Key decisions include the appointment of health ministers from Uganda and Guyana to represent Gavi-eligible countries, the Board Travel Policy, the opening of a funding window for the Japanese Encephalitis and Inactivated Polio vaccines and a new Vaccine Investment Strategy.

Meeting documents

00a Document list pdf

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 00a

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Hotel Sofitel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Wednesday 20 November : Pre -Board meetings
Thursday 21 November: 0 8.30 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Friday 22 November : 09.00 -17. 30 (Board meeting Day Two)
Document list
00a - Document list
00b - Agenda
01a - Declarations of interest
01b - Minutes from 11 -12 June 2013
01c - Action sheet
01d - Board workplan
02 a - Consent agenda: Board /Committee member nominations
02 b - Consent agenda: Vice Chair nomination
02 c - Consent agenda: Committee Chair nominations
02 d - Consent agenda: Appointment of Independent Auditor
02 e - Consent agenda: IRC Member Emergency Appointments
02 f - Consent agenda: Board Travel Policy
02 g - Consent agenda: Amendment s to the Budget Variance and Programme
Funding Policies
02 h - Consent agenda: Opening of Funding Window for Japanese Ence ph alitis
02 i - Consent agenda: Gender Policy Review
02 j - Consent agenda: TAP Policy Review
02 k - Consent agenda: Dissolution of GAVI Fund Affiliate
03 - Country presentation ?Cambodia - No paper
04 - CEO?s report (To follow)
05 - Committee Chair reports - No paper
06 - Financial forecast and programme funding approvals
07 - GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 -2020
08 - Vaccine investment strategy
09 - Chair?s reflections on the day ? No paper
10 - Chair's overview - No paper
11a - Risk management: Risk management update
11b - Risk management: Internal Audit: Audit of Enterprise Risk Management
12 - The Road to Replenishment 2016 -2020: Resourcing GAVI?s long -term
country demand
13 - Polio and routine immunisation
14 - GAVI engagement with graduating countries

00b Final Agenda pdf

Board -201 3-Mtg -2-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Hotel Sofitel , Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Wednesday 20 November: Field Visits & Pre -Board meetings
Thursday 21 November : 08.30 -18. 15 (Board meeting Day One)
Friday 22 November : 0 9.00 -17.30 (Board meeting Day T wo)
Quorum: 14


Pre -Board Meetings ? Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Item Subject Room Schedule
? GAVI Donors? meeting Phokeethra 2 16.00 -18.30

Pre -Board Meetings ? Wednesday , 20 November 2013
Item Subject Room Schedule
Pre -Board meetings
? Tech nical Briefing Phokeethra 1 14. 00 -15.00
? Developing Countries Board members meeting Phokeethra 3 14.30 -16.30
? All Chairs meeting Phokeethra 5 15.30 -16.30
? IFFIm Donors? Meeting Phokeethra 2 15.00 -16.30
? Board Meeting: Closed Session for Board
Ballroom 2 17.00 -18.30

GAVI Board dinner Poolside 19.00 -21.00

01a Declarations of interest pdf

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 01a 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Hotel Sofitel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Wednesday 20 November: Field Visits & Pre -Board meetings
Thursday 21 November: 08.30 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Friday 22 November: 09.00 -17.30 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 1 4

Declarations of interes t


Section 5.2 of the Conflict of Interest Policy states, ?Annually, each member of the Board
(including alternate Board members and Committee delegates)...shall complete and submit
a conflict of inte rest form to be distributed by the Managing Director, Law and Governance.?
The following declarations were made by members of the Board on their most recent annual
Member Organisational Interests Financial/ Personal /Advise r Int
Dagfinn H?ybr? ten, Chair None GAVI -appointed special advis er
Geeta Rao Gupta, Vice Chair UNICEF GAVI -appointed special advis er
Joan Awunyo -Akaba Future Generations International
(CSO constituency) None
Wayne Berson None GAVI Fund Affiliate (Board)
Zulfiqar A. Bhutta Aga Khan University (Research
& Tech. Health Institutes) None
Donal Brown UK (UK/NOR/IRL) TBD
Flavia Bustreo WHO None
Jenny Da Rin AusAID (USA/AUS/JPN/KOR ) None
Awa Marie Coll -Seck Government of Senegal GAVI -appointed special advis er
H.R.H. the Infan ta Cristina of Spain None
?la Caixa? Foundation (Employee)
Barcelona Inst. for Global Health (Board)
GAVI -appointed special advis er
Suraya Dalil Government of Afghanistan GAVI -appointed special advis er
Mahima Datla Dev . Ctry. Vaccine Manu. Net. Biological E Limited (Employee)
Maria C. Freire None Johns Hopkins University (Family)
Ashutosh Garg None None
Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali France (FRA/EC/LUX/GER) None
A.F.M. Ruhal Haque Government of Bangladesh GAVI -appointed sp ecial
advis er/TBD
Orin Levine Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation PATH (Family)
Yifei Li None None
Anders Nordstr?m Sweden (DEN/SWE/NED/NOR) None

01b Minutes from 11 12 June 2013 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Board -2013 -Mtg -1 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 201 3
Geneva , Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 08.30
local time on 11 June 201 3. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair , chaired the

1.2 The Chair welcomed the Board members to Geneva and extended a special
welcome to several new Board members and alternate Board members
attending a Board meeting for the first time. He also welcomed Ren ? Karsent i
and his colleagues from the IFFIm Board.

1.3 On behalf of the Board he extended congratulations to Olga Popova who had
recently given birth to GAVI?s fir st Board baby, and wished a speedy recovery
to Paul Fife who had recently suffered a stroke.

1.4 The Chair reminded the Board that Nelson Mandela had been the first Chair
of the GAVI Vaccine Fund Board, one of the organisations founding fathers
who had brough t some key donors to GAVI and who continues to be an
inspiration to all. He would be sending, also on behalf of the Board, greetings
from this meeting and wishes for a speedy recovery.

1.5 The Chair n oted that a number of departing Board members would be
recog nised at the dinner that evening but extended a special word of thanks
to Gustavo Gonzalez -Can ali, who had rece ntly informed the Chair and the
Vice Chair of his intention to step down as PPC Chair as his current role at the
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs would end in August. The Chair expressed,
also on behalf of the Board, his appreciation for Dr Gonzalez -Can ali?s
dedication to GAVI over the years and his leadership of the PPC, a role which
wa s no doubt challenging but one which he had fulfilled w ith great success.

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the
Board pa ck). Alan Hinman declared grants received from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation (BMGF) for cholera and inactivated polio vaccine, and
Zulfiqar Bhutta declared a grant received, also from BMGF, to support polio
eradication in Pakistan.

01c Board Action Sheet June 2013 As of 6 November 2013 pdf

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 01c

GAVI Alliance Board
Action sheet ? June 2013

Item Request Matter Responsible Status


11 -12 June
2013; ? 3


? Report to the Board on options for how GAVI
might be able to help with market shaping and
potential procurement for LMICs .

(Schwalbe )

To Board
in 2014


11 -12 June
2013 ; ? 5


? Disbursement figures for all years from 2010 on
onwards should be included in Board papers
going forward in order to enable the Board to look
at the capacity to disburse and, if necessary,
adjust projections accordingly.

? Include information on projected expenditure to
meet demand (Annex 1, Figure 1) for each year
over the full strategy p eriod in Board papers going

(Greene )


Will be
in all
reports to
the Board

Will be
in all
reports to
the Board


11 -12 June
2013; ? 11


? Reports to the Board going forward should
include a matrix of the key programme statistics
for each vaccine.

? Share document outlining GAVI?s HSS approach
with the Board for endorsement.

(Khatib -
Othman )

(Khatib -
Othman )

Will be
in all
reports to
the Board

Will be
Board at

01d Board workplan pdf

Graphical format

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 01d

GAVI Alliance Board Agendas
Board/Cte member appointments (Consent Agenda)
Cte chair appointments (Consent Agenda)
Chair appointment (Consent Agenda)
Appointment of Independent Auditor (Consent Agenda)
Statutes and By-law changes (Consent Agenda)
Changes to Committee Charters (Consent Agenda)
Co-financing Policy Review
Financial forecast and programme funding approvals
Business plan and budget
Polio and routine immunisation
GAVI's supply chain strategy
GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016-2020
Risk Policy
Eligiblity and access to GAVI prices for low and middle income countries (LMICs)
Annual financial report
Chair rpt (Decl of Int, Mins, Acts, W kpl)
CEO report
Committee chair reports
IFFIm report
Risk management update
Resource Mobilisation
Country programmes update (including health and immunisation systems strengthening)
Country presentation
Review of decisions and actions
Any other business
Report of the internal auditor
May 2014 Jan-Mar 2014 8-9 April 2014 18-19 June 2014
July-Aug 2014 Sept NoObj 10-11 Dec 2014
Oct-Nov 2014

02a Consent agenda Board and committee nominations pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02a
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Board and committee nominations
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Secretary
Agenda item : 02a
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This report inform s the Board of the Governance Committee?s
recommendations for Board and committee membership .
Recommendations 2
2.1 The Governance Committee recommend ed to the GAVI Alliance Board
that it :
Appoint the following Board Members: 1 (a)
? Tim Evans as Board Member representing the World Bank
effective immediately until his successor is appointed .
? Ruhakana Rugunda as Board Member representing the
developing country constituency in the sea t currently held by
Christine Ondoa effective imm ediately until 31 December 2014 .
? Walter Seidel as Board Member representing the European
Commission, France, Germany, Luxembourg do nor constituency in
the seat currently held by Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali effective
immediately until 31 December 2014.
Reappoint the following Board Member: (b)
? Angela Santoni as Board Member representing the Italy and Spain
donor constituency until 31 December 201 4.
1 Candidate biographies are located in Section B.

02b Consent agenda Vice Chair nomination pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02b
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Vice Chair nomination
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Assistant Secretary
Agenda item : 02b
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This report reviews the nomination of the Board Vice Chair.
Recommendations 2
2.1 The Governance Committee re commend ed to the GAVI Alliance Board
that it :
Reappoint Geeta Rao Gupta as Vice Chair of the Board with individual (a)
signatory authority until 31 December 2015.
The minutes will note that Geeta Rao Gupta did not participate in
discussion and voting on her re appointment.
Executive summary 3
3.1 The Statutes state that ?Board members will select the?Vice Chair of the
Board from among their own voting members?? (Article 12) To do so, the
By -Laws state that ?the Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates
for?Vice Chair? (Article 2.6.1) ; the Nominating Committee powers were
delegated to the Governance Committee (Charter, S ection 1).
3.2 On 19 September 2013, Orin Levine, Board member for the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation, informed the Secretariat that he ? would like to nominate
Geeta Rao G upta for Vice Chair of the GAVI Board. She has performed
admirably in her current term and her continuation in this role would
provide welcome leadership and continuity at a pivotal time for the
Alliance. ? No additional nominations were received.

02c Consent agenda Committee chair nominations pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02c
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Committee chair nominations
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Assistant Secretary
Agenda item : 02c
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This report informs the Board of the Governance Committee ?s
recommendations for committee chairships.
Recommendations 2
2.1 The Governance Committee recommend ed to the GAVI Alliance Board
that it :
Reappoint the following chairs of the committees : (a)
? Wayne Berson as Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee until
31 December 2014.
? George W. Wellde, Jr as Chair of the Investment Committee until
31 December 2014.
? Richard Sezibera as Chair of the Programme and Policy
Committee until 31 December 2015.
? Sania Nishtar as Chair of the Evaluation Advisory Committee until
31 December 201 4.
The minutes will note that candidates for these positions did not
participate in discussion and voting on their appointments.
The minutes will note that Dagfinn H?ybr?ten (Executive Committee)
and Geeta Rao Gupta (Governance Committee) are statutorily
appointed to . .

02d Consent agenda Appointment of Independent Auditor pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02d
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Appointment of Independent Auditor
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Louis Mkanganwi, Director of Financial Reporting
Agenda item : 02d
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This report requests the Board to appoint KPMG as the GAVI Alliance?s
independent auditor and provider of Swiss and United States tax services
for the year ending 31 December 2013 , following the recommendations of
the Audit and Finance Committee .
1.2 The report also outlines the Secretariat?s proposed process for the
selection of the GAVI Alliance?s independent auditor for the five -year term
commencing in 2014.
Recommendations 2
2.1 The Audit and Finance Committee recommend ed to the GAVI Alliance
Board that it :
(a) Appoint KPMG SA/AG as the independent audit or of the GAVI
Alliance for the financial year ending 31 December 2013.
(b) Appoin t KPMG SA/AG to provide Swiss tax service s for the GAVI
Alliance for the financial year ending 31 December 2013.
(c) Appoint KPMG LLP to provide United States tax service s for the
GAVI Alliance for the financial year ending 31 December 2013 .
Executive summary 3
3.1 The Board has sole responsibility to appoint the independent auditor. In
2008, a call for proposals was issued that ultimately resulted in KPMG?s
appointment. Since then, GAVI has used its single -sourcing rules to renew

02e Consent agenda IRC member emergency appointments pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02e
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: IRC member emergency appointments
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Joanne Goetz, Senior Manager, Governance
Agenda item : 02e
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 The purpose of this report is to ask the Board to consider a
recommendation from the Governance Committee to recommend a
change in the By -Laws to allow the CEO in concurrence with the Chair of
the PPC to appoint IRC members in emergency situations with
subsequent ratification by the Board at the next oppor tunity.
Recommendations 2
2.1 The Governance Committee recommend ed to the GAVI Alliance Board
that it :
Amend Article 5.1.1 of the By -Laws to read as follows:
The Independent Review Committee (IRC ) is an independent, impartial
group of national health programme experts appointed by the Board from
a pool nominat ed by the Secretariat in consultation with partners and
others as required by the Board . In emergency situations, the CEO in
concurrence with the Chair of the PPC may appoint IRC members with
subsequent ratification by the Board. IRC members shall be selected on
the basis of their skills, expertise and independence. The IRC serves to
guarantee the integrity and consistency of an open and transparent
programme funding process.
Executive summary 3
3.1 At its meeting on 9-10 October 2013 t he PPC confirmed the importance of
ensuring full independence of the IRC and that therefore IRC members
should continue to be appointed by the Board, as foreseen in the By -Laws.

02f Consent agenda Board Travel Policy pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02f
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Board Travel Policy
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Assistant Secretary
Agenda item : 02f
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 At its meeting in June 2013 , the Board had a discussion on a proposed
Board Travel Policy. Board members raised questions about the criteria
for the use of business class tickets and it was decided to refer the matter
for further discussion to the Governance Committee. This paper presents
the results of those discussions.
Recommendations 2
2.1 The Governance Committee recommends that the Board :
Approve the Board T ravel Policy as attached in Doc 0 3g , Annex A. (a)
Executive summary 3
3.1 In September 2013, t he Governance Committee engaged in a wide
ranging discussion on the travel policy. It recommended that when GAVI
pays for the travel of Board members, it should pay for business class
travel of six hours or longer (including necessary stopovers). It asked to
receive a new draft policy and to review any benchmarking data the
Secretariat had gathered.
3.2 During its meeting in November 2013, the Governance Committee
reviewed the new version of the policy and benchmarking data. After
adding stricter standards for rail travel, the Committee decided to
recommend the policy to the Board . It also committed to rev iew the policy
after one year.
3.3 The draft policy is enclosed at Annex A with the benchmarking at Annex B.

02g Consent agenda Amendment to the Budget Variance and Programme Funding Policies pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02g
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Amendment s to the Budget Variance
and Programme Funding Policies
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance & Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director , Finance & CAO
Dita Mocova, Senior Manager, Financial Operations
Agenda item : 02g
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the report
1.1 This report proposes changes to the Budget Variance Policy and the
Programme Funding Policy to enable certain adjustments to programme
budgets to be dealt with through the annual Programme Funding Envelope. It
also proposes changes to the Budget Variance Policy to align the Policy with
the Business Plan process. The Audit and Finance Committee recommended
these changes at its 10 October 2013 meeting .
2. Recommendations
2.1 The Audit and Finance Committee recommend ed to the GAVI Alliance Board
that it :
Approve the revised GAVI Budget Variance and GAVI Programme Funding
Policies attached as Annex A and B to Doc 0 2g .
3. Executive summary
3.1 Changes are proposed to t he Budget Variance and Funding Policies to enable
the Secretariat to adjust programme budgets arising from changes to price and
dose estimates s ubsequent to original approval, within the annual Board
approved Funding Envelope amount. This would eliminate the current need for
the AFC and EC to approve such relatively minor adjustments , consistent with
the i ntended purpose of the Funding Envelope.
3.2 In the Programme Funding Policy, the Secretariat proposes that adjustments
above a certain threshold are subject to review by the IR C or another
appropriate body.

02h Consent Agenda Opening of funding window for Japanese Encephalitis pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02h
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Opening of Funding Window for
Japanese Encephalitis
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by:
Stefano Malvolti, Director, Vaccine Implementation, Tania
Cernuschi, Senior Programme Manager , Johanna Fihman,
Programme Manager
Agenda item : 02 h
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG1 - Underused and new vaccines
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to request the Board to open a funding
window for Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccines.
2 Executive Summary ? Update
2.1 Following the November 2011 Board decision, the Secretariat together
with partners have initiated the programme design to enable opening a
window for JE in 2014 once WHO prequalification for the JE vaccine was
given .
2.2 The WHO prequalification of a JE vaccine was announced on 9 October
3 Recommendations
3.1 At its meeting on 9-10 October , the Programme and Pollicy Committee
recommended to the GAVI Alliance Board that it :
Open a funding window for JE vaccine such that the GAVI Secretariat can
invite country proposals for support in 2014 from all GAVI eligible
countries at risk.
4 Risk and Financial Implications ? Upda te
4.1 In accordance with GAVI?s policy, operational costs will be covered by
GAVI for JE campaigns in GAVI eligible countries. The total expenditure

02i Consent agenda Gender policy review pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02i
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Gender Policy Review
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance
Authored by:
Aur?lia Nguyen, Director, Policy and Market Shaping, Anna -
Carin Kandimaa Matterson, Senior Programme Officer Policy,
Nabeela Khan, Programme Officer, Policy
Agenda item : 02 i
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to share the findings of the review of the
GAVI Alliance Gender Policy and to seek Board approval of the revised
policy as endorsed by the Programme and Policy Comm ittee (PPC) at its
meeting on 9 and 10 O ctober 2013 as outlined in Annex 1 of the PPC
paper attached to this note .
2 Executive Summary ? Update
2.1 The PPC endorsed the r evised draft policy without amendments .
3 Recommendations
3.1 The PPC recommended to the GAVI Alliance Board that it :
Approve the revised Gender Policy attached as Annex 1 to Doc 09 to the
4 Risk and Financial Implications ? Update
4.1 The PPC discussed if it is sufficient to have gender policy as a standalone
policy or if it would be better integrated as part of a wider equity
framew ork. The discussion concluded that wider equity issues w ould be
addressed in the GAVI strategy review . A n earlier review of the Gender
policy can take place if needed following the adoption of the new strategy
(see Section 7.3 of the policy in Annex 1).
4.2 A member asked whether there was a risk that donor funding could be
withheld if GAVI did not have a specific gender policy . Upon subsequent

02j Consent agenda TAP policy review pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02j
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: TAP Policy Review
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance
Authored by:
Aur?lia Nguyen, Director, Policy and Market Shaping , Simon
Lamb, Managing Director, Internal Audit, Anna -Carin
Kandimaa Matterson, Senior Programme Officer, Policy
Agenda item : 02 j
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to share the results of the review of the GAVI
Alliance Transparency and Accountability Policy (TAP) since it came into
effect on 1 January 2009 and to seek approval by the Board of the
proposed revisions to the policy as recommended by the Prog ramme and
Policy Comm ittee (PPC) at its meeting on 9 and 10 October 2013 and as
outlined in the revised Annex 1 of the PPC paper attached to this note.
2 Executive Summary ? Update
2.1 The PPC endorsed the revised TAP policy with the following changes:
(a) Add a paragraph to Section 2 Principles of the Transp arency and
Accountability Policy:
2.1.6 Strengthen country systems : work with countries and in -country
partners to strengthen country systems.
(b) Amend Section 3 Risk Assessment:
3.2 The GAVI Secretariat wi ll make an annual undertakes an on -going
risk assessment of systems used to oversee the GAVI support for each
country. The aim of this risk assessment is to identify countries and
programmes that are in need of closer monitoring and/or that may be
subject to audit in the coming year. The risk assessment will be
determined using information from various sources.
(c) Amend Section 7 Timeline for implementation and review:

02k Consent agenda Dissolution of GAVI Fund Affiliate pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02k
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Dissolution of GAVI Fund Affiliate
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations

Authored by:

Anthony Brown, Senior Legal Counsel
Louis Mkanga nwi, Director of Financial Reporting
Agenda item: 02k
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report is being presented to update the Board on recent
developments with the GAVI Fund Affiliate (? GFA ?), including the decision
by the GFA Board to wind up the GFA by way of a Members Voluntary
Liquidation (? MVL ?) and to present for the Board?s ratification and adoption
the resolutions tha t are required from GAVI as the sole member of the
GFA in order to wind up the charity.
2 Executive Summary
2.1 In 2012, the Secretariat in collaboration with GFA, the IFFIm Company ,
the World Bank and the IFFIm Donors began the process of restructuring
(the ? Restructuring ?) the IFFIm mechanism to remove GFA as a party to
the IFFIm framework agreements and transfer the majority of GFA?s
responsibilities to the GAVI Alliance with the objective of increas ing
operational efficiency and ultimately saving up to US$ 1.4 million per
annum in costs. The Restructuring was completed with decisions by the
GAVI Board in June 2012 to approve taking on the role previously carried
out by GFA and the execution of the necessary legal agreements by the
IFFIm Donors, GAVI, the IFF Im Company and the GFA effective 8
February 2013 .
2.2 Under the above mentioned legal agreements effective 8 February 2013 ,
GFA agreed to assign the majority of its assets and liabilities to GAVI,
including US$ 89.6 million in cash relating to funds that were previously
disbursed to GFA from the IFFIm Company for IFFIm Approved

03 Country Presentation Cambodia no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 03
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Country Presentation - Cambodia
Agenda item : 03
No paper

04 CEO s report document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 04
21 -22 November 2013
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

14 November 2013
Dear Board Members,
Our meeting in Phnom Penh comes at a n important point for the Alliance, more than
half way through the current strategy period. We are in the midst of an unprecedented
acceleration in GAVI -supported programmes ? with more than one vaccine launch
every five days on average in the remainder of 2013 ? whi le we also begin to cast our
minds forward to GAVI?s future. In Cambodia, we will discuss the key elements of our
post -2016 strategy, as well as some more immediate strategic issues (e.g., polio, our
new vaccine investment strategy, enhanced support for countries during the
graduation phase ). And we will update you on our progress since we last met and our
continued efforts to ensure we fully deliver on our current strategy.
Taking stock of our overall progress
A number of Board members joined us for the Mid -Term Review (MTR) in Stockholm
on October 30. As you know this meeting , whose theme was ?Delivering Together?,
was intended to report on results against the commitments we all made to achieve
the 2011 -15 strategy at our replenishment in London. Given the emphasis on mutual
accountability, I was delighted by the level of attendance ? with over 150 participants
including Ministers and other senior leaders from partners, donors, implementing
countries, civil society and manufacturers . We had a numbe r of frank conversations
about how we can improve our work, especially in areas where we are facing the
greatest challenges. I believe that the open and transparent dialogue at the MTR
demonstrates the strength and value of our Alliance. The meeting was co -hosted by
President John Mahama of Ghana and Minister Hillevi Engstr?m of Sweden, both of
whom spoke powerfully about GAVI? s impact. President Mahama has agreed to act
as a Champion for replenishment and ? given his country is currently projected to
imple ment more GAVI programmes than any other during this period ? I cannot think
of a better spokesperson for the value of immunisation and the GAVI model.
The overall message of the MTR was positive . As I described in my email to Board
members, we are on track to achieve or surpass all of our Mission Indicator targets,
immunising over 243 million additional chi ldren and averting more than 3.9 million
future deaths 2011 -15 . By the end of 2013, we will have vaccinated 145 million
additional children since Ja nuary 2011 and averted 2 million future deaths , which is
one of the factors which has helped reduce child mortality in GAVI countries from 78
per 1,000 live births to 73 in just 2 years . By the end of this year , we will have
reached a total of 440 million children and averted approximately 6 million deaths
since GAVI was created in 2000 . We heard from several implementing countries
about the impact that this is having on the ground, including President Mahama who
spoke passionately about the contribution of immunisation to health and development

05 Committee Chair reports no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 05
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Committee Chair reports
Agenda item : 05
No paper

06 Financial forecast and programme funding approvals pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -3-Doc 06
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Financial Forecas t and Programme F unding approval s
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance & Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director, Finance & Chief Accounting
Agenda item : 06
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the repor t
1.1 This report informs the GAVI Alliance Board (?Board?) of the updated GAVI
financial forecast for 2011 -2020 (Version 8 .0F b1) and requests the Board to
approve :
(a) A programme funding request for a yellow fever stockpile in 2014;
(b) A programme funding envelope for 2014 to be allotted by the Secretariat
through 31 December 2014.
1.2 The forecast includes the financial implications of the foregoing decisions.
1.3 The forecast also i nclude s the financial implications of other funding
decisions which the Board will be requested to cons ider under other agenda
items , namely :
(a) A contribution to the global cholera stockpile for use in epidemic and
endemic settings , and other future new vaccines investments 2 as
recommended by the Vaccine Investment Strategy (?VIS?) .
(b) An IPV Programme Funding Envelope to be allocated by the Secretariat
through 31 December 2014 contingent on the incremental polio -specific
resources being made available by the donors to fund this Programme.
1.4 This report also informs the Board (in Section F : Programme Expenditure
Report) of:
1 Version 8.0Fa of the forecast was shared with AFC on 10 October 2013. That has been updated as
this Version 8.0Fb to take account of donor contributions received after the issuance of the AFC paper. 2 New investments recommended include a contribution to the global cholera s tockpile, additional
yellow fever campaigns and possibly a malaria vaccine .

07 GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 2020 document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 07
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : GAVI Alliance strategy 2016 -2020
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Adrien de Chaisemartin; Anna van Nieuwenhuizen; Nina
Agenda item : 07
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 Adopted in 2010, the current GAVI Alliance strategy covers the period
2011 -15. In April 2013, GAVI initiated a process to design its 2016 -20
strategy. The timing of the process intends to ensure that a new strategy is
in place for the upcoming replenishment cycle. With the replenishment
meeting planned for Q4 2014 or early 2015, the GAVI Board would need
to adopt its new strategy in June 2014. As with t he previous strategy ? and
at the behest of the Board and donors ? GAVI is setting ambitious goals
for its next phase and will then fundraise to match that ambiti on.
1.2 The proposed strategic shifts presented in this paper were generated
through a systematic process of interviews and consultations and a
landscape analysis . At each phase, responses were analysed to
determine where there was consensus and where there were diverging
views (see myGAVI for a summary of process).
1.3 Of note, some of the decisions that will be taken during this Board meeting
will have potential implications on the new strategy. These include in
particular the decision on new vaccines presented in the Vaccine
Investment strategy (see Doc 08 ), on polio and routine immunisation (see
Doc 13 ), and on GAVI?s engagement with graduating countries (see Doc
14 ).
Executive summary 2
2.1 The context: The GAVI Alliance was launched at the World Economic
Forum in 2000 - the same year that the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) were agreed. Its aim was to e nsure that children in the poorest
countries had equitable access to new and underused lifesaving vaccines,

08 Vaccine investment strategy document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 08
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Vaccine Investment Strategy
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance
Authored by:
Judith Kallenberg, Senior Specialist, Vaccine Investment
Strategy and Aur?lia Nguyen, Director, Policy and Market
Agenda item : 08
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report seeks Board approval of the recommendation s by the
Programme and Policy Committee with regard s to the Vaccine Investment
Strategy . The paper discussed by the PPC at its meeting on 9 -10 October
2013 , which presents the outcomes from a 12 -month long process of
analysis and consultation , is attached .
2 Executive Summary ? Update
2.1 The PPC reviewed the outcomes from the analyses and made the
recom m endat ion s below to the Board. They also requested that the
Secretariat include information for the Board on the on -going investment in
current GAVI vaccines , in addition to new investment s recommended as
part of the VIS (see section 4 below) .

3 Recommendations
3.1 The PPC, and where appropriate, the AFC and the EC recommend ed to
the GAVI Alliance Board that it:
(a) Decide to support new yellow fever vaccine campaigns and request
the Secretariat to develop a process for the funding of individual
campaigns on the basis of robust risk assessments.
(b) Approve a contribution to the global cholera stockpile for use in
epidemic and endemic settings and to that end:

09 Chair s reflections on the day no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 09
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Chair ?s reflections on the day
Agenda item : 09
No paper

10 Chair s overview no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 10
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Chair ?s overview
Agenda item : 10
No paper

11a Risk management Risk management update pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 11a
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Risk Management: Risk Management Update
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Anna Standertskjold; Ciara Goldstein ; Adrien de Chaisemartin ;
Nina Schwalbe
Agenda item : 11a
Category: For Guidance
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A: Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report is part of the quarterly risk monitoring process based on the
GAVI ?risk register? to track the evolution of the key risks faced by the
GAVI Alliance in fulfilling its mission. This risk report is the regular update
to the Board and is based on the assessment conducted at the end of the
third quarter 2013 .
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Board is requested to give guidance on the key risks outlined in this
paper and the mitigation strategies put in place as well as identify
additional risks, as appropriate.
3 Executive summary
3.1 As of the end of the third quarter 2013, the following items were identified
as high risks for the A lliance as part of the risk review process (i.e. the
residual level risk was high after the mitigation strategy ha d been
implemented) .
(a) Vaccine management in country: Owing to the constraints in
vaccine supply and the relatively expensive cost of the vacci nes that
GAVI supports , it is critical that all efforts are applied to ensure
effective management of the vaccine s in GAVI countries, and most
importantly minimising misuse . National governments are ultimately
responsible for vaccine management ; however, under the business
plan the GAVI Alliance provides resources to WHO and UNICEF to
support the mitigation strategies (e.g. Effective Vaccine Management
assessments, support to cold chain refurbishment etc .). In addition,

11b Risk management Internal Audit Audit of Enterprise Risk Management pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 11b
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Risk Management: Internal Audit: Audit of Enterprise Risk
Report of: Simon Lamb, Managing Director of Internal Audit
Authored by: Simon Lamb
Agenda item : 11 b
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This paper presents the results of Internal Audit?s audit of Enterprise Risk
Management (ERM) .
Recommendations 2
2.1 Various recommendations are included in the audit report relating to the
further development of the risk management processes at the Secretariat.
Executive summary 3
3.1 As noted in the report, the ERM framework established in GAVI is effective
and operates well; many of the processes and methods are consistent
with best practice. ERM is a process which should be continually reviewed
and enhanced as an orga nisation grows and matures, and certain fin dings
are made which would strengthen the fram ework of risk identification and
Risk implication and mitigation 4
4.1 The audit work undertaken is intended to be an evaluation of the existing
processes of risk management; once recommendations are implemented,
GAVI?s risk management processes will be enhanced.
Financial implications: Business plan and budgets 5
5.1 None

12 The road to replenishment 2016 2020 pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 12
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : The Road to Replenishment 2016 -2020:
Resourcing GAVI?s long -term country demand
Report of: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Director, Resource Mobilisation
Authored by: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Joseph Leenhouts -Martin
Agenda item : 12
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : SG3 - Financing: global predictability/nat'l sustainability
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This report presents the roadmap of the Replenishment for the 2016 -2020
period , and the outcomes and conclusions of the Mid -Term Review (MTR)
held on 30 October 2013.
Recommendations 2
2.1 This report is for information only
Executive summary 3
3.1 On 30 October 2013 in Stockholm, over 150 participants including the World
Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, implementing countries, public and private donors, civil society
organisations, research and technical agencies, and vaccine manufacturers
met for the GAV I Alliance?s Mid -Term Review (MTR) co -hosted by the
Minister for International Development Cooperation of Sweden and the
President of Ghana. Participants reviewed progress made towards delivering
the four strategic goals and the related objectives of the 2 011 -2015 strategy.
3.2 Participants welcomed the Alliance?s encouraging results towards averting
approximately 3.9 million deaths by 2015. They a cknowledged the critical role
played by GAVI in providing access to new vaccines in record time to children
in low and middle income countries . Given the centrality of programmatic and
financial sustainability of the GAVI model, they also welcomed the catalytic

13 Polio and routine immunisation document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 13
21 -22 November 2013
Subject: Polio & routine immunisation
Report of:
Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance
Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations
Authored by:
Alan Brooks, Special Adviser for Immunisation, Country
Programmes; Aurelia Nguyen, Director, Policy and Market
Shaping; Stefano Malvolti, Director, Vaccine Implementation
Agenda item: 13
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals
Section A: Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) considered the attached
paper on polio and routine immunisation at its meeting of 9-10 October
2 Executive Summary ? Update
2.1 This report provides an update on questions raised by the PPC and on
financial estimates. It seeks a decision from the Board related to GAVI?s
complementary role in strengthening routine immunisation and supporting
introduction of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) as part of the polio
eradication effort and in the implementation of the Global Polio Eradication
Initiative?s (GPEI?s) Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan (2013 -
2018). The PPC has proposed recommendations, exemp ting IPV from a
number of GAVI?s established policies, due to the exceptional context of
polio and the global public good nature of eradication.
2.2 Since the PPC meeting, the GAVI Alliance Secretariat and GPEI have
continued to refine budget estimates (see s ection 4) . Refinements have
focused on 1) estimates of vaccine and introduction grant costs; 2)
estimates of country readiness costs; and 3) business plan -related costs.
3 Recommendations
3.1 The PPC and, where appropriate, the AFC and the EC recommended to
th e GAVI Alliance Board that it:

14 GAVI engagement with graduating countries document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 14
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : GAVI engagement with graduating countries
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Santiago Cornejo, Country Programmes; Aurelia Nguyen and
Melissa Malhame , Policy and Market Shaping;
Agenda item : 14
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG3 - Financing & SG4 - Market shaping
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 Following the discussion on graduation at the Board retreat held in March
2013, the purpose of this cover note is to present to the Board an
approach for GAVI?s engagement with graduating countries . The detailed
report presented to the Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) is
attached to this cover note .
2 Executive Summary ? Update
2.1 Due to a scheduled joint meeting with the AFC, the PPC had insufficient
time for a full discussion on the Secretariat recommendations in relation to
support to be provi ded to graduating countries. Specifically, t he PPC
requested further time to discuss and understand the Secretariat
recommendations on HSS support for countries with a DTP3 coverage
below 90% and providing access to a graduation grant for graduating
countries ( recommendations 2.1 (a) ii and iii in the attached PPC report).
The PPC therefore deferred a decision on those particular
recommendations until its next meeting scheduled for 2014 .
2.2 At the end of the meeting PPC members reco gnised that the PPC
recommendatio n as agreed (see below in paragraph 3.1) only applied to
countries who would enter the graduation track after 31 December 2013
and therefore countries that are currently on the graduating track would
not have access to cash support to assist them in prepar ing for graduation .
Since the PPC meeting, representatives of graduating countries have
raised this as a strong concern with the Secretariat.
2.3 In view of the above concerns , the Chair of the PPC has requested that
the PPC hold a teleconference to discuss these issues prior to the Board

16 Country programmes update document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 16
21 -22 November 2013
Subject: Country Programmes Update
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Stefano Malvolti, Paul Kelly, Mursaleena Islam
Agenda item: 16
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: SG1 - Vaccines, SG2 - Health systems, SG3 - Financing
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
This report provides an update on GAVI Country Programmes . 1.1
Recommendations 2
This report is for information . 2.1
Executive summary 3
The Democratic Republic of C ongo (DRC), India, Nigeria and Pakistan 3.1
continue to be a focus due to the large numbers of unimmunised children,
political and systemic complexity, the amount of GAVI funding and the
changing epidemiological si tuation . I ntensified engagement and strong
commitment from Alliance partners is yielding progress. The Secretariat
has increased the number of visits to these priority countries to strengthen
the partnership with government s, deepe n understanding of the co untry
context and challenges , and improve management of GAVI program me s.
Sustainable domestic financing for immunisation continues to be a 3.2
challenge for DRC. GAVI?s tailored approach for DRC seeks to work with
the Government over the next three years to improve budget planning and
execution and to break the Government?s cycle of GAVI co -financing
default. The tailored approach also proposes to increase GAVI
investments to rehabilitate the cold chain and vaccine management.
Nigeria is finalising a National Routine Immunisation Strategic Plan that
provides a harmonised work plan incorporating routine, polio and SIAs.
GAVI?s tailored approach for Nigeria will support the implementation of the
Government?s plan. Tailored approach documents for DRC and Nigeria
are expected to be finalised by end November. Progress on other tailored

17 IFFIm report no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 17
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : IFFIm report
Agenda item : 17
No paper

18 Review of decisions and actions no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 18
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Review of decisions and actions
Agenda item : 18
No paper

19 Closing remarks and any other business no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 19
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Closing remarks and any other business
Agenda item : 19
No paper

A Fifth annual report on Gender Policy pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc A
21 -22 November 2013
Subject : Fifth annual report on implementation of the Gender Policy
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Meegan Murray -Lopez, Senior Executive Officer
Agenda item : A
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the GAVI Alliance Board on
progress in 201 3 in implementing the GAVI Alliance Gender Policy. This
work has been undertaken in parallel to the work stream to review the
GAVI Gender Policy (see Doc 02i ).
Recommendations 2
2.1 This report is for information only.
Executive summary 3
3.1 Since the last annual update to the Board, the internal Gender Working
Group has implemented a work plan of gender activities for 2013 and has
reported on a quarterly basis on those activities to the Executive Team
and to the Board via myGAVI.
3.2 Key activit ies in 2013 related to further strengthening awareness and
understanding of gender and immunisation within the Secretariat and
Independent Review Committee panels through training sessions and
additional analytic work, to strengthening approaches to gender within
GAVI programming, and to further assessing and incorporating gender
within GAVI?s media and advocacy activities.
3.3 The GAVI Alliance Board became compliant with the Board Guidelines on
Gender Balance for the first time in 2012 when it reached a 60/4 0 ratio of
male and female Board Members and Alternates. However, the Board is
no t currently compliant for Board Alternates . If the Board approves the
nominations put forward by the Governance Committee at its meeting in

C Committee minutes pdf

-2013-Mtg-5-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Executive Committee Meeting 27 September 2013
New York, USA

Quorum: 6
Item Subject Action Schedule

1 Chair?s report
? Declarations of interest
? Minutes
? Workplan
? Board actions
Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Chair
INFORMATION 09.00 - 09.15
2 CEO Report
Seth Berkley, CEO
INFORMATION 09 . 15 - 1 0 . 45
3 GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 - 2020
Helen Evans , Deputy CEO
GUIDANCE 1 0 . 45 - 1 2. 1 5
4 Benchmarking of GAVI?s vaccine procurement
arrang e ments
Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
INFORMATION 12.15 - 12.45
Lunch 12. 45 - 1 3. 15
5 Board and Committee self - evaluation
Geeta Rao Gupta, Vice Chair
Naina Dhingra, McKinsey & Company
INFORMATION 13.15 - 14.15
6 Polio and routine immunisation
Seth Berkley, CEO GUIDANCE 14.15 - 15.15
7 Any other business
1 5.15 - 1 5.30

Next Executive Committee Meeting : 1 November 2013, Teleconference
Debbie Adams , Secretary, +41 22 909 6504,
Doc C - Page 1

GAVI Alliance Board Minutes 21 22 November 2013 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21-22 November 2013
Board-2013-Mtg-2 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21-22 November 2013
Phnom Penh, Cambodia


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.15 local
time on 21 November 2013. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired the

1.2 The Chair welcomed the Board members to Phnom P enh and extended a
special welcome to several new Board members and al ternate Board
members attending a Board meeting for the first tim e. He also welcomed
Ren? Karsenti, IFFIm Board Chair, and his colleague from the IFFIm Board.
He also recognised a number of departing Board memb ers and thanked them
for their service to the Alliance.
1.3 He noted that the Board?s committees had extens ively reviewed most of the
topics on the agenda as had the various Board const ituencies. He
emphasised therefore that focusing discussions on t he big picture would
optimise the discussions at this meeting and asked Board members not to
reopen detailed questions that have already been ad dressed in a committee.

1.4 Standing declarations of interest were tabled t o the Board (Doc 01a in the
Board pack). He noted that several Board members wo uld be invited to
declare conflicts at various points in the agenda a nd they would be noted in
the minutes.

1.5 The Board noted the minutes of its meeting on 1 1-12 June 2013 (Doc 01b),
which had been approved by no-objection on 13 Septe mber 2013.

1.6 In addition, the Board noted the list of action s agreed at the last meeting (Doc
01c) and the Board workplan (Doc 01d). The Chair ac tively encouraged Board
members to contribute to the forward plan by raisin g issues which they may
wish to add with either himself or the Secretariat.

1.7 Finally, the Board watched a film of the Mid-Te rm Review which was held in
Stockholm, Sweden on 30 October 2013.


03 Country Presentation Cambodia pdf

Welcome to
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 November 2013
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

Improving Health through
Immunization in Cambodia
Dr. Mam Bunheng
Minister of Health
Kingdom of Cambodia

04 CEOs report presentation pdf

Seth Berkley, MD
Chief Executive Officer
CEO Board report

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 ? 22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
21 ?22 November 2013
(sourm sva kum )

05d AFC Chair Report pdf

Wayne Berson

Audit and Finance Committee
Chair Report

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Activity since June 2013 Board meeting
? 2 video/teleconference meetings
? Areas reviewed
? Audit & Financial Reporting
? Financial Forecasts / Commitments
? Update for the 2014 Business plan & budget
? Other Matters


06 Financial Forecast pdf

Barry Greene
Financial Forecast
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Projected demand
Needs are prior to:
? Any additional vaccines
that may be supported
in the future (+)
? Monitoring IRC
adjustments ( -)

2011 -15 : $7.6 bn

2016 -20: $9.2 bn

? Includes VIS
? Excludes Polio (IPV )
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
GAVI Cash Outflow Estimates (US$ millions)
2011 -2020
Vaccines Programmes Cas h Bas ed Programmes Busi ness Plan NEW VIS (Excl IPV)
2013 -15 -per year:
$1.81 bn excluding VIS
$1.82 bn including VIS
2016 -20 -per year:
$1.75 bn excluding VIS
$1.85 bn including VIS

07 GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 2020 presentation pdf

Helen Evans
GAVI Alliance Strategy
2016 -2020
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Context for GAVI 4.0
First phase
2000 -2006

? Launch of GAVI at
WEF, 2000
? Penta and YF
Second phase
2007 -2010

? Merger of the
Vaccine Fund and
GAVI Alliance
Boards, 2008
? PCV, rota
Third phase
2011 -2015

? First resource
mobilisation meeting,
? Completing penta ,
accelerating PCV
and rota
? Launch of HPV, MR
? Experience on critical
challenges to
coverage and equity
GAVI 4.0
2016 -2020

? Involved in all aspects
of immunisation

? Fully immunised child

? Modernisation of

? Data revolution

08 Vaccine Investment Strategy presentation pdf

Judith Kallenberg
Vaccine Investment Strategy
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
21 -22 November 2013 1
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Expert consultations, analytical work
Country consultations
at regional meetings
Phase I
to Board
Phase I
to PPC
Final VIS
to Board
to PPC
Start of VIS
Online stakeholder survey
and in -depth country interviews
PPC guidance
on VIS scope
Vaccine Investment Strategy: evidence -based
process to identify new priority vaccines

11b Internal Audit pdf

Simon Lamb
Internal Audit
Results of Audit of Enterprise Risk Management
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Audit Objective and Scope
? To evaluate the processes by which risks are identified ,
evaluated , reported and managed in the GAVI Secretariat .
Audit Scope
? Risk is the uncertainty about events and/or their outcomes
that could have a material effect on the achievement of an
organisation?s goals.
? Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is the set of processes
and associated structures, policies and methods which
enable an organisation to understand and manage its risks
so as to achieve its goals with an acceptable level of
? The audit scope encompassed all of GAVI?s activities and the
associated Risk Management processes .

12 Road to replenishment pdf

Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao
Roadmap to Replenishment

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 -22 November 2013
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Mid -Term
Conference VIS
2016 -20
reviewing progress looking forward
Road to replenishment

13 Polio and routine immunisation presentation pdf

Alan Brooks
Polio & routine immunisation

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic
Plan (2013 -2018)
Begin phasing
out OPV
Last wild
polio case
Objective 2:
phasing out
Strengthen routine immunisation
Begin phasing
in IPV
IPV in routine immunisation
Prepare to phase out OPV Phasing out OPV
? Oral polio vaccines (OPV) causing a growing percentage of cases
? Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in routine immunisation could help
? Prevent polio cases caused by oral polio vaccine
? Mitigate against risk of outbreaks
? Countries prioritised into tiers for IPV introduction
1 ? 2012 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | 0
IPV & OPV inRoutine immunization
Complete IPV introduction & OPV 2 withdrawal
Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan
Last wild polio case Last OPV2use GlobalCertification bOPVcessation
Objective 1: Poliovirus Detection and Interruption
Objective 2: RI Strengthening & OPV Withdrawal
Objective 3: Containment & Certification
Objective 4: Legacy Planning Mainstream polio functions,infrastructure and learnings
Complete containmentand certification globally Finalize long term containment plans
Outbreak response (especially cVDPVs ) Wild poliovirus interruption
Strengthen Routine Immunization
Address pre -reqs for OPV2 cess.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Version in document

14 GAVI engagement with graduating countries presentation pdf

GAVI?s engagement with graduating
Hind Khatib -Othman
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
21 -22 November 2013
Number of graduating/graduated countries
projected by 2020
56 57 56 53 51 49 47 44 43 43
15 15 16 19 21
12 10 8
1 1 1 1 1 6 11
17 20 22
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
GAVI eligible
Number of Countries


15 Update for 2014 to two year business plan and budget presentation pdf

Helen Evans - Barry Greene
Update for 2014 to two -year
business plan and budget
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
21 -22 November 2013
? PPC/ AFC review
? Recommended the business plan adjustment
? Added $1m for supply chain activities
? EC review
? Recommended the business plan adjustment
? Discussed level of needs for GAVI?s
? Requested clarification on the source of the polio
funds and coordination with GPEI funding to
Outcome of review by PPC, AFC and EC

16 Country Programmes update presentation pdf

Hind Khatib -Othman
Country Programmes Update
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 -22 November 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
21 -22 November 2013
? Vaccine implementation
? Country support
? Health system strengthening and financial
Country programmes

17 IFFIm Update to Alliance Board pdf

GAVI Alliance Board meeting 22 November 2013 1
IFFIm Report

Ren? Karsenti , Chair, IFFIm Board

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
22 November 2013

GAVI Alliance Board meeting 22 November 2013 2 2
Significant events in 2013
B ond issuan c e s, funding GAVI

IFFIm donor, investor outreach

R isk management buffer

Board recruitment

Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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