For Our Future: Investment Opportunity 2026–2030

Gavi's 2026–2030 strategy

Gavi’s Investment Opportunity (IO) outlines plans for the Vaccine Alliance to protect 500 million children, saving over 8 million lives between 2026 and 2030. While Gavi vaccinated 1 billion children between 2000 and 2020, Gavi will accelerate its impact in the years to come, leveraging the latest innovations in vaccines and vaccine delivery to protect the next billion children in half the time as the first, and against more diseases than ever before.


  • While Gavi vaccinated 1 billion children between 2000 and 2020, Gavi will accelerate its impact in the years to come, leveraging the latest innovations in vaccines and vaccine delivery to protect the next billion children in half the time as the first, and against more diseases than ever before.
  • Achieving this historic milestone will require effort from all of Gavi’s stakeholders, with donors being asked to provide at least US$ 9 billion in new funding.

Investment Opportunity

A fully funded Gavi will enable the Alliance to achieve the following between 2026–2030:

  • Immunise at least 500 million more children, including an estimated 300 million children in Africa
  • Save an additional 8–9 million lives
  • Catalyse over US$ 4 billion of financial contributions through domestic co-financing and self-funded vaccine programmes
  • Stand ready to respond to 150 disease outbreaks to boost global health security and protect against the threat of future pandemics
  • Reduce prices across at least 50% of Gavi's vaccine portfolio, generate up to US$ 800 million of efficiency savings
  • Generate at least US$ 100 billion in economic benefits for Gavi implementing countries
  • Facilitate over 1.4 billion individual contacts between families and health services, enabling more integrated primary health care and Universal Health Coverage
  • Save 1.5 million lives through the HPV vaccine by protecting girls against cervical cancer
  • Vaccinate over 50 million children against malaria


About Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

What is Gavi?

  • Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance was established in 2000 as a public-private partnership that helps vaccinate more than half the world’s children against some of the world’s deadliest diseases.
  • Gavi’s mission is to save lives and protect people’s health by increasing equitable and sustainable use of vaccines.
  • Gavi plays a key role in improving global health security by supporting health systems and funding global stockpiles for Ebola, cholera, meningococcal and yellow fever vaccines.
  • Gavi is focused on protecting the next generation, above all the zero-dose children who have not been reached by routine immunisation services.

What is Gavi’s impact?

  • Helped to immunise over 1 billion children since 2000 and has supported more than 1.8 billion vaccinations globally through preventive vaccination campaigns.
  • This has helped to reduce vaccine-preventable child deaths by 70% in Gavi-supported lower-income countries; avert 18.8 million future deaths; and halve mortality among children aged under five.
  • An outbreak and pandemic response organisation supporting global health security:
    • Global stockpiles for yellow fever, Ebola, cholera and meningococcal vaccines – with others planned
    • 2 billion COVID-19 vaccines to 146 economies helping avert an estimated 2.7 million deaths in AMC lower-income participating economies through COVAX
    • Day Zero Pandemic Financing Facility for Vaccines to ensure critical funding for future responses
  • Made vaccines cheaper and more accessible: The cost of fully immunising a child with pentavalent, pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines has fallen by approximately 60% since 2010.
  • Supported 19 countries to transition to fully self-financing their immunisation programmes. Over US$ 1.7 billion in co-financing contributions from Gavi-supported countries since 2008.
  • Protects against 20 infectious diseases, up from 6 during the 2001–2005 period.
  • Delivered US$ 250 billion in economic benefits through immunisation programmes in Gavi-supported lower-income countries.

What is Gavi’s 2026–2030 Investment Opportunity?

  • Gavi’s Investment Opportunity (IO) outlines the projected impact of the Alliance’s programmes from 2026 to 2030 and how much funding is required to achieve these goals.
  • The IO looks at the number of children who could be vaccinated, lives that could be saved, growing number of diseases against which vaccines are now available and other factors such as:
    • Expanded stockpiles to cope with expected increases in disease outbreaks
    • Key emergency response mechanisms to contain emerging health threats
    • The impact of climate change
    • The economic benefits of immunisation
  • The Investment Opportunity makes the case to the global community, particularly donors, that investment in immunisation is one of the most cost-effective and impactful interventions for health and economic development.

Key messages

1. Overarching messages

Since its inception 25 years ago, Gavi has protected a whole generation – over 1 billion children – against infectious diseases, helping to cut in half child mortality in 78 lower-income countries. In the coming five years, our impact will be greater than ever – protecting more children against more diseases, protecting our world from the threat of pandemics, and protecting communities experiencing conflict, climate change and other global challenges.

The next five years will also see Gavi generate more economic impact than ever before, helping economies to grow, countries to become self-sufficient and families to prosper. To achieve this impact, Gavi needs at least US$ 9 billion in new donor funding. We call on our donors to help us build a safer, stronger, more hopeful world.

Immunisation, as a key pillar of global health, has a powerful role to play in making our world safer and more prosperous. This is how Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance can contribute to a stronger, safer world for us all in the coming five years:

  • We can reach 500 million more children with life-saving vaccines and save an additional 8–9 million lives.
  • We can make our largest-ever investment in health security, enabling us to respond to over 150 outbreaks. Over half of our vaccine portfolio will be responsive to the twin threats of climate change and antimicrobial resistance.
  • We can reach 50 million children with malaria vaccines and at least 120 million girls with the HPV vaccine, which protects against the leading cause of cervical cancer.
  • We can reduce the number of zero-dose children through the use of innovative technologies and partnerships.
  • We can generate at least US$ 100 billion in economic benefits, helping countries to grow and become more self-sufficient.
  • We can do this in partnership with countries, which will fund nearly 50% of the costs of the vaccines themselves as they build and maintain sustainable national immunisation programmes.

2. Sub-messages and proof points

2.1 Accelerating impact – Protecting our world, protecting people, protecting communities

  • Over the last 25 years, Gavi has proven to be one of the most successful development initiatives in history, protecting people and communities around the world.
  • Since its inception in 2000, Gavi has helped to immunise a whole generation – over 1 billion children – and prevented more than 18.8 million future deaths, helping to halve child mortality in 78 lower-income countries. Building on this success, Gavi will accelerate its impact in the years to come, leveraging the latest innovations in vaccines and vaccine delivery to protect the next billion children in half the time as the first, and against more diseases than ever before.
    • Proof point: In its first 20 years, Gavi reached and vaccinated the first billion children. We’re accelerating our impact to vaccinate the next billion children in half the time.
    • Proof point: By 2030, Gavi’s portfolio of vaccines will provide protection against more diseases than ever before. 
    • Proof point: Gavi’s introduction and scale-up of vaccines for deadly diseases such as malaria and HPV vastly increase its potential for saving lives, protecting health systems and unlocking economic potential.

2.2 A vital part of our world’s health security system

  • Gavi has not only protected a whole generation of children from preventable diseases over the past 25 years, it has also helped to protect our entire world by preventing and responding to outbreaks of diseases that can so easily spread across borders.
    • Proof point: Through routine immunisation, Gavi helps to prevent outbreak-prone diseases such as measles.
    • Proof point: Thanks to Gavi's market shaping efforts, production of cholera vaccines has increased 18-fold in the last decade.
    • Proof point: By maintaining stockpiles for other outbreak-prone diseases such as Ebola, yellow fever and meningitis, Gavi is fighting on the front line to help keep deadly diseases at bay.
    • Proof point: As a co-lead of COVAX, Gavi helped deliver 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to 146 countries during the pandemic.
    • Proof point: Gavi is helping the world prepare for future pandemics by creating the US$ 2.5 billion Day Zero Financing Facility and making available up to US$ 1.2 billion for the African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator (AVMA).

2.3 Sustainability is at the heart of Gavi’s model

  • In the Vaccine Alliance, countries are in the driving seat.
    • Proof point: Interventions are designed specifically to enable countries to take on more and more ownership of their immunisation programmes as they grow and develop.
    • Proof point: Over the next five years, countries will make their largest-ever investment in immunisation, paying nearly 50% of the costs of their routine vaccines.
    • Proof point: Since Gavi was established, 19 countries have transitioned from Gavi’s support as their per capita gross national income (GNI) levels have grown. One third of the original 73 Gavi-supported countries will have transitioned by 2030.
    • Proof point: As the latest innovative financing mechanism to be designed by Gavi, AVMA will play a formative role in helping build a high-quality, sustainable manufacturing sector capable of supporting the African Union’s Platform for Harmonized African Health Products Manufacturing (PHAHM) ambition to manufacture at least 60% of the total vaccine doses required on the continent by 2040.

2.4 Driving health and growing economies

  • Supporting Gavi is not just good for human health, it is also good for economic development. Families with access to vaccines are less likely to have to take time off work or study to care for their children, who themselves are more likely to get an education by avoiding vaccine-preventable diseases.
    • Proof point: Every euro/dollar invested in Gavi generates 54 dollars/euros in wider economic benefits, making it among the best investments in development.
  • Proof point: Between 2021 and 2025 alone, Gavi’s work will have generated over US$ 80 billion of economic benefits for Gavi-supported countries. Over the 2026–2030 period, we expect this number to increase to US$ 100 billion.

2.5 A partner at the heart of global health

  • Since its inception 25 years ago, Gavi’s unique public-private partnership model has unlocked the comparative advantages of its broad array of stakeholders. In this same spirit of partnership, Gavi today works alongside new partners in ways that strengthen health systems, create efficiencies and open up entry points for other vital programmes, such as nutrition to reduce food insecurity.
    • Proof point: Empowering local actors and a gender-focused approach to immunisation will target hard-to-reach communities. Between 2026 and 2030, Gavi will facilitate hundreds of millions of contacts between families and health services through routine vaccination.
    • Proof point: Gavi and the Global Fund work together closely to enhance malaria prevention in sub-Saharan Africa, by ensuring access to all tools and interventions.

2.6 An integral part of climate adaptation and AMR prevention

  • As the climate crisis and rising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continue to place great strain on the health systems of lower-income countries, vaccination is one of the strongest and most effective interventions. Over half of Gavi’s vaccine portfolio will help countries adapt and respond to these twin threats.
    • Proof point: Cholera, Japanese encephalitis, malaria, meningitis, typhoid and yellow fever are some of the climate-sensitive diseases in Gavi’s portfolio.
    • Proof point: Gavi’s efforts over the next strategic period can help turn the tide against AMR: Hib, pneumococcal, rotavirus and typhoid vaccination in Gavi-eligible countries could significantly reduce the use of antibiotics.
    • Proof point: Gavi works with countries to adapt routine immunisation programmes so they can be sustained through outbreaks and other health emergencies.

2.7 Empowering women and supporting gender equality

  • Tackling gender inequality means improving social, health and economic outcomes. In its next strategic period, Gavi will continue to sharpen focus on gender to overcome barriers to access and help empower the health care workforce which is predominantly women.
    • Proof point: Millions of young women and girls will be protected from HPV between 2026 and 2030.
    • Proof point: Gavi is helping make health services more accessible and safer for women and girls; supporting the recruitment and training of women health workers and addressing their specific needs in the workplace; and providing services at times and places convenient for mothers, while also engaging fathers.
    • Proof point: Working directly with fathers in Togo has helped to reach more than 80% of children previously missing vaccination in targeted communities, while working with local and religious leaders in Papua New Guinea has improved the safety of women health workers.

2.8 Innovation, and value for money, is in Gavi’s DNA

  • AVMA is the latest example in a line of financial innovations Gavi has designed and deployed to address vaccine supply constraints and unlock new sources of funding for immunisation.
    • Proof point: In helping to set up the International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm), Gavi has unlocked US$ 8.7 billion of funding through vaccine bonds.
    • Proof point: Through its Advance Market Commitments (AMCs) for pneumococcal and COVID-19 vaccines, Gavi incentivised vaccine production suitable for low-income countries that otherwise would have been left out of the marketplace.

Social post suggestions


  • We call on donors to invest in @Gavi to support their goals to protect over 500 million children and save over 8 million lives from 2026-2030. #ForOurFuture
  • @Gavi needs at least US$ 9 billion in new donor funding to protect 500 million children and save over 8 million lives between 2026-2030. We urge world leaders to step up and invest #forourfuture
  • Between 2000-2020, @Gavi helped vaccinate more than one billion children, saving over 17 million lives. We urge donors to support Gavi’s 2026-30 goal to protect more children against more diseases faster than ever before
  • Since @Gavi’s inception in 2000, they have helped immunise more than 1.1 BILLION children around the world, averting >18.8 MILLION deaths. We call on donors to invest vital funding to build on this progress
  • From 2000-2023, @Gavi supported 637 vaccine introductions and vaccination campaigns to protect children around the world against 16 infectious diseases! With donor support, Gavi will protect more people, against more diseases, faster than ever before. #forourfuture
  • Thanks to @Gavi-supported vaccination programmes, 1.3 million future deaths were averted in 2023, which translates to over 2 lives saved every minute of the day! We urge donors to fully fund Gavi to continue these lifesaving efforts. #ForOurFuture
  • Investments in immunisation are investments in healthier futures for children around the world. The case for world leaders is clear: fully fund @Gavi #forourfuture
  • Gavi’s next strategic period up to 2030 calls for the world to invest, immunise and innovate #forourfuture. That’s why we’re supporting @Gavi’s launch of their investment opportunity to usher in a new era of immunisation.
  • Conflict, #climatechange and mass migration are fueling the risk of deadly outbreaks, which means the world needs @Gavi to be fully funded more than ever before. #ForOurFuture
  • @Gavi’s launch of their investment opportunity is a critical moment to highlight how funding immunisation secures healthier futures for children around the world. #VaccinesWork to protect communities, contain outbreaks and save lives. #ForOurFuture
  • For every dollar invested in vaccination, $21 is saved in health care costs, lost wages and lost productivity due to illness and death. As @Gavi launches their investment opportunity and usher in a new era of immunisation, we’re calling for world leaders to fund lifesaving vaccines #ForOurFuture.
  • Global immunisation efforts have saved at least 154 million lives over the past 50 years! We've seen what's #humanlypossible. Now it's time to build on this progress by fully funding @Gavi at their upcoming replenishment!

Humanly Possible

  • Immunisation has saved six lives a minute. Every minute. For five decades. Now it’s time for world leaders to invest in immunisation by fully funding @Gavi at their replenishment. #HumanlyPossible
  • In the last 50 years, immunisation has decreased infant mortality by 40%. That means more children now reach their 5th birthday than ever before. World leaders must build on this incredible progress by funding @Gavi to invest in immunisation and show what is #HumanlyPossible
  • Vaccines save lives and build futures. We’re proud to work with @Gavi and together we have protected millions of children. But millions still miss out. It’s time to look to the future and fully fund Gavi to invest in the future of immunisation. #HumanlyPossible

Key hashtags

  • #ForOurFuture
  • #VaccinesWork
  • #HumanlyPossible


Digital assets


  • Infographics from Gavi’s Investment Opportunity: link

Quote cards

  • Quote cards from countries, private sector, civil society and other partners: link

Theme week vignettes

Vignettes spotlighting a unique theme of impact in Gavi implementing countries: link

Country voices

  • Images and quote cards of health workers and people from Gavi implementing countries: link
  • Videos of health workers and people receiving vaccinations: link

Media & content library

  • Photos from pledge announcements: link
  • Photos & B-roll of immunisation in action: link

Voices of support

Quotes and video content of leaders from government, partner organisations, civil society and business expressing why immunisation matters: link

Last updated: 5 Feb 2025

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