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01a Board Declarations of Interest pdf
01b No objection consent decisions pdf
01c Annex A ToRs of the COVAX AMC Engagement Group March 2021 pdf
03 COVAX buffer for high risk groups in humanitarian situations pdf
Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 3
Section A: Summary
In December 2020, the Gavi Board approved the concept of the COVAX Buffer
with its dual purpose to ensure acces s to COVID -19 vaccines for high -risk
populations in humanitarian settings (the ?Humanitarian Buffer?); and to provide a
contingency provision to enable an emergency release of doses to help m itigate
the most severe clusters of high mortality where normal v accine allocation
timelines may not be sufficient (the ?Contingency Provision?). The Board asked
the Secretariat to consult with the Programme & Policy Committee (PPC) to
further develop the details of the COVAX Buffer prior to approval of the high -level
parameters and funding needs. Given the widespread calls for urgency to
implement the Humanitarian Buffer, and the ev olution of thinking on the
Contingency Provision whereby it will only be relevant after end June 2021, the
Secretariat is now bringing forwa rd the Humanitarian Buffer for review and
approval by the Board.
Questions this paper addresses
What are the pr oposed target populations for the Humanitarian Buffer?
Which entities are proposed to be eligible to apply to the Humanitarian Buffer?
How is it proposed that the doses for the Humanitarian Buffer and associated
delivery costs be f unded?
What is the proposed decision -making process for allocating Humanitarian
Buffer doses?
In March 2021 the PPC recommended to the Gavi Board that , no tin g the scope
of the Humanitarian Buffer , it (i) approve reserving 5% of Gavi COVAX AMC
(?AMC?) funding for doses to be deployed via the COVAX Buffer ; approve an
amendment to expand where previously approved exceptional delivery funding
can be used and to as sign 5% of this delivery funding to the Humanitarian Buffer ;
(iii) approve the delegation of decision making on the allocation of Humanitarian
Buffer doses to the Inter -Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Emergency
Directors Group ; and (iii) approve that the Secretaria t report back to the PPC and
Board on the operation of the Humanitarian Buffer.
Agenda item: 03
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
22 March 202 1
03 Annex A Implications Anticipated impact pdf
03 Annex B Sections referenced in decision points pdf
04 Gavi COVAX AMC To follow pdf
05 Review of decisions No paper pdf
06 Closing remarks No paper pdf