Board papers

Board papers

00a Document list pdf

Board -2021-Mtg -1-Doc 00a

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
22 March 202 1
Virtual Meeting

Mond ay 22 March : 14.00-17.30 Geneva Time
Quor um: 14

Document list

No. Document
00a Document list
00b Agenda
01a Declarations of interest
01b No Objection Consent Decisions
01c Consen t Agenda
02 CEO ?s Report ? No paper
03 COVAX buffer for high -risk groups in humanitarian situations
04 Gavi COVAX AMC (To follow)
05 Review o f decisions ? No paper
06 Closing remarks ? No paper

00b Agenda pdf

Board -2021-Mtg-1-Doc 00b
Classifie d as Restricted

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
22 March 2021 , Virtual Meeting

Monday 22 March : 14.00 -17.30 Geneva Time
Quorum: 14


Item Sub ject Action Schedule

1 Chair?s report
? Declarations of interest
? No Objection Cons ent Decisions
? Co nsent Age nda 1
Jos ? Manuel Barroso , Board Chair
DECISIO N 14.00 -14. 30
2 CEO? s Report
? CEO ?s Report: Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer
? Discussion
14 .30 -15. 30
3 COVAX Buffer for high -risk group s in humanitarian
Aur ?lia Nguyen, Managing Director , Offi ce of the COVAX
DE CISION 15. 30 -16.10
Break 16.10 -16.20
Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao , Managing Director, Resource
Mobilisatio n, Pr ivate Sector Partnership s and Innovative Finance
16. 20 -16.50
5 Review o f decis io ns
Brenda Killen , Director, Gove rnance
16. 50 -16.55
6 Closing remarks
Jos ? Manu el Barroso , Board Chair
16. 55 -17.00
Closed Session: For Board Members and Alternate Board
Members only
17.00 -17.30

Ne xt Board Meeting s: 23-24 June 202 1
28 September 2021
1-2 December 202 1 ---
Brend a Killen , Directo r, Governance and Secretary t o the Board, +41 22 9 09 6 680, bkillen
Jo anne Goetz , Head, Governance, + 41 22 909 6544,
Please note that th e Board meeting w ill be recorded. This recording will be used as an aid to minute the meeting .
A transcr iptio n of the full proceedings will not normally be made. Shou ld a transcription be made it wil l be us ed
only as an aid to minute the meeting .

1 Any Board m ember can a sk that an y item be removed fro m the consent agenda for f urth er dis cussion. S hould
there be any such request, the relevant discussion will take place immedia tely precedin g th e R evie w of
Decisi ons.

01a Board Declarations of Interest pdf

Bo ard -2021-Mt g-1-Doc 0 1a

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
22 March 202 1
Virtual Meeting
Quorum: 1 4
Declarations of Interest

Section 5.5 of the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Governance Bodies states ?Members
involved in decisio n-makin g processes on b ehalf of Gavi must take appropriate action to
ensure disclosure of Interests and Conflicts of Inter est, and take the necessary action in
respect thereof.?
Section 6.2 of the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Governance Bodies further states , ?T he duty
to d isclo se [in 6.1 above] is a continuing obligation. This means that Members are obliged to
disclose any Interests and/or Conflict of Interest, whenever the Member comes to know the
relevant matter.?
The following declarations were made b y me mbers of the Boar d on their most recent annual
statements . *These declaration s are based on 2020 submissions until an updated 2021
filing is received.
Board members:
Member Org anisational Interest s

Financial/Personal/Advisor Int /

Jos? Manuel Barroso , Chair


Goldman Sachs I nter national,
Chairman and Non -Executive
Director - Advisor; Princeton
University - Princeton School of
Public Policy, LISD, Non Residen t
Fellow; Catholic U nive rsity o f
Portugal, Visiting Professor ,
Director of the Centre for Euro pean
Studie s; Graduate Insti tute of
International and Development
Studies -Geneva, Visiting
Professor; The EUROPEAUM,
Board Member; WPL -Women
Political Leaders, A dvisory Board
Member ; Je an Monn et Foundation
for Europe, Honorary Committee
Member; European C entre for
Culture, Honorary Co -President;
Portuguese Diaspora Council,
Chairman General Assembly;
Bilderberg Meetings, Steering
Committee Member; Concordia,
Leade rship Member Council ; Wo rld
Lea dership Alliance - Club de
Madrid, Member; Teatro Real
Madrid, Internation al Council
member; Royal Institute of
International Affairs (Chattam

01b No objection consent decisions pdf


Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 01b
Report to the Board
22 March 2021
Classified as Internal

Since the December 2020 Board meeting, three decision s ha ve been circulated to
the Board electronically for approval by no -objection consent in line with Section
11.3 of the Board and Board Committee Operating Procedures .

1) On 29 January 2021 , Board members were invited to consider approval of
the appointment of an Audit and Finance Committee member .

No objections were received prior to the end of 10 February 2021 and the following
decision was therefore entered into the record:

In accordance with Section 11.3 of the Board and Board Committee Operating
Procedures, on a no -objection basis, the Gavi Alliance Board:
Appointed Karen Pillay (Committee Delegate) to the Audit and Finance
Committee, effective immediately and until 31 December 2021.
2) On 11 February 2021 , Board members were invited to consider approval
of the appointment of two Alternate Board Members .

No objections were received prior to the end of 23 February 2021 and the following
decision was therefore entered into the record:

In accordance with Section 11.3 of the Board and Board Committee Operating
Procedures, on a no -objection basis, the Gavi Alliance Board:
Appointed the following Alternate Board Members:
? Joris Jurri?ns as Al ternate Board Member representing the Netherlands in
the donor cluster anchored by Norway in the seat currently held by Hannah
Haaij of the Netherlands, effective immediately and until 31 December 2022;
? Wahid Majrooh of Afghanistan as Al ternate Board Member representing
the implementing country constituency in the seat formerly held by Ahmad
Jawad Osmani of Afghanistan, effective immediately and until 31 December

Agenda item: 01b
Category: For information

01c Annex A ToRs of the COVAX AMC Engagement Group March 2021 pdf

March 202 1
1. Purpose
The COVAX Facility A dvance M arket C ommitment (?AMC?) Engagement Group (?the A MC
Group ?) is established by the Board (?Board?) of the Gavi Alliance (?Gavi?) to convene
representatives from implementing countries, donors and other parties engaged in the
financing and operation of the AMC portion of the Facility , with the aim of providing st rategic
guidance and advice to the Office of the COVAX Facility (?the Office?) on the operational
aspects of the COVAX Facility .
The AMC Group i s not deemed to be a committee of the Board in that its primary role is
essentially an advisory function as contemplated under Article 20 of the Statues. It is
empowered by the Board to undertake the responsibilities outlined in these terms of
2. Membership
A. Composition and size
Membership of the AMC Group will be open to representatives of implementing countries,
donors and other parties engaged in the financing and operation of the AMC portion of the
Additionally, a representative each from UNICEF, WHO, PAHO, the World Bank and Civil
Society shall have a permanent observer seat on the Engagement Group .
All members are treated equally in terms of membership, rights and privileges .
B. Competencies and skills
All members are expected to act in a manner consistent with the Facility?s goals.
The criteria for AMC Group membership shall be consistent with Gavi?s guiding principles on
gender for Board and Board Committee nominations and Gavi?s Conflicts of Interest Policy for
Governance Bodies.
Doc 01c - Annex A

01c Consent Agenda pdf


Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 01c
Report to the Board
22 March 2020

Section A: Introduction
One recommendations is being presented to the Board under the Consent Agenda
for consideration. Detailed information on the item can be found in the relevant
Committee paper in a dedicated folder on BoardEffect at :
Section B: Actions requested of the Board
The Gavi Alliance Board is requested to consider the following recommendation
from the Gavi Alliance Governance Committee .
Decision One ? COVAX Facil ity Terms of Reference
The Gavi Alliance Governance Committee recommen ds to the Gavi Alliance
Board that it:
Approve the Terms of Reference of the COVAX AMC Engagement Group
attached as Annex A to Doc 01 c.
Agenda item: 01 c
Category: For Decision

02 CEO s report No paper pdf

Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 2 1
Report to the Board
22 March 20 21

Agenda item: 02
No paper

03 COVAX buffer for high risk groups in humanitarian situations pdf


Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 3

Section A: Summary
In December 2020, the Gavi Board approved the concept of the COVAX Buffer
with its dual purpose to ensure acces s to COVID -19 vaccines for high -risk
populations in humanitarian settings (the ?Humanitarian Buffer?); and to provide a
contingency provision to enable an emergency release of doses to help m itigate
the most severe clusters of high mortality where normal v accine allocation
timelines may not be sufficient (the ?Contingency Provision?). The Board asked
the Secretariat to consult with the Programme & Policy Committee (PPC) to
further develop the details of the COVAX Buffer prior to approval of the high -level
parameters and funding needs. Given the widespread calls for urgency to
implement the Humanitarian Buffer, and the ev olution of thinking on the
Contingency Provision whereby it will only be relevant after end June 2021, the
Secretariat is now bringing forwa rd the Humanitarian Buffer for review and
approval by the Board.
Questions this paper addresses
What are the pr oposed target populations for the Humanitarian Buffer?
Which entities are proposed to be eligible to apply to the Humanitarian Buffer?
How is it proposed that the doses for the Humanitarian Buffer and associated
delivery costs be f unded?
What is the proposed decision -making process for allocating Humanitarian
Buffer doses?
In March 2021 the PPC recommended to the Gavi Board that , no tin g the scope
of the Humanitarian Buffer , it (i) approve reserving 5% of Gavi COVAX AMC
(?AMC?) funding for doses to be deployed via the COVAX Buffer ; approve an
amendment to expand where previously approved exceptional delivery funding
can be used and to as sign 5% of this delivery funding to the Humanitarian Buffer ;
(iii) approve the delegation of decision making on the allocation of Humanitarian
Buffer doses to the Inter -Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Emergency
Directors Group ; and (iii) approve that the Secretaria t report back to the PPC and
Board on the operation of the Humanitarian Buffer.
Agenda item: 03
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
22 March 202 1

03 Annex A Implications Anticipated impact pdf

Re port to the Board

Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 3 Annex A
Annex A: Implications/Anticipated impact
? Risk implication and mitigation, including information on the risks of inaction
Any risk of the existence of the Humanitarian Buffer creating a perverse incentive for
countries to not include Humanitarian Buffer target populations in their NDVPs is
mitigated by : strong, coordinated and proactive advocacy at country, regional and
global levels to mitigate the risk of high -risk groups being missed in relevant contexts ;
clear Humanitarian Buffer a pplication criteria asking countries to demonstrate why
target populations have not been included in national vaccination plans, and limited
COVAX Buffer dose availability .
Inaction on the Humanitarian Buffer would lead to millions of high -risk individuals likely
not receiving any COVID -19 vaccine in the foreseeable future .
The Humanitarian Buffer will fit within the overarching risk assessment and framework
that was shared with the Board in December. Specific risks will be assessed and
mitigated to the ext ent possible. It may also be needed to accept some risks , including
fiduciary risks or the challenges of reaching target populations, as required by
emergency needs.
? Impact on countries
The Humanitarian Buffer supports efforts to ensure global equitable ac cess to all
population groups by providing the possibility for c ountries to access additional
COVID -19 vaccines for high -risk groups in humanitarian settings.
? Impact on Alliance
The Humanitarian Buffer has been co -designed with WHO with inputs from the
bro ader humanitarian community and leverages Alliance expertise and resources.
The Humanitarian Buffer also supports the Alliance?s objective to respond to gender
inequities. Access to health services for vulnerable populations is often restricted,
and dispr oportionately so for women and adolescent girls who face additional barriers
to safely accessing healthcare
Lack of female representation in health leadership means that at the country level,
COVID -19 responses have been developed largely based on a male perspective. The
lack of women?s voice and expertise in the COVID19 response has resulted in non -
inclusive programmes that do not meet the needs of the full community , both in terms
of planning and delivery. In addition, humanitarian settings bring ad ditional challenges
for women and girls, with these groups often being disproportionately represented in
at -risk populations as well as facing higher risks (e.g. gender -based violence). These
challenges strengthen the need for the Humanitarian Buffer as a responsive

03 Annex B Sections referenced in decision points pdf

www.gavi.orgCOVAX Buffer for high - risk
groups in humanitarian
Doc 02 Annex A - Sections
referenced in decision points
PPC Meeting on 1 March 2021
Reach every child
Doc 03 - Annex B
Classified as Internal
Target populations
Doc 03 - Annex B

04 Gavi COVAX AMC To follow pdf

Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 4 1
Report to the Board
22 March 20 21

Agenda item: 04
To follow

05 Review of decisions No paper pdf

Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 5 1
Report to the Board
22 March 20 21

Agenda item: 05
No paper

06 Closing remarks No paper pdf

Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 06 1
Report to the Board
22 March 20 21

Agenda item: 06
No paper
Last updated: 10 Feb 2022

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