The Board welcomed the appointment of Richard Sezibera, Secretary General of the East African Community as an independent Board member and the appointment of the health ministers of Tanzania, Senegal, Benin, Moldova and Myanmar to represent GAVI eligible countries.

Meeting documents

00a Document list pdf

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 00a

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Monday 3 December: Pre-Board meetings and Field Vis its
Tuesday 4 December: 08.00-18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 5 December: 08.00-17.00 (Board meeting Da y Two)
Thursday 6 December: Post-Board meetings

Document list
00a - Document list
00b - Agenda
01a - Declarations of interest
01b - Minutes from 12-13 June 2012
01c - Action sheet
01d - Board workplan
02a - Consent agenda: Board/Committee member appointments
02b - Consent agenda: Board Chair appointment
02c - Consent agenda: Committee Chair appointments
02d - Consent agenda: Independent Auditor selection and E valuation Policy
02e - Consent agenda: By-Law and Committee Charter amendm ents
03 - CEO?s report (To follow)
04 - Committee Chair reports - No paper
05 - Financial forecast and programme funding envelope a pproval
06 - 2013-2014 Business plan and budget
07 - Long-term funding strategy
08 - Chair?s reflections on the day ? No paper
09 - Chair's overview - No paper
10 - Country presentation - No paper
11 - Risk management update
12 - GAVI and fragile states: a country by country appro ach
13 - New strategy for polio eradication: possible GAVI & IFFIm participation
14 - Country programme update
15 - Health Campus option for Geneva office space
16 - IFFIm report ? No paper
17 - Review of decisions and actions - No paper
18 - Closing remarks and any other business - No paper
A - Annex ? Fourth annual report on implementation of the Gende r Policy (For
information only)
B - Annex ? Committee minutes (For information only)

00b Agenda pdf

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Monday 3 December: Pre-Board meetings and Field Vis its
Tuesday 4 December: 08.00-18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 5 December: 08.00-17.00 (Board meeting Da y Two)
Thursday 6 December: Post-Board meetings
Quorum: 14


Pre-Board Field Visits and Meetings ? Monday, 3 Dec ember 2012
Item Subject Room Schedule

A Field Visit to Arusha*
B Field Visit to Malaria Trial Centre in Bagamoyo
C Field V isit to Dar es Salaam
D Field Visit to Morogoro
E Field Visit to Zanzibar
Pre -Board meetings
 Developing Countries Board members meeting
 GAVI Donors? meeting

Lake Tanganyika


* Participants will be arriving late in Dar es Sala am on Monday 3 December and will therefore not be
able to participate in any meetings taking place th at evening.

01a Declarations of interest pdf

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 01a 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Monday 3 December: Pre -Board meetings and Field Visits
Tuesday 4 December: 08.00 -17.45 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 5 December: 08.45 -17.00 (Board meetin g Day Two)
Thursday 6 December: Post -Board meetings
Quorum: 1 4

Declarations of interes t


Section 5.2 of the Conflict of Interest Policy states, ?Annually, each member of the Board
(including alternate Board members and Committee delegates). ..shall complete and submit
a conflict of interest form to be distributed by the Managing Director, Law and Governance.?
The following declarations were made by members of the Board on their most recent annual
Member Organisational Interests Financial/ Personal /Advise r Int
Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Chair None GAVI -appointed special advis er
Geeta Rao Gupta, Vice Chair UNICEF GAVI -appointed special advis er
Amie Batson USAID (USA/CAN/AUS/JPN/KOR) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Wayne Berson None GAVI Fund Affiliate (Board)
Simon Bland UK (UK/NOR/IRL) None
Dwight Bush None None
Flavia Bustreo WHO TBD
H.R.H. the Infanta Cristina of Spain None
?la Caixa? Foundation (Employee)
Barcelona Inst. for Global Hea lth (Board)
GAVI -appointed special advis er
Suraya Dalil Government of Afghanistan GAVI -appointed special advis er
Mahima Datla Dev. Ctry. Vaccine Manu. Net. Biological E Limited (Employee)
Christopher Elias Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation None
Maria C. Freire None Johns Hopkins University (Family)
Ashutosh Garg None None
Guillermo Gonz?lez Government of Nicaragua GAVI -appointed special advis er
Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali France (FRA/EC/LUX/GER ) None
A.F.M. Ruhal Haque Government of Bangladesh GAVI -appoi nted special advis er
Alan Hinman Task Force for Global Health
(CSO constituency )
Novartis (Research grant - Rabie s)
Merck (Imm. Workers training grant)
GAVI -appointed special advis er
Yifei Li None None

01b Minutes from 12 13 June 2012 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12-13 June 2012
Board-2012-Mtg-2 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12-13 June 2012
Washington, DC, USA


1. Chair?s report and consent agenda

Chair?s report
1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.02
Washington time on 12 June 2011. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired
the meeting.

1.2 The Chair opened the meeting by referencing the Norwegian concept of a
?dugnad,? which he explained was a group of people who come together to
solve problems for the common good. He observed tha t this Board was a
dugnad, and encouraged Board members to engage with each other in that
1.3 The Chair referenced the Child Survival Call to Action organised by USAID,
UNICEF, and the governments of India and Ethiopia t o be held at Georgetown
University on 14-15 June 2012. He also announced th e publication of the
GAVI 2011 progress report, noting that a special on line edition was available.
He reminded the Board that 2011 had been a successf ul year: routine
immunisation rates reached 80%, the Board hired a n ew CEO, and GAVI met
its funding challenge. Now the Chair declared GAVI must ?deliver, deliver,
deliver? on the promises made at the pledging confe rence in June 2011.

1.4 Standing declarations of interest were tabled t o the Board (Doc 1a in the
Board pack). Alan Hinman noted that the Novartis re search grant reported in
Doc 1a was for rabies rather than measles. However, he declared an interest
in the measles decision since he leads a project th at works with the Measles-
Rubella Initiative (MR Initiative). He would recuse himself from that item. Anne
Schuchat reported that the US Centers for Disease C ontrol is involved with
some of the special studies to be discussed at this meeting and in the MR
Initiative; she would recuse herself from those mat ters. Nicholas Alipui and
Simon Bland declared they had no financial/personal interests in any of the
matters to be discussed at this meeting; so their o nly interests were in matters
involving UNICEF and DFID, respectively. Maria C. F reire declared interests
in any matters involving the Lasker Foundation (whe re she serves as
president) or Johns Hopkins University (where a fam ily member is employed),

01c Action Sheet pdf

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 01c

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Monday 3 December: Pre-Board meetings and Field Vis its
Tuesday 4 December: 08.00-18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 5 December: 08.00-17.00 (Board meeting Da y Two)
Thursday 6 December: Post-Board meetings

Action sheet

Item Request Matter Responsible Status


12-13 June
2012; ?1

Going forward, the Secretariat should ensure
items on the action sheet described as ?in
progress? and not addressed elsewhere in the
Board pack include a short statement on activity.



12-13 June
2012; ?1

Going forward, the Board workplan should include
executive sessions, and the date and time of the
executive sessions.



12-13 June
2012; ?1
The Secretariat should add a discussion on
cholera to the Board workplan for December


EC agreed to include
this in the vaccine
investment strategy

12-13 June
2012; ?1
The Secretariat should follow-up on the retreat
Options Paper to provide analysis on
opportunities, trade-offs, and costs between


Will be
addressed in the

12-13 June
2012; ?2
The Secretariat should provide the Board with an
organogram when the current restructure and
recruitments have taken place.


To be
provided at the Board

01d Board Workplan as of 20 November 2012 pdf

BOARD WORKPLAN Graphical format
Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 01d

GAVI Alliance Board Agendas
FOR BOARD DECISION Board/Cte member appointments (Consent Agenda)
Cte chair appointments (Consent Agenda)
Chair or Vice Chair appointment (Consent Agenda)
Appointment of Independent Auditor (Consent Agenda)
Statutes and By-law changes (Consent Agenda)
Changes to Committee Charters
Proposal to make Committees decision-making
Proposal to include CSO seat on the EC
Board Travel Policy
Ethics Policy
Gender Policy Review
TAP Policy Review
Financial forecast and programme funding approvals
IRC Redesign
Vaccine investment strategy
Annual financial report
Risk management update
Mid-term review
Business plan and budget
Chair rpt (Decl of Int, Mins, Acts, W kpl)
CEO report
Committee chair reports
IFFIm report
Country presentation
Review of decisions
Any other business
Report of the internal auditor
Decision Decision
Decision Decision
Guidance Decision
Information Discussion
Information N/A
Sept NoObj
Information Information
Discussion Guidance

02 Consent agenda pdf

Consent agenda

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 4 -5 December 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
4-5 December 2012
Decision 1: Board/ Committee member
appointments (1/14)
The GAVI Alliance Board:
(a) Appointed the following Board members:
? Orin Levine as Board Member representing the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation in the seat currently held by Christopher J. Elias effective
1 January 2013 until his successor is appointed and qualified.
? Zulfiqar A. Bhutta as Board Member representing research and
technical health institutes in the seat currently held by Anne Schuchat
effective 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2015.
? Awa Marie Coll -Seck of Senegal as Board Member representing
developing country governments in the seat formerly held by
Toupta Boguena (Chad) effective immediately until 31 December 2015.

02a Consent Agenda Board and Committee member appointments pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 02a
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Consent Agenda: Board/Committee member appointments
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Secretary
Agenda item: 02a
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report informs the Board of the Governance Committee?s
recommendations for Board and committee membership.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Governance Committee recommends that the Bo ard:
 Appoint the following Board members:
o Orin Levine as Board Member representing the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation in the seat currently held by Chri stopher J.
Elias effective 1 January 2013 until his successor is appointed
and qualified.
o Zulfiqar A. Bhutta as Board Member representing research
and technical health institutes in the seat current ly held by Anne
Schuchat effective 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2015.
o Awa Marie Coll-Seck of Senegal as Board Member
representing developing country governments in the seat
formerly held by Toupta Boguena (Chad) effective im mediately
until 31 December 2015.
1 All Board candidate biographies are located in secti on B.

02b Consent Agenda Board Chair appointment pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 02b
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Consent Agenda: Board Chair appointment
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Secretary
Agenda item: 02b
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report reviews the nomination of the Board Chair.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Governance Committee recommends that the Bo ard:
 Appoint Dagfinn H?ybr?ten as Chair of the Board with indiv idual
signatory authority effective 1 January 2013 and until 31 December
The minutes will note that Dagfinn H?ybr?ten did no t participate in
discussion or voting on his appointment.
3 Executive Summary
3.1 On 23 August 2012, Dagfinn H?ybr?ten sent a let ter to the Governance
Committee Chair copying the Board to express an int erest in
reappointment. The Governance Committee Chair respo nded on 26
August noting that the Board had ?greatly benefited from the energy and
focus that you have brought it its oversight. Indee d, the GAVI Alliance as a
whole has made huge strides under your chairmanship ?.?
3.2 At the Governance Committee?s 3 October meeting , the Governance
Committee Chair proposed a process to appoint the n ext Board Chair. She
reminded the Committee of Dagfinn H?ybr?ten's lette r and that the Nordic
Council of Ministers, which had recently appointed Mr H?ybr?ten as
Secretary General, would allow him adequate time an d travel to fulfil his
GAVI responsibilities. The Governance Committee Cha ir reported her
understanding that there is strong support for his candidacy among the

02c Consent Agenda Committee chair appointments pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 02c
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Consent Agenda: Committee Chair appointments
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Assistant Secretary
Agenda item: 02c
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report informs the Board of the Governance Committee?s
recommendations for committee chairships.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Governance Committee recommends that the Bo ard:
 Appoint the following chairs of the committees until the c ommittees
are refreshed for the 2014 year:
o Wayne Berson as Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee
o George W. Wellde, Jr as Chair of the Investment Committee
o Gustavo Gonzalez-Canali as Chair of the Programme and
Policy Committee
o Sania Nishtar as Chair of the Evaluation Advisory Committee
The minutes will note that candidates for these pos itions did not
participate in discussion and voting on their appoi ntments.
The minutes will note that Dagfinn H?ybr?ten (Execu tive Committee)
and Geeta Rao Gupta (Governance Committee) are stat utorily
appointed to chair their respective committees. The y will also note
that Geeta Rao Gupta is also statutorily appointed as Vice Chair of
the Executive Committee.

02d Consent Agenda Independent Auditor selection and Evaluation Policy pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 02d
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Independent Auditor Selection and Evaluation Policy
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Louis Mkanganwi, Director of Financial Reporting
Agenda item: 02d
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This paper presents to the Board a draft Indepe ndent Auditor Selection and
Evaluation Policy (the ?Draft Policy?), which the A udit and Finance
Committee (?AFC?) recommends to the Board for appro val. This responds
to the Board?s request at its 16-17 November 2011 m eeting.
1.2 It also recommends that the Board appoint KPMG as the independent
auditor of the GAVI Alliance for the financial year ending 31 December
2012 and to provide tax services for the GAVI Allia nce in respect of that
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Audit and Finance Committee recommends that the Board:
(a) Approve the GAVI Alliance Independent Auditor Selection an d
Evaluation Policy attached as Annex 1 to Doc 2d.
(b) Appoint KPMG SA/AG as the independent auditor of the GAVI
Alliance for the financial year ending 31 December 2012.
(c) Appoint KPMG SA/AG to provide Swiss tax services for the G AVI
Alliance for the financial year ending 31 December 2012.
(d) Appoint KPMG LLP to provide United States tax services for the GAVI
Alliance for the financial year ending 31 December 2012.

02e Consent Agenda By law and Committee charter amendments pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 02e
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Consent Agenda: By-Law and Committee charter
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Secretary
Agenda item: 02e
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report proposes amendments to the By-Laws and committee charters
to clarify roles and responsibilities in relation t o the business planning
process as agreed by the Board, and to align the Au dit and Finance
Committee Charter and the Investment Committee Char ter with policies
adopted by the Board.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Governance Committee recommends that the Bo ard:
 Amend the By-Laws and committee charters as follows to i mplement
the Board-approved business planning process:
o By-Laws Article 7.1 (Functions of the Secretariat): The bullet
point that states ?prepare the strategic plan and r elated work plans
and budgets that demonstrate the value for money an d efficiency of
the GAVI Alliance? is deleted and replaced with:
Prepare the strategic plan for review and approval by the Board.
To implement the strategic plan, prepare draft busi ness plans and
budgets in consultation with Alliance partners in a ccordance with
these By-Laws, the committee charters, and any addi tional
instructions from the Board.

03 CEO Report annex post 2015 immunisation pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

4-5 December 2012
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

A thought piece on immunisation and the Post-2015 D evelopment

Redefining a fully immunised child ? a 21 st century routine immunisation indicator

Discussions are well under way to shape the Post-20 15 Development Agenda (post-2015
agenda). The next set of development goals represen t an opportunity for us to rethink what
makes development that is inclusive, inspiring, inn ovative, and applicable to all people. It is
an opportunity to build on lessons learned, but als o to create a vision for the future for our
next generation to take forward.
The United Nations Secretary General has urged the world to be bold and ambitious when
we define the next chapter in development. While g lobal goals promote global solidarity,
there is a strong call for greater flexibility in t he next chapter of development - with goals and
targets that can be tailored for global, regional a nd country-level impact.

Health is at the core of development. Like other g lobal health stakeholders, the GAVI
Alliance is promoting the inclusion of at least one specific health goal. Goals, targets and
indicators should resonate with the general public, yet be robust enough to meet some of the
world?s most complex economic, environmental, and s ocial issues. These goals and
indicators need to make sense within a 21
st century context.

Below the health goal will be a series of indicator s. There are good reasons to include a
health indicator that speaks to routine immunisatio n. The evidence of the health and
economic benefits of vaccines demonstrate that immu nisation is one of the most successful
and cost-effective public health interventions. Im munisation offers protection against a
myriad of preventable diseases, avoiding catastroph ic health expenditures for both
individuals and societies and improving productivit y.

Routine immunisation coverage is also a proxy indic ator of the strength of a health system
It is also a societal measure to assess the extensi on of services to those hardest to reach,
and a measure of an individual?s right to lifesavin g services.

An indicator to measure global progress to achieve full routine immunisation coverage
therefore addresses health systems, equity, and hum an rights. It is applicable to all countries
- no matter if rich or poor - the target is for eve ry child to have the opportunity to be fully
1 A fully-functioning immunisation system comprises a well-trained work force, robust vaccine supply and distribution
systems, and strong management and monitoring funct ions.

03 CEO report pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 03
4-5 December 2012
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

27 November 2012
Dear Board Members,

It gives me great pleasure to provide this report on the eve of our Board meeting in
the United Republic of Tanzania, which will begin a significant week f or the Alliance
as we see more than 60 0 friends of GAVI gather at our Partners? Forum to consider
what progress we have together made and how we can collectively build upon it.

I would like to th ank the Government of Tanzania ? from the President down ? for the
support they have provided for the Board meeting and the Partners? Forum.
Tanzania has much to be proud of. In 1999, 147 out of every 1000 children died
before their fifth birthday. That figure was down to 67 in 2011, putting Tanzania on
track to meet the Millennium Development Goal on child mortality. One of the
reasons for that impressive reduction has been the work that Tanzania has done with
our Alliance. In 2001, Tanzania was one o f the first countries to be supported by
GAVI to use the then ne w DTP -HepB combination vaccine. We then supported the
introduction of pentavalent vaccine in 2009, which now reaches 90% of Tanzania?s
children. And Tanzania will take another dramatic step this week in protecting its
children against the two biggest child killers ? pneumonia and severe diarrhoea,
which cause a quarter of under five d eaths in Tanzania ? by introducing
pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines.

The Forum will also give us the opportunity to mark a new phase in the Decade of
Vaccines following the approval earlier in the year by the World Health Assembly of
th e Global Vaccine Action Plan. At the AFRO regional committee meeting in Angola
two weeks before our Board meeting I had the chance to discuss with health
ministers how they are planning to meet the ambitious Plan, and how GAVI can help.
The week before that I was in Bra zil, where the Brazilian government renewed its
commitment to work with GAVI and start contributing to IFFIm ? although the path
through the Brazilian bureaucracy is still not entirely clear . I am sure that Dagfinn
H?ybr?ten, chair of the Board, will update the Board on his visit with Australian and
New Zealand MPs and Helen Evans to Myanmar; from what I have heard and seen of
the media coverage, it was a highly successful visit.

Accelerated introductions

The pace of the Alliance?s work continues to accele rate: by the end of 2012 we will
have seen a record total of 30 vaccine introductions into countries? routine schedules
and 6 campaigns supported by GAVI over the course of the year. These include five
pentavalent, seven rotavirus, ten pneumococcal, and e ight measles second dose

04 Committee Chair reports no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 04
4-5 December 2012
Subject : Committee Chair reports
Agenda item : 04
No paper

05 Financial forecast and programme funding envelope approval pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board
Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 05
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Financial Forecast and Programme Funding
Envelope approval
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance & Operatio ns
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director, Finance & Chief
Accounting Officer
Agenda item: 05
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the report
1.1 This paper informs the GAVI Alliance Board (?Bo ard?) of the updated GAVI
financial forecast for 2011-2020 (Version 6.0Fb) an d requests the Board to
approve a programme funding envelope to be allotted by the Secretariat
through 31 December 2013.
2. Recommendations
2.1 The Board is requested to:
 Approve a Programme Funding Envelope for unrestricted coun tries from
which the Secretariat, under the Programme Funding Policy, shall allot
funding to programmes until 31 December 2013, to:
a) Endorse or adjust previously endorsed amounts of programme multi-
year budgets for existing programmes and new cash p rogrammes for
an aggregate amount not exceeding US$ 600 million. (These
endorsements would constitute acknowledgement of su ch budget
amounts at the time of allotment but would not cons titute a funding
approval, decision, obligation or commitment of the GAVI Alliance or its
b) Establish or adjust near-term liabilities of the GAVI Alliance in respect of
endorsed programme budgets for periods ending no la ter than 31
December 2014 for an aggregate amount not exceeding US$ 1,482
million. (These amounts are a sub-component of endo rsed programme

06 2013 2014 Business plan and budget document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 06
4-5 December 2012
Subject: 2013-2014 Business plan and budget
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Adrien de Chaisemartin; Barry Greene; Ciara Goldste in;
Claire Hugo; Nina Schwalbe; Tony Dutson; Ulf Herzer
Agenda item: 06
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report provides the Board with an overview of the key programmatic and
budget aspects of the 2013-14 Business Plan, the op erating model to
implement it and the allocation of resources across priority areas.
1.2 A summary of the Business Plan programme object ives, deliverables, costs,
and main activities are included in Annex 1 of this document. Annex 2 provides
the background information for the changes in basel ine and corresponding
targets for some of GAVI?s Business Plan indicators . More details are included
in two Appendix documents available on the myGAVI s ite
1, including a
narrative describing key work areas in details, and an excel document
providing details on deliverables, activities and b udget.
1.3 The Business Plan takes into account the outcom es from the workshops held
in May 2012 which informed high level guidance on t he priorities for the next
two year business plan provided by the Board on 12 June 2012, and reviews
by the Executive Committee (EC) on 20 September 201 2, the Programme and
Policy Committee (PPC) on 17 October 2012, the join t Audit and Finance
Committee (AFC)/PPC meeting on 9 November 2012 and the EC meeting on
15 November 2012.
1.4 At their joint meeting on 9 November, the PPC a nd AFC recommended to the
Executive Committee that it, in turn, recommend the 2013-2014 business plan
and budget to the Board, subject to UNICEF Supply D ivision submitting the
clarifications requested by the committees. In addi tion, the AFC recommended
the Board to approve the carry-forward mechanism, d escribed in Annex 8.

1 Page available on http://mygavi/display/boardgroup/Board+additional+do cuments

07 Long term funding strategy document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 07
4-5 December 2012
Subject : Long -term funding strategy
Report of: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Director, Programme Funding and
David Ferreira, Managing Director, Innovative Finance
Authored by: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Director, Programme Funding and
David Ferreira, M anaging Director, Innovative Finance
Agenda item : 07
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG3 - Financing: global predictability/nat'l sustainability
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report presents GAVI?s long -term funding strategy (LTFS) , n amely the
long -term funding model , capital structure, and the replenishment process.
The strategy focuses on the period 2016 -20 , although the
recommendations consider the impact beyond 2020.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The S ecretariat recommends that the GAVI Alliance Board :
a) Approve GAVI?s long -term funding strategy priorities as presented
in paragraph 3.4 of Doc 07 .
3 Executive Summary
3.1 Since the conclusion of the 2011 pledging meeting, implementation of
GAVI supported programs has accelerated at an unprecedented pace 1 to
meet the agreed target s by 2015. While the GAVI Mid -Term Review
(MTR) at the end of 2013 will detail results achieved so far , countries ?
longer -term requirement s to build on and sustain immunisation gains are
already emerging for the next period 2016 -20 and beyond . With Sub -
Saharan Africa , South and East Asia still lagging behind on MDG4 and 5,
looking ahead , GAVI plans to demonstrate both that it has cost -effectively
achieved a substantial health impact, and what it can achieve over the
next replenishment cycle .
1 See Board Paper on update on programmes, December 2012 , Doc 14.

08 Chair s reflections on the day no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 08
4-5 December 201 2
Subject : Chair?s reflection on the day
Agenda item : 08
No paper

09 Chair s overview no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 09
4-5 December 2012

Subject : Chair?s overview
Agenda item : 09
No paper

10 Country presentation no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 10
4-5 December 2012

Subject : Country presentation
Agenda item : 10
No paper

11 Risk management update pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 11
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Risk management update
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Claire Hugo; Adrien de Chaisemartin; Nina Schwalbe, Helen
Agenda item: 11
Category: For Guidance
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report outlines the risk management framew ork of the GAVI Alliance
and provides an update on the key risks of the Alli ance.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Board is requested to provide guidance on w hether Board members
agree with the key risks identified and that the ri sk mitigation strategies
adequately address the risks of the Alliance.
3 Executive Summary
3.1 The key risk management tools for the Alliance include:
a) Transparency and Accountability Policy : This policy intends to
ensure that all cash-based support provided by GAVI to countries is
used for the purposes for which it was approved. Al l countries or
implementing entities that receive cash grants from the Alliance
undergo a Financial Management Assessment (FMA) whi ch evaluates
whether systems provide reasonable assurance that t he resources
provided will be used for their agreed intended pur poses, with due
attention to the principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness,
transparency and accountability.
b) Risk Register : Whilst TAP focuses on the fiduciary risks related to
cash support at country level, the Secretariat cond ucts a quarterly risk
assessment focusing on risks that would prevent GAV I from reaching
its targets. Each risk has a responsible focal poin t within the

12 GAVI and fragile states a country by country approach document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 12
4-5 December 2012
Subject: GAVI and fragile states: a country by country appro ach
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy and Performance
Authored by: Aur?lia Nguyen, Anna-Carin Matterson, Policy and Ma rket
Shaping; Paul Kelly, Country Programmes
Agenda item: 12
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: SG1 - Vaccines, SG2 - Health systems, SG3 - Financing
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report presents the proposed policy for GA VI and fragile states: a
country by country approach. The Programme and Poli cy Committee
(PPC) endorsed the policy at its meeting on 16-17 O ctober 2012.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The GAVI Alliance Programme and Policy Committe e recommends that
the GAVI Alliance Board:
 Approve GAVI?s policy on fragility and immunisation in Anne x 1 to Doc
08 subject to the following amendment:
Section 5.4.1 Replace a ?2 week timeframe? by a ?4 week timeframe.?
3 Executive Summary
3.1 In November 2011 the Board requested the Secret ariat ?to develop a
policy that clearly defines the GAVI Alliance?s app roach to fragile and
under-performing countries?.
3.2 There are many lists categorising fragile stat es and they vary in terms of
definitions. Of the eight definitions analysed
1, 44 out of the 57 GAVI-
eligible countries were categorised as fragile on a t least one list. None of
1 Includes: World Bank; OECD; Global Fund; Country Indicator for Foreign Policy, Carleton
University, Canada; Brookings Institute; Fund for P eace; GAVI 2006 list of fragile states.

13 New strategy for polio eradication document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 13
4-5 December 2012
Subject : New strategy for polio eradication: possible GAVI & IFFIm
Report of: David Ferre ira , Managing Director, Innovative Finance
Authored by: David Ferreira , Managing Director, Innovative Finance , and
Hind Khatib -Othman , Managing Director, Country Programmes
Agenda item : 13
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report present s a possible plan for closer collaboration with the Global
Polio Eradication Initiative ( GPEI ) and other partners in the area of
strengthening health systems to provide routine immunisation. This
collaboration could span the introduction and implementation of inactivated
polio vaccine (IPV), support services for these efforts and perhaps support
the procurement and supply tools for oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). GAVI?s
participation across these areas will be defined by identified overlaps and
synergies betw een GAVI and GPEI programmes. (Note: A decision on IPV
will be brought separately to the Board in 2013 through the Vaccine
Investment Strategy.)
1.2 Should frontloading be required to support the GPEI fundraising effort and
GAVI programmatic collaboration with GPEI, IFFIm is a mechanism well -
suited to contribute to this . Expanding IFFIm to provide frontload ed , flexible
and predictable financing to support GAVI?s role in polio eradication could
have advantage s for donors who contribute to GPEI , GAVI and IFFIm.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Secretariat recommends that the GAVI Alliance Board:
? Approve GAVI playing a complementary role to the Global Polio
Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in the polio eradication effort, in line with
GAVI?s core mission to increase access to immunisation, and
approve GAVI exploring the possible use of IFFIm as a funding
str ucture for activities within GAVI?s strategy and mission using
existing structures, processes and procedures.

14 Country programme update pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 14
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Country programme update
Report of: Hind Khatib-Othman, Managing Director, Country Prog rammes
Authored by: Paul Kelly, Bakhuti Shengelia, Stefano Malvolti and Jon
Agenda item: 14
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1 Purpose of the report

1.1 The GAVI Secretariat has established a restruct ured Country Programmes
Department that comprises Country Support, Vaccine Implementation
(formerly the Accelerated Vaccine Introduction init iative) and Technical
1 This report provides an update on GAVI?s work with countries.

2 Recommendations
2.1 This report is for information only.

3 Executive Summary
3.1 The Secretariat has focused on strengthening it s Country Programmes
Department through the following measures:
(a) An increased number of Country Responsible Off icers (CRO) are now in
place allowing for more frequent contact with count ries. Staff are
deepening their understanding of immunisation and d evelopment issues
in GAVI countries, as well as strengthening relatio nships with
governments and in-country partners. Improved moni toring of GAVI-
funded programmes allows the Secretariat to be more proactive in jointly
identifying and resolving implementation problems.
(b) The Secretariat has restructured AVI, now inte grated into the Country
Programmes Department. The new team will have an e xtended focus on
implementation (reflected in the name change to Vac cine
Implementation) and on the entire GAVI portfolio of vaccines. A new
Director has been added to ensure stronger coordina tion across the
Alliance. The VI team will concentrate on programm e rollouts with
dedicated specialist support for vaccines implement ation and supply
chain management.

1 Effective 1 September.

15 Health Campus pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc 15
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Health Campus option for Geneva office space
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operat ions
Authored by: Barry Greene, and Barry Ardiff, Manager Building and Services
Agenda item: 15
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The Geneva Health Campus presents an option to meet GAVI?s future
office space needs. Participation in the Campus wou ld require GAVI to
make a commitment during 2013. This and alternative options are
presented in this paper for Board consideration and decision.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Secretariat recommends that the Board:

 Approve the delegation to the CEO of the authority to nego tiate and
execute, if appropriate, the contractual arrangemen ts necessary to
relocate its Geneva office to the Health Campus, in consultation with
the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Audit a nd Finance
3 Executive Summary
3.1 GAVI currently leases its office in Geneva, at a cost of US$ 2.5 million
1 per
year. The lease will expire on 31 December 2016 and will be automatically
renewed for a further five years unless notice to t erminate is given by
either party by 31 December 2015.
3.2 The Geneva authorities are fostering the establ ishment in Geneva of a
Health Campus located close to WHO and other Intern ational
Organisations. The Campus will be a hub for (non-co mmercial)
organisations engaged in Global Health. Because th e Canton of Geneva
is making the land available at a low lease cost, r ental rates to
1 The current US$ equivalent of the Swiss franc rent.

16 IFFIm report no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -3-Doc 16
4-5 December 2012

Subject : IFFIm report
Agenda item : 16
No paper

A Annex Fourth annual report on implementation of Gender Policy pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board-2012-Mtg-3-Doc Annex A
4-5 December 2012
Subject: Fourth annual report on implementation of the Gende r Policy
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Meegan Murray-Lopez, Senior Executive Officer
Agenda item: Annex A
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the GAV I Alliance Board on
progress in 2012 in implementing the GAVI Alliance Gender Policy.
2 Recommendations
2.1 This report is for information only.
3 Executive Summary
3.1 Since the last annual update to the Board, the internal GAVI Gender
Working Group has implemented a work plan of gender activities for 2012
and has reported on those activities to the Executi ve Team and the Board
on MyGAVI on a quarterly basis.
3.2 Key activities in 2012 related to strengthening awareness and
understanding on gender and immunisation within the Secretariat and
Independent Review Committee panels, strengthening approaches to
gender within GAVI programming, and incorporating g ender into GAVI?s
media and advocacy activities.
3.3 The GAVI Alliance Board became compliant with t he Board Guidelines on
Gender Balance for the first time in April 2012 whe n it reached a 60/40
ratio of male and female Board members and Board Al ternates. However,
the next round of nominations to be approved by the Board in December
may modify this ratio.
3.4 Each IRC panel in 2012 included a gender and eq uity expert, who
reviewed the proposals or annual progress reports w ith a gender lens and
prepared detailed recommendations on gender.

GAVI Alliance Board Minutes 4 5 December 2012 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Board-2012-Mtg-3 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.15 local
time on 4 December 2011. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board C hair, chaired the

1.2 The Chair welcomed the Board members to Tanzani a, stating it was an
opportunity to celebrate the Alliance. It was also an opportunity to celebrate
the achievements of Tanzania, a country which WHO a nd UNICEF estimate
has a DTP coverage rate of greater than 90%. The Ch air thanked Hussein Ali
Mwinyi, Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Ta nzania for hosting the
Board meeting and the forthcoming Partners? Forum.
1.3 The Chair reported he had visited a health clin ic in Arusha the day before and
had been able to see GAVI and its implementing part ners at work. He
reminded the Board that GAVI?s major partners are t he mothers (and fathers
too) and that he had talked to them about the launc h of vaccines in Tanzania
to prevent pneumonia and diarrheal diseases. Their expressions were a
reminder that these are diseases that are part of t heir experience and that the
introduction of these life-saving vaccines offered new hope. He also reported
on his recent visit to Myanmar with colleagues from the Secretariat and
Australian and New Zealand parliamentarians.
1.4 He welcomed several new Board members and noted that there will be an
opportunity for an appreciation of departing Board members during the ?family
dinner? that evening. He also welcomed Ren? Karsent i, Chair of the IFFIm
Board, and thanked the IFFIm Board for its leadersh ip in a particularly
challenging environment.
1.5 He reported that over 500 global health and gov ernment leaders will join the
Board later in the week for the Partners? Forum. He noted that he particularly
looked forward to seeing former GAVI Fund Chair Gra ?a Machel. He
remarked that it is an important point in GAVI?s hi story. The Alliance has
promised to deliver, deliver, deliver and the Partn ers? Forum is really the first
major opportunity since the June 2011 pledging meet ing to demonstrate what
GAVI has accomplished and for stakeholders to hold GAVI accountable. He


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Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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