Disclaimer: the boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
This Gavi country data is made available under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Ensuring that children, adolescents, and women, especially the most vulnerable, have access to quality and sustainable health services in Pakistan.
Pakistan has vaccinated more than 80% of the adult population against COVID-19
In about 13 months, Pakistan has turned the vaccination tide, fuelled by the availability of adequate COVID-19 vaccine doses.
Vaccine education: Rolling out COVID-19 vaccines to Pakistan’s schools
In Pakistan, educational institutions are convincing parents to get their children vaccinated against COVID-19 through motivational sessions and informative material.
Amid uncertainty, Pakistan is winning the battle against Omicron
Pakistan's government is working on a robust strategy to contain the spread of COVID-19 by rapidly scaling up immunisation in rural parts of the country.
Pakistan reignites polio vaccination drive
Civil society, media, local influencers, celebrities, religious scholars, and frontline workers are all reinforcing the Pakistan government’s fight against Poliomyelitis.
COVID-19 means that Pakistani transgender people are even more marginalised
Trans rights organisations such as the Good Thinker Organisation are working to ensure that Pakistan’s transgender community recovers from the hardship that COVID-19 has wrought.
Last month, Pakistan undertook one of its biggest-ever vaccination campaigns: 90 million doses of measles and rubella vaccine administered to 90 million children in just two weeks. #VaccinesWork was there.
The campaign is one of the largest in history and will aim to reach over 95% coverage. Oral polio vaccine will also be integrated in the campaign to support polio eradication in Pakistan.
A million a day: Pakistan’s COVID-19 vaccine campaign hits its stride
After a halting start to its immunisation campaign, Pakistan has shifted into high gear, now administering a million doses a day. #VaccinesWork spoke to national health leaders and spent a morning at a rural vaccination centre to find out what…
Name | Source | Date |
Total population | United Nations, World Population Prospects (UN WPP), July 2022 release. | 2022-07-11 |
Birth cohort (Total number of live births) | United Nations, World Population Prospects (UN WPP), July 2022 release. | 2022-07-11 |
Surviving infants (# of children surviving to 1 year) | United Nations, World Population Prospects (UN WPP), July 2022 release. | 2022-07-11 |
Infant mortality rate (deaths < 1 year per 1000 births) | UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME), December 2022 release. | 2021-12-20 |
Child mortality rate (deaths < 5 years per 1000 births) | UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME), December 2022 release. | 2021-12-20 |
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) | World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files, July 2023 release. | 2022-07-01 |
Number of zero-dose children | WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC), July 2023 release; figures calculated using number of surviving infants from UN World Population Prospects (UN WPP) | 2022-07-15 |
% reduction in number of zero-dose children, 2019-2022 | WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC), July 2023 release. Figures calculated using number of surviving infants from UN World Population Prospects (UN WPP) | 2022-07-15 |
DTP1/DTP3/MCV1 coverage (%) | WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC), July 2023 release. | 2022-07-15 |
Drop out from DTP1 to DTP3 | WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC), July 2023 release | 2022-07-15 |
Drop out from DTP1 to last routine dose of MCV | WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC), July 2023 release. | 2022-07-15 |
Geographic equity of DTP3 coverage: DTP3 coverage in the 20% of districts with lowest coverage | WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF), June 2023 release. | 2022-07-15 |