With the registration agreement, manufacturers formally agree to the pneumococcal Advance Market Commitment (AMC)  terms and conditions; accept to provide an annual update on expected timing for application for AMC Eligibility and for WHO prequalification; and recognise the role of the Independent Assessment Committee (IAC) in the determination of AMC eligibility.

As described in the AMC Procedures Memorandum - AMC Registered Manufacturers' Registration Procedures, manufacturers interested in participating in the AMC must submit an AMC registered manufacturer application package to the AMC Secretariat.

This registration does not imply any commitment from manufacturers to participate in the AMC. It is, however, a prerequisite to take part in UNICEF's calls for supply offers. Details about the registered manufacturers are confidential unless a firm requests its own information to be made public.


AMC registered manufacturers who have made their registration public are:

Target Product Profile (TPP)

TPP Codebook

TPP Master Table

Manufacturers pages

Last updated: 11 Dec 2019

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