
12-month basis. The workplan should help all committee members stay informed
about future agendas and provide input into agendas as needed.

T he Chair provided an overview of decisions taken by the Board during its meeting in
Kigali on 30 November -1 December 2010, noting in particular its choice to revert to
the 50% DTP coverage filter for the next application round only. He also noted
specific requests to the Committee which came out of the Kigali board meeting and
his proposed approach for addressing each of them in due course.



PPC Minutes 21-22 October 2010

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting, 21 -22 October 2010 FINAL MINUTES

PPC -201 0-Mtg -5 1

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
21 -22 October 2010
Geneva, Switzerland


Finding a quorum of members present 1, the meeting commenced at 9.16 Geneva

The Programme and Policy Committee Chair Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali welcomed
Helen Evans in her capacity as Interim GAVI CEO and PPC member, as well as
Helen Rees in her capacity as non -voting expert on the Committee. He also
introduced Debbie Adams to the C ommittee in her capacity as incoming Managing
Director of Legal and Governance, and expressed regret that Nguyen Tran Hien
was unable to join the meeting given his involvement in the Vietnamese
government?s response to the severe flooding that had recentl y occurred there.

The Committee agreed to inform the group, and note for the record any comments on
agenda items for which they may have a conflict of interest. The Chair also noted
that colleagues with such a conflict would be unable to vote on the spec ific issue
were a vote to be called.

The Committee reviewed the minutes of its meeting on 17 -18 May 2010.

Decision One
The GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee moved to :

Approve the minutes from 17 -18 May 2010.

1 Update from the Secretariat
Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance summarised key
activities completed since the May 2010 meeting and the Secretariat?s upcoming
priorities and plans. She reviewed the search processes for both a permanent CEO
and a new Chair of the GAVI Alliance Board and informed the Committee that they
were on track. She also summarised the resource mobilisation efforts for 2010 and
informed the Committee that GAVI had received new commitments from Australia,
Korea and Japan. She thanked the Allian ce Partners, in particular WHO, the Gates
Foundation, the World Bank and UNICEF - for their significant contributions to the
policies before the Committee for discussion. Finally, she provided a high -level
summary of the meeting agenda. Minimal discussion followed and the Committee
went to the next agenda item.
1 Participants are listed in Attachment A.

PPC Minutes 18-19 May 2010

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting, 18 -19 May 2010 FINAL MINUTES


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
18 -19 May 2010
Geneva, Switzerland

Final Minutes

Finding a quorum of members present 1, the meeting commenced at 9.12 Geneva
time. The Programme and Policy Committee Chair Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali
exp ressed his vision to integrate the Committee?s technical discussions with a
strategic perspective to ensure Committee deliberations continue to be evidence
based, but accessible to a wider cross section of people. He asked committee
members to reflect on this issue and that of roles and responsibilities of the

The Chair welcomed Anne Schuchat, board representative for Research and
Technical Health Institutes, to her first in -person Committee meeting.

The Committee reviewed the minutes of its meeting on 17 -18 February, 29 March
and 16 April 2010 (Doc #1 in the committee pack).

The GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee:
Approved the minutes from 17 -18 February, 29 March and 16 April

1 Update from the Secretariat
Nina S chwalbe , Managing Director, Policy and Performance provided a summary of
key activities completed since the prior meeting and updated the Committee on
priorities/plans for the rest of 2010. She detailed Board -level committee meetings,
upcoming events, ong oing evaluations, and other key events for the information of
the Committee. Discussion including the following :

? The Evaluation Advisory Committee is actively providing guidance, advice and
input to the GAVI Phase 2 evaluation team. They are also spearhe ading the
development of the Terms of Reference (TOR?s) for the IFFIm evaluation. It is
hoped that the evaluation team will include a partner from a developing country.

? New AMC agreements have been signed. Provisional agreements were made
with Pfizer and full agreements with GSK. 13 Applications have already been
approved and will be supported through the AMC.

1 Participants are listed in Attachment A.

PPC Minutes 16 April 2010

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting, 16 April 2010 FINAL MINUTES


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
16 April 2010

FINAL Minutes

The teleconference commenced 1 at 15:12 Geneva time on 16 April 2010. Seven
members participated in the call. The PPC Chair decided with the assent of the p resent
PPC members to proceed despite the lack of quorum since the teleconference was
convened for ?guidance? (as opposed to ?decision?). 2 Discussion followed:
1. Introduction to Prioritisation F ramework Elements

The Chair of the PPC provided a brief summary of t he prioritisation work to date and
indicated the three areas where the P rioritisation Task Team (PTT) requests PPC
? Guidance on the principles of the prioritisation mechanism
? Guidance on the objectives of the prioritisation mechanism
? Guidan ce with regard to the criteria and indicators used for prioritisation , and
specifically on the means of measuring the health impact and cost -effectiveness

Th e PTT Chair presented background information, including the composition of the
PTT, the scope of its mandate, and on progress made thus far (Doc #1). Several points
were emphasised :

? Defining which priorities are funded requires definition of the funding constraint.
However, prioritisation should be considered separately from the approach or
decision s about defining the overall funding envelope.

? Data limitations and the short time frame might make it difficult to create an ideal
mechanism. Consequently the PTT is likely to recommend that a pilot
mechanism be developed in the short term, and then eval uated and
strengthened in 2011.
2. Proposed Principles and Objectives

? The mechanism should be a transparent, easily understood, and objective.
Ideally, the next iteration of the mechanism should incorporate experience and
feedback from countries to ensure t he mechanism was sufficiently participatory.
1 Attendees are listed in Attachment A 2 The session was ratified as evidenced by the approval of these minutes during a quoriate session of the Committee
on 18 -19 May 2010.

PPC Minutes 29 March 2010

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting , 29 March 2010 FINAL MINUTES

GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting
29 March 2010

FINAL Minutes

The meeting commenced 1 at 15.07 Geneva time on 29 March 20 10 . The new PPC
Chair, Gustavo Gonzales -Canali is unavailable for the meeting and asked the
outg oing Chair Sissel Hodne Steen to lead the meeting .

1 Presentation of the HSS Paper
In her introductory comments to begin the meeting the Sissel Hodne Steen noted
that th e work being discussed is the result of extensive consultations w ith partners
on the joint platform that dates back to June 2009.
At its November 2009 Meeting the Board asked the PPC to report by April 2010 the
particular points captured in the table on page 6 of the discussion document.
Due to scheduling complications (and after consultation w ith Mary Robinson), the
PPC will be presenting their recommended course of action directly to the Board.
Carole Presern, Managing Director, Special Projects then led the discussion:
? Since the GAVI final document will be issued on 6 April and the Policy an d
Strategy Committee ( PSC ) of The Global Fund to fight AIDS Tuberculosis and
Malaria (GF ATM ) will meet on 15 April the coordination of the two documents
was discussed .
o The two papers followed a common process with consistent themes , and
the GAVI paper in p articular is structured to look like a GFATM paper by
design .
o The significant differences relate to some GAVI -specific issues and the
fact that the GFATM Board will not be in a position to fund the Track 2
Option 2 countries discussed in this paper this ye ar because of their
?rounds? cycle .
o Funding for Track 2 Option 2 countries will depend on IRC/ TRP approval
of programmes .
o On page 14, paragraph s 2.8 and 3.5 contain good descriptions of what the
platform is and is not and should be included in the executiv e summary.
? The role of Civil Society Organisations (CSO?s) in the platform was also
highlighted . CSO engagement is critical to the success of the platform given that
most of the action is being done at country level, and the actors present in
country are all welcome to join the platform.
1 Attendees are listed in Attachment A.

PPC Minutes 17-18 February 2010


GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee Meeting

17-18 February 2010
Geneva, Switzerland

Final Minutes

The meeting commenced 1 at 09.09 Geneva time on 17 February 2010. The PPC will
continue in its present form until the Governance Committee convenes in March, at which
time the membership, including the Chair, will be reconstituted and a new chair appointed.
The Chair summarised the key issues from the November board meeting and noted those
issues requiring follow up by the PPC.

The GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committee:
Approved the minutes of its meetings on:
? 2 February 2009
? 17 February 2009
? 15-16 April 2009
? 4 June 2009
? 1-2 October 2009

1 Update from the Secretariat
Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance provided a summary of key
activities completed since the prior meeting and priorities and plans for 2010 including the
AMC, Board-level committee meetings, upcoming events and ongoing evaluations.
Discussion followed:
? The difference between the PPC and Secretariat Task teams was discussed. For
Secretariat task teams, the Secretariat defines the membership and the terms of
reference. A PPC task team requires PPC approval of membership and TORs. A
request was made for developing country representation on all task teams.
? Industry raised a question on the impact of the eligibility and graduation on the AMC. It
was noted that a meeting was being planned to discuss this with the AMC donors. A
comment was made that it is becoming more difficult to differentiate the subset of AMC
donors from the broader community of GAVI donors. The Secretariat was asked to
share any AMC materials with all donors rather than just the AMC donors.
? The Secretariat clarified that the approved investment cases for Yellow Fever from 2009-
2010 is US$ 44.8 million, for the Meningiti s stockpile from 2009-2013 is $55.1 million and
for the Meningitis A preventative (2009-2010) is $29.5 million. Any further decisions
regarding potential financing for these two vaccines will be determined as part of the
prioritisation process.
1 Attendees are listed in Attachment A.


Final Report PPC Meeting 1-2 October 2009

Programme / Policy Committee Meeting, 1-2 October 2009 Final Report
Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) Meeting
1-2 October 2009


PPC members
Sissel Hodne Steen (Chair), Joan Awunyo-Akaba, George Bickerstaff, Ashutosh Garg, Mickey
Chopra, Majid Al-Gunaid, Suresh Jadhav, Rama Lakshminarayanan, Steve Landry, Susan McKinney,
Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, Olga Popova, David Salisbury (non-voting)

Ondrej Simek
Jos Vandelaer

Helen Evans, Nina Schwalbe, Mercy Ahun, Lisa Jacobs, Gian Gandhi, Carole Presern (for HSS),
Craig Burgess (for HSS), Pooja Mall (for workplan), Joelle Tanguy (for prioritisation and resource
allocation), Ulf Herzer (for prioritisation and resource allocation)

With Regrets
Aldo Tagliabue, John Clemens

1. Eligibility Policies

Eligibility Task Team Chair Rama Lakshminarayanan introduced the topic and GAVI Senior Policy
Programme Manager Gian Gandhi explained to the Committee the process, analysis, conclusions
and recommendations of the Task Team. Discussion followed:

? Members agreed that GAVI needed to improve eligibility policies using simple and transparent
metric that will be updated regularly and available from a third party standardised source that is
comparable across countries, and has good data coverage across countries.
? On the issue of whether GAVI should focus on the poorest countries or the poorest people, the
PPC reinforced their recommendation of June 2009. Some PPC members expressed concern
about the numbers of unimmunised children in countries that may not meet national poverty
indicators but have impoverished regions in which children are being underserved by the health
system. However, in conclusion, members agreed that data at subnational levels is not
sufficiently robust to allow for subnational support by GAVI and it is the responsibility of
governments to allocate adequate resources to health and work towards equity within their own
countries. The PPC recommended that the rationale for this recommendation be well explained
in the paper for the Board.
? The Committee was split quite evenly on the question of whether to raise the GNI threshold for
2011 to US$1500, which adjusts the previous threshold of US$1000 in 2003 for inflation thereby
keeping it constant in real terms; or to raise it to $US2000 which keeps the size of the total birth
cohort largely consistent with the one that exists for the current 72 countries as defined using the
threshold of US$1000 in 2003 terms. Issues of GAVI?s commitment to reach the MDGs and
the potential effects on procurement were discussed.

Final Report PPC meeting 4 June 2009

Programme / Policy Committee Meeting, 4 June 2008 Final Report
Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) Meeting
4 June 2009
Washington, D.C.


Committee Members : Sissel Hodne Steen (Chair), Joan Awunyo Akaba, George Bickerstaff, John
Clemens, Suresh Jadhav, Rama Lakshminarayanan, Steve Landry, Ahmed Magan, Susan McKinney,
Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, Olga Popova, David Salisbury (non-voting), Aldo Tagliabue

Observers: Ondrej Simek, Anahit Tadevosyan

Secretariat: Helen Evans, Nina Schwalbe, Mercy Ahun, Lisa Jacobs, Carole Presern (for HSS),
Craig Burgess (for HSS), Gian Gandhi (for Eligibility), Susie Lee

With regrets: Ashutosh Garg, Majid Al-Gunaid

Introduction and Review of Agenda

The Chair welcomed the Committee and introductions were made. She gave an overview of the
agenda and noted that the Board acknowledged the hard work of the PPC.

1. Board Meeting Review

The Chair requested feedback regarding follow up on items discussed at the Board meeting,
including expected engagement related to the Harmonising Health Systems architecture and funding
(see bullet point 1 below)


? Resource mobilisation strategy : Resource mobilisation will affect the eligibility task
team. This is something the eligibility task team is aware of and it is guiding the team in
eligibility criteria.
GAVI Alliance strategy: Concern was raised around the timeframe in shaping GAVI
Alliance strategy for 2011-2015, which will require considerable engagement from the PPC.
The Secretariat is asked to start examining this. Some process issues regarding the
development of the strategy include allowing enough time for constituency representatives
to obtain feedback from their respective colleagues and aligning priorities with SAGE.
Updates around confidentiality and conflict of interest policy: The Board approved a
conflict of interest policy at its meeting, with which all PPC members need to familiarise
themselves. The Governance Committee is working on a confidentiality policy for
presentation at the November Board meeting.

2. Engagement on Harmonising Health Systems Funding (Carole Presern, Craig
The Chair gave a brief overview of the discussion at the board meeting on HSS and noted GAVI?s
role in the global health architecture and its role in the H8. The Board overall had welcomed the

Final Report of PPC Meeting 15-16 April 2009

Programme / Policy Committee Meeting, 15-16 April 2009 Final Report
Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) Meeting
15-16 April 2009


PPC members
Sissel Hodne Steen (Chair), Joan Awunyo-Akaba, George Bickerstaff, Ashutosh Garg, Majid Al-
Gunaid, Suresh Jadhav, Rama Lakshminarayanan, Steve Landry, Ahmed Magan, Susan McKinney,
Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, Olga Popova, Aldo Tagliabue

Mercy Ahun, Hostencia Esua, Lisa Jacobs, Nina Schwalbe and other attendees as noted in agenda

With Regrets
John Clemens

Reflection on Board Retreat:
The Chair gave an overview of the Board retreat and summarized points relevant to the PPC on data
and immunization support services (ISS), future challenges, co-financing, partnership, the funding
model and eligibility.

? Regarding co-financing, GAVI should consider their ?exit strategy? and the need for further
vaccine price reduction to facilitate country ownership. GAVI should also put pressure on
countries with potential ability to pay for vaccines, such as India.

? There should be transparency in data review regarding ISS. The potential of civil society
organizations (CSOs) engagement in monitoring data validity should be reviewed as well as
the effectiveness of the CSO support window to date.

? There were questions raised on how the MDGs should guide GAVI work as well as GAVI?s
future role in health systems strengthening (further discussion on health systems
strengthening (HSS) took place later in the agenda).

Action items:
? While waiting for the evaluation of the CSO window in 2010, the secretariat should move
forward with making changes based on experience to date. The PPC should be kept
informed of these changes.

GAVI In-Kind Donations Policy Revision (Gian Gandhi)
Gian Gandhi presented a draft donation policy recommending that in principle, GAVI would not
accept in-kind donations of vaccines or other health products, however may consider in-kind
donations of vaccines under exceptional circumstances (e.g. shortages, stockpiles). It also
recommended that GAVI would consider in-kind donations of non-health goods and services (e.g.
computers, consulting) on a case-by-case basis.

Final Report of PPC Telecon 17 February 2009

Programme and Policy Committee Teleconference 17 February 2009 Meeting Report

PPC members
Sissel Hodne Steen (chair)
George Bickerstaff, Okwo Bele, Suresh Jadhav, Steve Landry, Susan McKinney, Olga Popova, Aldo
Tagliabue, Majid Al-Junaid, John Clemens, Ahmed Magan

Alice Albright, Hostencia Esua, Ulf Herzer, Ma rc Hofstetter, Lisa Jacobs, Pooja Mall, Nina

Rama Lakshminarayanan, Joan Awunyo-Akaba, Ashutosh Garg

Following the Programme / Policy Committee (PPC ) meeting on 2 February, the Secretariat
compiled additional documentation to aid the PPC to make a decision about the 26 outstanding
activities to be carried out by WHO and UNIC EF within the framework of the GAVI Alliance
Work Plan 2009-2010.

? The PPC members commended the Secretariat and Partners on the excellent quality of the
documents and preparatory work.
? The PPC members stressed the importance of finding appropriate ways to enhance GAVI?s
ability to monitor progress for work plan acti vities. Suggestions included more concrete
milestones, quarterly reporting, and specificity around activity descriptions.
? The PPC members reiterated the need to develop principles by which decisions could be made in

Action items
? The Secretariat will clarify questions related to the WHO work plan activity on vaccine

a) Based on additional information provided by WHO, UNICEF and the Secretariat, the PPC
recognised that the outstanding 26 activities are critical to immunisation; furthermore the PPC
considered that stopping funding for these specific activities would potentially be disruptive and
have a negative impact on the successful impl ementation of the 2007-2010 Alliance Strategy.
Therefore for 2009 and 2010, these activities should be funded by GAVI so as not to create a risk
that critical functions are not funded.
? Funding for 2009 activities USD 10,585,510 (of which USD 8,311,760 for WHO and USD
2,273,750 for UNICEF) should be tran sferred to WHO/UNICEF immediately.

Final Report of PPC Meeting 2 February 2009

Programme and Policy Committee Meeting 2 February 2009
Meeting Report

PPC members
Sissel Hodne Steen (chair)
George Bickerstaff, Okwo Bele, Ashutosh Garg , Suresh Jadhav, Rama Lakshminarayanan, Steve
Landry, Susan McKinney, Olga Popova, Aldo Tagliabue

Nonvoting expert participant
David Salisbury

Nina Schwalbe, Lisa Jacobs, Hostencia Esua (other attendees noted in agenda)

Majid Al-Junaid, Joan Awunyo-A kaba, John Clemens, Ahmed Megan

Working procedures

Sissel Hodne Steen led a discussion on the role of and working procedures for the committee.
? The PPC Charter forms the basis for PPC?s work. The PPC is a standing\
committee of the Board
and therefore an instrument for the Board and reports to the Board. Only in few occasions will it
report to the EC (when policy issues of urgency or at the specific request of the EC/Board).
? A question about the role of PPC in programme ov ersight was raised and PPC?s relationship to
the IRC.
? The PPC also raised concerns about strengthening the accountability and oversight of the IRC.
This should be explored with the Governance Committee.
? PPC members agreed to play an active role between meetings, including leading task teams
preparing for the Board meetings.
? The question about the need for a vice-chair was raised, but this was deferred until the committee
had more clarity about the work load.
? The committee aims to work by consensus, but when there is dissention the minority opinions
will be recorded and reported to the Board.
? The committee will meet face to face 4 times per year with 2 day meetings and by telecon in
between only as necessary.
? PPC will consider asking the Chair of the IRC to participate in its meeting when required.
? The agenda will be set by the PPC chair in c onsultation with the GAVI Secretariat, based on
directions from the Board, the PPC members, and other partners and stakeholders.
? The Secretariat should aim to have meeting materials distributed 2 weeks in advance of the
meetings, and in hard copy if requested by committee members. Hard copies of presentations
should be made available at the meeting and in electronic format afterwards.
? The Secretariat should insure that papers or guid ance sought to the PPC clearly articulate decision
points to be taken by the PPC and a recommend ation from the Secretariat where appropriate.

Last updated: 15 Feb 2024

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