The Board approved a number of measures to support the implementation of the Alliance’s 2016 to 2020 strategy.

These include an enhanced focus on coverage and equity, promoting sustainable immunisation programmes and supporting countries towards successful transition from Gavi funding.

Technical briefings

Technical Briefing Full country evaluations pdf

Gavi Full Country Evaluations
Steve Lim, Professor of Global Health, IHME
Felix Masiye , Dean of the School of Humanities & Social Sciences, UNZA
Full Country Evaluations Technical Briefing
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
? Overview
? Key Findings
o New vaccine introductions
o Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
o Health system strengthening
? Use of Gavi FCE findings
? Gavi FCE in 2015 -16

Technical Briefing Gavi Finance and IFFIm pdf

All about IFFIm
The International Finance Facility for Immunisation Marcus Fedder -IFFIm Board member
Fran?ois Lefebvre - World Bank
Paolo Sison - Gavi Innovative Finance 9 June 2015 | Geneva
Financing immunisation
IFFIm?s impact

Meeting documents

00a Document list pdf

Gov -201 5-Mtg -1-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
10 -11 June 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 8 June & Tuesday 9 June : Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 10 December: 0 8.30 -18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 11 December: 08.30 -18.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14

Document list
No. Document
00a Document list
00b Agenda
01a Declarations of interest
01b Minutes from 10 -11 December 2015
01c Workplan
02a Consent agenda: Board/Committee member nominations (To follow)
02b Consent agenda: Officer appoi ntment
02c Consent agenda: Executive Committee a mendments (To follow)
02d Measles Supplementary Immunisation Activities
03 CEO?s report (To follow)
04 Committee Chair and IFFIm Board reports ? No paper
05 Strengthening country transitions out of Gavi support
06 Review of Gavi?s co -financing policy
07 Gavi support for access to appro priate pricing for Gavi graduated countries
08 Chair?s reflections on the day ? No paper
09 Chair?s overview ? No paper
10 A new Gavi Engagement Framework for implementing the 20 16 -2020 Strategy
11 Gavi Alliance Strategy 2016 -2020 ? goal level indicators and disease dashboard
12 Cold Chain Equipment Optimisation Platform
13 Country Programmes strategic issues
14 Ebola vaccine and mitigation plan
15 Financial forecast and prog ramme funding request
16 Internal auditor?s report
17 Review of decisions ? No paper
18 Any other business ? No paper

Additional Documents for Information
A Board and Committee minutes (For information only)

00b Final Agenda pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
10 -11 June 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 8 June & Tuesday 9 June : Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 10 June : 0 8.30 -18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 11 June : 0 8. 30-18.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14

REVISED Agenda 1

Pre -Board Meetings ? Monday, 8 June 2015
Item Subject Room Schedule

? AMC Stakeholders? meeting Saas Fee 16.00 -18.00

Pre -Board Meetings ? Tuesday , 9 June 2015
Item Subject Room Schedule

? Technical Briefing Session
o Gavi Finance and IFFIm
o CSOs : Discourse on Community Engagement
o Full country evaluations
Montana 08. 30 -13.00
08. 30 -09. 45
09. 45 -10. 45
10. 45 -11.00
11.00 -13.00
? IFFIm Board meeting Villars 12. 15 -15. 00
? GAVI Donors? meeting (1) Leysin 13. 30 -15. 15
? Developing Countr ies Board members meeting Crans 14.45 -16.45
? IFFIm Donors? meeting Leysin 15. 15 -16.45
? Governance Committee meeting Arosa 15.15 -16.45
? Unaffiliated Board members meeting Villars 15.30 -16.30
? Closed session for Board members and Alternate Board
Crans 17.00 -19.00
? Executive Committee meeting Crans 19.15 -19.45
? GAVI Donors? meeting (2) St. Moritz 19.30 -21.30
? Board Chair dinner with new Board members 20.00

1 The number ing of agenda items has not been changed so as to reflect the numbering on the papers
in the Board pack

01a Declarations of interest pdf

Board-2015-Mtg-1-Doc 01a

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
10-11 June 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland
Monday 8 June & Tuesday 9 June: Pre-Board meetings
Wednesday 10 June: 08.30-18.00 (Board meeting Day O ne)
Thursday 11 June: 08.30-18.00 (Board meeting Day Tw o)
Quorum: 14

Declarations of Interest

Section 5.2 of the Conflict of Interest Policy stat es, ?Annually, each member of the Board
(including alternate Board members and Committee de legates)...shall complete and submit a
conflict of interest form to be distributed by the Managing Director, Law and Governance.? The
following declarations were made by members of the Investment Committee on their most
recent annual statements:
Board members confirmed attending as of 27 May 2015

Member Organisational Interests Financial/Personal/Advisor Int
Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Chair None Gavi-appointed special adviser
Flavia Bustreo, Vice Chair WHO Gavi-appointed special adviser
Khagaraj Adhikari Government of Nepal Gavi-appointed special adviser
Joan Awunyo-Akaba CSOs
Gavi-appointed special adviser/
Jansen through Dev-Pro Consulting/
Future Generations International
Wayne Berson None None
Zulfiqar Bhutta Research & Tech. Health Inst Aga Khan University
Donal Brown UK (UK/CAN/IRL) None
Gunilla Carlsson None TBD
Olivier Charmeil Int?l Federation of Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers & Associations Sanofi Pasteur (CEO)
Awa Marie Coll-Seck Government of Senegal Gavi-appointed special adviser
Geeta Rao Gupta UNICEF None
H.R.H. the Infanta Cristina
of Spain None Gavi-appointed special adviser
Mariam Diallo France (EC/FRA/GER/LUX) TBD
Maria C. Freire None Johns Hopkins (Family)
Barcelona Inst. for Global Health
Orin Levine Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation PATH (Family)
Yifei Li None Man Group (Country Chair)
Rockefeller Foundation (Board)

01b Gavi Alliance Board Minutes 10 11 December 2014 pdf

PPC -2014 -Mtg -02 1

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
10 -11 December 2014
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 9.00 Geneva
time on 10 December 2014. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair , chaired the
meeting except for the discussion in section 11 which was chaired by Geeta Rao
Gupta, Vice Chair.

1.2 The Board beg an in executive session and then commenced the open session at

1.3 The Chair welcomed new Board members and alternate Board members. He
noted that there were a large number of seats turning over at this meeting . High
turnover can present a challenge f or sustained strategic dialogue but structured
and intensive onboarding can mitigate this challenge and he encouraged such
sessions to continue and for Board members and Alternate Board members to
attend .

1.4 The Chair noted the pending departures of a number of longstanding and
outstanding Board members. George W. Wellde, Jr, Investment Committee
Chair, had served as a Board member since the earliest days of the Vaccine
Fund. He had committed countless hours of voluntary service and had been a
distinct, clear, and bold voice at the table. Ashutosh Garg had served the Gavi
cause since 2006. His unique knowledge and experience had set a high
standard for future unaffiliated members. The Chair noted that these and other
departing members would be toasted at the di nner that evening.

1.5 The Chair recognised the service of Geeta Rao Gupta who was stepping down
as Vice Chair and Chair of the Governance Committee. Her intellect and
leadership had allowed her to serve in these roles with great distinction. Gavi
would continue to benefit from her insight as a continuing member of the Board
and Governance Committee.

1.6 The Chair welcomed Ren? Karsenti, Chair of the Board of the International
Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) and his colleagues from the IFFIm

1.7 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 1a in the Board
pack). The Chair noted several declarations related to the discussions on Ebola


01c Board Workplan As of 27 May 2015 pdf

Graphical format

Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 01c

GAVI Alliance Board Agendas
Board/Cte member appointments (Consent Agenda)
Board Chair appointment
Cte chair appointments (Consent Agenda)
Statutes and By-law changes (Consent Agenda)
Changes to Committee Charters (Consent Agenda)
IRC nominations (Consent Agenda)
Developing a comprehensive approach to Alliance engagement with India 2016-2020
Gavi support for measles
Gavi Alliance Strategy 2016-2020 - goal level indicators and targets
Gavi investment in data and measurement as part of the Gavi Alliance Strategy 2016-2020
Alliance Engagement Framework
Financial forecast [and programme funding envelope approval]
[Yellow fever stockpile]
Self procurement policy (Consent Agenda)
Review of Fragility and Immunisation policy (Consent Agenda)
Internal Audit Terms of Reference (Consent Agenda)
Supply and procurement strategy
Coverage and equity
Review of Gavi's model for direct financial support to countries
HPV demonstration projects - lessons learnt
Annual financial report
Chair rpt (Decl of Int, Mins, Acts, W kpl)
CEO report
Committee chair reports
IFFIm report
Country Programmes update
Risk management update
Review of decisions and actions
Any other business
Report of the internal auditor
March 2016
Jan-Feb 2016
Apr-May 2016
Oct-Nov 2-3 Dec
Sept NoObj
18 Sept July-Aug
June 2016

02a Consent agenda Board Committee nominations pdf


Board-2015-Mtg-1-Doc 02a

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report
This report sets out the Governance Committee?s re commendations for
Board and committee membership.
On 9 June 2015, the Governance Committee recommend ed to the Board
that it:
a) Appoint the following Board Members:
 William Roedy as an Unaffiliated Board Member in the seat
currently held by Maria C. Freire effective 1 Augus t 2015 and until
31 July 2018.
 Blair Exell of Australia as Board Member representing the
Australia, Japan, Korea, and United States donor co nstituency in
the seat formerly held by Clare Walsh of Australia effective
immediately and until 30 June 2015.
 Katherine Taylor of the United States as Board Member
representing the Australia, Japan, Korea, and Unite d States donor
constituency in the seat formerly held by Clare Wal sh of Australia
effective 1 July 2015 and until 30 June 2018.
 Naveen Thacker as Board Member representing the Civil Society
Organisations constituency in the seat currently he ld by Joan
Awunyo-Akaba effective 1 July 2015 and until 30 Jun e 2016.

1 Post meeting note: The paper should have listed a term of 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2017. The Board was made aware
and approved the correct term.
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Se cretary
Agenda item: 02a
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

Report to the Board
10-11 June 2015

02b Consent Agenda Officer appointment pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 02b

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1.
1.1 This paper proposes appointing the new Director of Governance as
Secretary to the Board .
Recommendations 2.
2.1 The Board is requested to:
Appoint Philip Armstrong as Secretary with individual signatory authority
effective 1 August 2015 and until his successor is appointed and qualified.
Executive summary 3.
3.1 Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law & Governance, announced last
year that she would leave Gav i at the end of 2014. Subsequently, a review
of the role was undertaken and it was determined to re -split the leadership
of the legal and governance teams . This resulted in the creation of a
Director of Governance position , recognising the wish to have a f ull -time,
experienced leader in Geneva who will bring a dedicated, first -class
background .
3.2 Following a tender process, the CEO mandated Russell Reynolds
Associates as the search partner . An extensive international search took
place which yielded four short -listed candidates who were interviewed by
most members of the Executive Team. Philip Armstrong emerged as the
candidate of choice. He was interviewed by Dagfinn H?ybr?ten on 20
February 2015 and had a conversation with Kevin Klock, the current
inter im Director of the Gov ernance team, on 23 February.
Report of: Seth Berkley, MD, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: Author
Agenda item: 02B
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report of: Seth Berkley, MD, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Secretary
Agenda item: 02b
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

02c Consent agenda Executive Committee amendments pdf


Board-2015-Mtg-1-Doc 02c

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1.
This report recommends 1) the formal changes to th e Executive 1.1
Committee Charter needed to integrate the new functions and 2) the
recommendation of the Governance Committee on the E C?s new
The Governance Committee recommends to the Board t hat it: 2.1
a) Amend the Executive Committee Charter as attached in Doc 2c,
Annex 1 (which integrates the functions approved in December 2014
and aligns the format of the Charter to the other c ommittee charters).
b) Approve the following Executive Committee composition star ting in
 Unaffiliated ? 2 seats
 Donors ? 2 seats
 Developing countries ? 2 seats
 Multilateral organisations ? 2 seats
 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ? 1 seat
 Civil society organisations ? 1 seat
 CEO (non-voting) ? 1 seat

* The following board leadership positions shall be m embers of the
Committee: Board Chair, Vice Chair, Audit and Finan ce Committee
Chair, and Programme and Policy Committee Chair

** The Committee may exceptionally expand to 12 mem bers if
required to accommodate each of the board leadershi p positions.
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Se cretary
Agenda item: 02c
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

Report to the Board
10-11 June 2015

02d Measles Supplementary Immunisation Activities pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 02d

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1.
1.1 This report is submitted to the Board following the recommendation of the
PPC with respect to an extension of Gavi support for one additional
measles Suppl ementary Immunisation Activit y (SIA) for children under five
years of age in each of Ethiopia and DR Congo, which are expected to be
conducted in 2015 -2016 at an estimated cost of US $30 million. On 22
May 2015, the Audit and Finance Committee reviewed the financial
implications of the requested support and confirmed that it can be
approved by the Board i n accordance with the Programme Funding Policy.
Recommendations 2.
2.1 The PPC recommended to the Gavi Alliance Board that it :
(a) notes its decision to support, on an exceptional basis, measles SIAs in
six large countries at high risk of measles outbreaks ( Afghanistan,
Chad, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, a nd Pakistan) as taken at its
meeting in June 2012;
(b) approve s an extension of Gavi support for one additional measles SIA
for children under five years of age in each of Ethiopia and DR Congo,
which are expect ed to be conducted in 2015 -2016 at an estimated cost
of $30 million ; and
(c) notes that the possibility of additional Gavi support for measles SIAs
will be considered in the context of a strategy with respect to Gavi?s
overall involvement in measles and rubell a, to be discussed by the
PPC in October for possible recommendation to the Board in
December 2015 .
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Khin Devi Aung, Senior Programme Manager
Stefano Malvolti, Director, Vaccine Implementation
Agenda item: 02d
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: SG1 - Underused and new vaccines
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

03 CEO s report document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 03
Report to the Gavi Board
10 -11 June 2015

3 June 2015
Dear Board members
2015 is a year of transition for Gavi. It marks the culmination of our 2011 -15
strategy period and our the busiest ever year for Gavi?s programmes . At the same
time, f ollowing our successful Replenishment in January, we are now preparing
intensively to operationalise the 2016 -20 stra tegy . This report provides an update
on our achievements to date and how we are preparing for the future.
Delivering more than ever in Gavi?s 15 th anniversary year
Gavi celebrated its birthday in January, fifteen years after it was launched at the
World Economic Forum in Davos. The Forum marked the anniversary with a
?Davos moment? in front of world leaders during this year?s Davos meeting . I was
invited to address the plenary session and Professor Klaus Schwab , the Founder
and Executive Chairman, comment ed that ? I am very proud because Gavi was
born here in Davos 15 years ago. It is one of the initiatives which you make possible
through collaboration between the public and the private sector .?
On January 27 th, the Alliance received the best possible birth day present when
donors fully funded our Replenishment ask. We received pledges of more than
US $ 7.5 billion in new contributions , with most donors increasing their funding and
pledging for the full five year strategy period despite the difficult economic climate.
We also welcomed four new donors to the Gavi family ? China (the fifth and final
BRICS country to become a Gavi donor), Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. We are
deeply grateful for the commitment of all our donors and especially appreciate the
role of the German Government who, with Chancellor Merkel?s personal
leadership, played a critical role in ensuring Replenishment ?s success . Germany
also put Gavi firmly on the international agenda (including the G7 which Germany
currently chairs) durin g a critical year for global development. It also led the way in
being the first donor to turn its pledge into a leg al agreement along with the
Eu ropean Commission and our new Middle East ern donors . We expect to finalise
agreement with China at the end of this month and hope to sign agreements with
France, the Gates Foundation and the Netherlands over the summer. We are
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

03a CEO s report Annex Overview of strategic initiatives pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 03
Report to the Gavi Board
10 -11 June 2015

Over the coming 18 months, the Board will be requested to consider a number of
decisions which will have financial implications. This includes investments needed
to implement the 2016 -20 strategy by strengthening the coverage, equity and
sustainability of immunisation programmes, as well as potential approval of new or
expanded vaccine programmes. The purpose of this document is to describe each
of these and, where d etails are already known, explain how they will be funded to
help the Board determine how to prioritise its decisions (if required ) within the
available financial resources.
The investments which the Board will be asked to consider over the coming 18
month s have three objectives:
1. New approaches to ensure the sustainability of Gavi -supported
immunisation programmes: With nearly one third of Gavi countries set to
graduate by 2020 , investing in sustainability is critical to protect Gavi?s
investment to date. T he proposed investments are designed to support the
Alliance to engage with countries on sustainability issues sooner, provide
risk mitigation to address challenges of graduation where risks are clear and
provide an enabling environment to maximise the pro bability that graduating
countries transition successfully out of Gavi support.

2. New approaches to improve coverage and equity of immunisation in
Gavi -supported countries: After the significant scale -up in vaccine
introductions during this strategic period , the Alliance has prioritised
ensuring those vaccines reach every child over the coming years. This will
require bold and innovative approaches which go beyond business as usual
in a range of strategic focus areas , and further tailoring of country specific

3. New or expanded vaccine programmes: The Board may choose to
approve new vaccine programmes, or significantly expand existing
programmes, in the next few years. This may include a new measles
strategy, which will come to the Board for decision in December 2015;
Gavi?s engagement in Ebola, which the Board did not fully fund when it
Appendix to the r eport of the Chief Executive Officer
Overview of potential investments to operationalise the Gavi 2016 -2020
strategy and other upcoming Board decisions with financial implications

04 Committee Chair and IFFIm Board reports No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 04

Agenda item: 04
No paper
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

08 Chair s reflections on the day No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 08

Agenda item: 08
No paper
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

09 Chair s overview No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 09

Agenda item: 09
No paper
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

10 A new Gavi Engagement Framework for implementing the 2016 2020 Strategy document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 10

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1.
1.1 This report proposes as a replacement of the Business Plan a new
structure for the coordination and funding of Gavi Alliance partners, based
on the input provided through the extensive engagement of Board
members and constituencies since June 2014.
1.2 This report builds on the principles approved by the Board in December
2014 to inform the new structure of the Business Plan as well as the
concepts that were presented and broadly endorsed by the Board at its
retreat in March (full paper available on myGavi). Subsequently, the
Pro gramme and Policy Committee (PPC) discussed the proposed
structure at its meeting in May including early thinking around
accountability mechanisms .
Recommendations 2.
2.1 The Board is requested to:
(a) Approve the new Gavi Engagement Framework , the structure for the
Partners? Engagement Framework (PEF) and the governance approval
process for the PEF and Secretaria t Engagement as set out in sections
6 and 10 of Doc 10 .
(b) Approve commitments in an annual amount of US$ 31 .2 million for the
Foundational S upport for partners in the years 2016 and 2017 and,
subject to satisfactory performance , in the annual amount of US$ 31.2
million for the Foundational Support for partners in the years 201 8-
2020. T he detail by partner of the annual funding commitment of US $
31 .2 million is as follows :
Report of: Anuradha Gupta, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Adrien de Chaisemartin, Ciara Goldstein, Meegan Murray -
Agenda item: 10
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

13 Country Programmes strategic issues document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 13

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1.
1.1 This report provides an update by the Gavi Secretariat ?s Country
Programmes Department and its Alliance p artners on their joint in-country
work .
Recommendations 2.
2.1 This report is for information only.
Executive summary 3.
3.1 2015 is a transition year as the Alliance concludes the 2011 -2015
strategic period and gear s up to implement the 2016 -2020 strategy.
3.2 The Alliance has focused strongly on delivering on the objectives of the
2011 -2015 strategy , by :
? completing the introduction in all Gavi eligible c ountries of pentavalent
vaccine , which protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough,
hepatitis B, and the haemophilus influenza type B bacteria;
? accelerating the delivery of new vaccines, in particular rotavirus
vaccine (which protects against diar rhoea) and pneumococcal
? helping to strengthen the capacity of integrated health systems to
deliver immunisation ;
? increas ing the predictability of global financing and improv ing the
sustainability of national financing for immunisation .
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Jos Vandelaer, UNICEF, Michel Zaffran, WHO, Stefano
Malvolti; David Salinas, Alan Brooks, Santiago Cornejo
Agenda item: 13
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: SG1 - Vaccines, SG2 - Health systems, SG3 - Financing
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

14 Ebola vaccine and mitigation plan document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 14

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Board on the latest
developments relevant to Gavi?s involvement in the development of an
Ebola vaccine , on the activities in the three Ebola affected countries as
well as on the discussions held in the past month at the Program me and
Policy Committee and at the R esearch & Development Ebola summit
organised by the W orld Health Organisation .
2. Recommendations
2.1 This report is for information only .
3. Executive summary
This paper provides an update on Gavi?s continued efforts to implement
previous Board decisions and on the adaptation of those efforts to the
evolution of the epidemic. New external developments are described
below whereas the approach taken to adapt to th ese developments is
outlined in points 3. 3-3.6 below.
3.1 Evolution of the epidemic : To date (May 17 th), there have been a total of
26 ,933 reported confirmed, probable, and suspected cases of E bola Virus
Disease (EVD) in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone with 11,120 reported
deaths (including over 500 deaths in health workers). Overall, the
geographic area of transmission is now primarily restricted to the coastal
areas of these countries. The outbreak i n Liberia was declared over on
May 9th. A recent substanti al resurgence in cases has been observed in
Guinea with total of 27 confirmed cases in the last week comp ared to 7 in
the previous one . Following a steep decline from December to late
January, the weekly case incidence now seems to have flattened out in
Report of: Seth Berkley, MD, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: G. Vanden Bossche, Stefano Malvolti, Aurelia Nguyen, Alan
Brooks, Patience Masanhu , Magdi Ibrahim , Maryse Dugue
Agenda item: 14
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

15 Financial forecast and programme funding request document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 15

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1.
1.1 This report informs the Gavi Alliance Board (?Board?) of the updated Gavi
financial forecast for 2011 -2020 ( version 1 1.0F b1).
1.2 It also informs the Board of programme expenditure through 3 1 March
2015, and utilisation of the Programme Funding Envelopes and the 2014
Business Plan Budget.
1.3 This report re quests the Board to mak e programme funding decisions that
arise mainly from the recommendations of the New Proposals
Independent Review Committee (?IRC?) that met on the 16 ? 17 March
2015, as outlined in Section C of this paper and in Annex 2. It also
indicates to t he Board that Gavi has sufficient financia l capacity for at least
US$ 500 million in Strategic Investments through 2020 .
Recommendations 2.
IRC recommendations for approval
2.1 The Gavi Alliance Board is requested to :
(a) Approve the recommendations of the March 2015 New Proposals IRC
for new vaccine suppor t to commence in 2015 for 9 requests for
support as detailed in Figure s 6-8 of Doc 15 . For countries in default of
their co -financing commitments (?Defaulting Countries?), this approval
is subject to them meeting their co -financing requirements.
1 The Audit & Finance Committee re view ed an earlier version of the Forecast, version 11Fa. As
noted by the Committee , this Board version includes two minor updates : updating IFFIm proceeds
with new information provided by the World Bank; and the removal of the Measles SIA funding
request for E thiopia and DRC that will now be taken to the Executive Committee for approval.
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Minzi Lam Meier
Agenda item: 15
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 2015

17 Review of decisions No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 17

Agenda item: 17
No paper
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

18 Any other business No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -1-Doc 18

Agenda item: 18
No paper
Report to the Board
10 -11 June 201 5

A Board and Committee minutes pdf

Board-2015-Mtg-1 ? Minutes Annex

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
10-11 June 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Board and Committee minutes

Annex Pages MINUTES
1-36 Board ? 10-11 December 2014
37-40 Executive Committee ? 2 February 2015
41 Executive Committee ? 23 March 2015 (Agenda)
42-46 Audit and Finance Committee ? 25 February 2015
47-51 Audit and Finance Committee ? 22 May 2015 (De cision slides)
52-63 Programme and Policy Cte ? 4-6 May 2015 (Decision slides)
64 Programme and Policy Cte ? 21 May 2015 (Agenda)
65 Governance Committee ? 23 March 2015 (Agenda)
66-69 Investment Committee ? 18 February 2015
70 Investment Committee ? 29 May 2015 (Agenda)
Evaluation Advisory Committee ? 18-19 March 2015

Minutes of Board and Committee meetings held since the Board meeting in Geneva in December
2014 are included in this document for ease of refe rence. Decision slides are included when
meeting minutes have not been approved. The agenda of a meeting is provided when no
decision was made or when decisions were commercial ly sensitive.

Gavi Alliance Board Minutes 10 11 June 2015 pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -01 1

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
10 -11 June 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report & presentation of film

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 08.33 Geneva
time on 10 June 2015. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair , chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Chair referred to the revised agenda which had been circulated to the Board
on the previous day , noting that items had been reorder ed to ensure the Audit and
Finance Committee Chair would be present for the financial forecast/programme
funding request and internal audit report 1.

1.3 The Chair welcomed new Board member s and alternate Board members , as wel l
as Ren? Karsenti, Chair of the International Finance Facility for Immunisation
(IFFIm) , other directors of t he IFFIm Board, and Rob Moodie, new Chair of the
Evaluation Advisory Committee. The Chair noted that departing members would
be recognised for their service at the dinner that evening.

1.4 The Board had met in executive session the evening before to discuss the Board
Chair recruitment process and the McKinsey review of Secretariat capacity and
resourcing .

1.5 Standing declarations of int erest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board
pack). The Chair noted that in the context of the items for decision on the agenda
there were a number of Board members who would have conflicts of interest and
that these would be raised at the appropri ate time and recorded in the applicable
parts of the minutes.

1.6 The Board noted its minutes from 1 0-11 December 2 014 (Doc 01b), which were
approved by no objection on 2 6 March 2015 . The Board also noted its workplan
(Doc 01c).

1.7 The Chair commented on the structure and content of the papers wh ich had been
circulated to the B oard for this meeting. He noted that the work had been well
prepared through the Board Committees but that some improvements could be
made to the papers so that they provide a more general and shorter overview of
the key information appropriate for Board member consumption, particularly for
Board members who are not members of particular Committees .
1.8 Finally, he presented a video on the recent introduction of Japanese encephalit is
vaccine in Lao PDR.

1 Post -meeting note: These minutes record discussions and decisions in the order originally planned.


03 CEO s report presentation pdf
Seth Berkley MD
10 June 2015, Geneva
Reach every child
Gavi Board meeting 10?11 June 2015

04 AFC Chair Report pdf


04 IFFIm Board Report pdf

IFFIm update
Ren? Karsenti, Chair IFFIm Board
10 June 2015
1. Funding Gavi
2. Issuance update
3. IFFIm?s continued strategic role
4. Board recruitment

06 Review of Gavi s co financing policy presentation pdf

Gavi Board meeting
10 ?11 June 2015
Santiago Cornejo,
Judith Kallenberg & Aurelia Nguyen
10 -11 June 2015, Geneva
Reach every child
Gavi Board meeting
10 ?11 June 2015
P olicy review process
May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Analyses, Consultations and Options development
PPC discussion on
preliminary findings Start of
policy review
Board review of PPC
PPC review of
Policy implications 2016 -2020 and beyond
? (projected) economic growth,
graduation dates, Gavi support
? cost to countries, cost to Gavi
? fiscal implications for countries
? health impact and risks
? independent evaluation
Experts and stakeholders
? technical Consultation Group
? constituencies
? countries
? public (web) consultation
? health / development economists and
other relevant experts
? industry and Supply Division

14 Ebola vaccine and mitigation plan presentation pdf
Aur?lia Nguyen, Stefano Malvolti
10 -11 JUNE 2015, Geneva
Reach every child
Feedback from Programme and Policy Committee (4 -6 May 2015 ):
? PPC endorsed need for country -tailored support to restoring
immunisation programmes and strenghtening health systems
? PPC acknowledged need to further discuss role of Gavi in future
preparedness to health emergencies
Feedback from WHO R&D Ebola summit (11 -12 May 2015):
? Lessons learnt from Ebola epidemic should guide R&D efforts to
ensure improved preparedness to future emergencies
? Gavi highlighted need to optimise or expedite development of
life -saving vaccines and ensure supply thereof in sufficient quantities
? WHO to develop framework for efficient, collaborative research and
information sharing across different players
F eedback from PPC & WHO Ebola summit
2 Gavi Board meeting10-11 June 2015
Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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