Technical briefings

Technical Briefing Access to appropriate pricing presentation pdf

Wilson Mok, Melissa Malhame, Santiago
Cornejo, Paolo Sison, Robert Newman GAVI Alliance Support for Access to
Appropriate Pricing for GAVI Graduates
and Other Lower Middle Income Countries Technical Briefing Session for the GAVI Alliance Board
Geneva, Switzerland, 17 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board Technical Briefing17 June 2014
Purpose of technical briefing

Provide background and progress
update on this work

Review outcome of PPC meeting and
explain next steps

Address questions and receive any
initial Board input

Technical briefing Country immunisation financing and graduation pdf

Santiago Cornejo
Country immunisation financing and

Pre -Board Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
17 J une 2014
GAVI Alliance Board Technical Briefing Session
17 June 2014
1. Immunisation financing overview
2. GAVI co -financing policy, performance &
3. Fiscal space analysis
4. Tailored approach to graduating countries
5. Policy review of eligibility, graduation and co -


Technical briefing Finance presentation pdf

Technical Briefing Session - Finance

GAVI?s financial forecasting
? enabling programme funding approvals

Tony Dutson & Barry Greene
Geneva, Switzerland, 17 June 2014
GAVI Board Meeting ? Finance Technical Briefing
? Barry Greene (Managing Director ? Finance & Operations)
? Tony Dutson (Chief Accounting Officer, Senior Director)
? Jeanne Shen (Chief Investment Officer, Senior Director)

1 Finance & Operations
Management & IT
>$2 billion
Office services &
travel, safety,
procurement (non-
IT infrastructure
and business
IFFIm (mainly) Forecasting,
financial control,
accounting & reporting,
audit liaison, treasury
Managing Director -
Finance & Operations
Barry Greene
Head: Tony Dutso n
Head: Jeanne Shen

Technical briefing HPV demo and lessons learnt pdf

HPV Demonstration Programme
Update and initial lessons learnt on
programme design
HPV Subteam
Geneva, Switzerland
June 17, 2014
GAVI Alliance Board Technical Briefing Session
17 June 2014
9.1 9.8
incidence mortality (per 100,000)

Cervical cancer:
Source: Sanjose et al. HPV and related cancers in GAVI countries, Vaccine 2012 12;30 ( Suppl 4)
Most recent data on cervical cancer shows
higher mortality in less developed regions

Meeting documents

00a Document list pdf

Board -201 4-Mtg -2-Doc 00a

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
18 -19 June 2014
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 June: Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 18 June: 0 8.45 -18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 19 June: 0 8.00 -13.00 (Board meeting Day Two)

Document list
00a - Document list
00b - Agenda
01a - Declarations of interest
01b - Minutes from 21 -22 November 2013
01c - Minutes from 8 April 2014
01d - Action sheet
01e - Board workplan
02a - Consent agenda: Board/Commmittee member nominations (To follow)
02b - Consent agenda: Appointment of Independent Auditor for 2014 to 2018
02c - Consent agenda: Board Chair?s term extension
03 - CEO?s report (To follow)
04 - Committee Chair & IFFIm Board reports - No paper
05 - GAVI Alliance immunisation supply chain strategy
06 - Chair?s reflections on the day ? No paper
07 - Chair's overview and presentation of film - No paper
08 - Financial Forecast
09 - GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 -2020
10 - The Road to Replenishment 2016 -2020
11 - Internal Auditor?s report
12 - Review of decisions and actions - No paper
13 - Closing remarks , including presentation of film - No paper
14 - Any other business - No paper

A - Committee minutes (For information only)

00b Revised Agenda pdf

Board -201 4-Mtg -2-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
18 -19 June 2014
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 June : Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 18 June : 08.45 -18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 19 June : 0 8.00 -13.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14

R evised Agenda

Pre -Board Meetings ? Monday, 16 June 2014
Item Subject Room Schedule
Pre -Board meetings
? AMC annual stakeholders? meeting Saas Fee 16.00 -18.00

Pre -Board Meetings ? Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Item Subject Room Schedule
Pre -Board meeting s
? ?Let ?s develop a vaccine? workshop
Co -hosted by Government of Sweden and Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation
Nendaz 08. 30 -10.00
? IFFIm Board meeting Arosa 10.00 -13.00
? Technical Briefing Session One
o Finance
o Investment s
o Country i mmunisation financing an d graduation
o HPV demo and lessons learned to date
Saas Fee 10.15 -14.00
10.15 -12.15

12.15 -14.00
? Developing Countries Board members meeting Montana 14.15 -16.30
? GAVI Donors? meeting Arosa 14.15 -16.30
? Unaffiliated Board members meeting Villars 14.15 -15.15
? Technical Briefing Session Two
o GAVI support for access to appropriate pricing for
GAVI graduates & other lower middle income
Montana 16.45 -18.15
? Governance Committee meeting Villars 18.30 -21.30

01a Declarations of interest as of 14 April 2014 pdf

Board -2014 -Mtg-2-Doc 01a 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
18-19 June 2014
Hotel Starling , Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 June: P re -Board meetings
Wednesday 18 June : 0 9.00 -18. 15 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 19 June : 0 9.30 -15.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 1 4

Declarations of interes t


Section 5.2 of the Conflict of Interest Policy states, ?Annually, each member of the Board
(including alternate Board members and Committee delegates)...shall complete and submit
a conflict of interest form to be di stributed by the Managing Director, Law and Governance.?
The following declarations were made by members of the Board on their most recent annual
Member Organisational Interests Financial/ Personal /Advise r Int
Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Chair None GA VI -appointed special advis er
Geeta Rao Gupta, Vice Chair UNICEF GAVI -appointed special advis er
Joan Awunyo -Akaba Future Generations International
(CSO constituency)
GAVI -appointed special
advis er/TBD
Wayne Berson None None
Zulfiqar A. Bhutta Aga Khan U niversity (Research
& Tech. Health Institutes) None
Donal Brown UK (UK/NOR/IRL) None
Flavia Bustreo WHO None
Jenny Da Rin AusAID (USA/AUS/JPN/KOR ) None
Awa Marie Coll -Seck Government of Senegal GAVI -appointed special
advis er/TBD
H.R.H. the Infanta Cri stina of Spain None
?la Caixa? Foundation (Employee)
Barcelona Inst. for Global Health (Board)
Aga Khan Development Network
GAVI -appointed special advis er
Suraya Dalil Government of Afghanistan GAVI -appointed special
advis er/TBD
Mahima Datla Dev. Ctry. Vaccine Manu. Net. Biological E Limited (Employee)
Tim Evans World Bank TBD
Maria C. Freire None Johns Hopkins (Family)
Ashutosh Garg None TBD
A.F.M. Ruhal Haque Government of Bangladesh GAVI -appointed spec ial
advis er/TBD
Orin Levine Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation PATH (Family)

01b Minutes from 21 22 November 2013 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21-22 November 2013
Board-2013-Mtg-2 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
21-22 November 2013
Phnom Penh, Cambodia


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.15 local
time on 21 November 2013. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired the

1.2 The Chair welcomed the Board members to Phnom P enh and extended a
special welcome to several new Board members and al ternate Board
members attending a Board meeting for the first tim e. He also welcomed
Ren? Karsenti, IFFIm Board Chair, and his colleague from the IFFIm Board.
He also recognised a number of departing Board memb ers and thanked them
for their service to the Alliance.
1.3 He noted that the Board?s committees had extens ively reviewed most of the
topics on the agenda as had the various Board const ituencies. He
emphasised therefore that focusing discussions on t he big picture would
optimise the discussions at this meeting and asked Board members not to
reopen detailed questions that have already been ad dressed in a committee.

1.4 Standing declarations of interest were tabled t o the Board (Doc 01a in the
Board pack). He noted that several Board members wo uld be invited to
declare conflicts at various points in the agenda a nd they would be noted in
the minutes.

1.5 The Board noted the minutes of its meeting on 1 1-12 June 2013 (Doc 01b),
which had been approved by no-objection on 13 Septe mber 2013.

1.6 In addition, the Board noted the list of action s agreed at the last meeting (Doc
01c) and the Board workplan (Doc 01d). The Chair ac tively encouraged Board
members to contribute to the forward plan by raisin g issues which they may
wish to add with either himself or the Secretariat.

1.7 Finally, the Board watched a film of the Mid-Te rm Review which was held in
Stockholm, Sweden on 30 October 2013.

01c Minutes from 8 April 2014 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
8 April 2014
Board -2014 -Mtg -1 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
8 April 2014
Berlin, Germany


1. Appointment of Independent Review Committee (IRC)

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 11.00
local time on 8 April 2014 . Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair , chaired the

1.2 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 00c in the
Board pa ck).

1.3 The Chair referred to the meeting of the Governance Committee which had
been held on the previous day and at which the Committee had considered
the recommendations for membership of the Independent Review Committee
(IRC) and the request to ratify the emergency appoi ntment of five IRC
members by the CEO in concurrence with the Chair of the PPC. The paper
which had been prepared for the Governance Committee had been circulated
to all Board members. The Chair informed Board members that the
Governance Committee had agre ed on the recommendation as outlined in the


? In response to a question from a Board member in relation to the criteria for
the selection of IRC members the CEO clarified that there are a number of
elements to be taken into account and that members must have a high level
of expertise in order to be able to fulfil the requirements of the IRC.

Decision One

The GAVI Alliance Board:

(a) Appointed as IRC members the individuals listed in Annex A to Doc 02 to the
Governance Committee.

(b) Ratified the emergency appointment of five IRC members by the CEO in
concurrence with the Chair of the Programme and Policy Committee (PPC)

01d Action sheet pdf

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 01d

GAVI Alliance Board
Action sheet ? November 2013

Item Request Matter Responsible Status


21 -22
2013 ; ? 4


? Given the critical nature of the annual financial
report and financial statements, the Board
requested the Secretariat to explore whether or not
it is possible for the Board to discuss these as part
of the regular meeting schedule .

? The Board requested that the Secretariat report on
lessons learnt from the HPV demonstration projects
and rollouts.

(Greene )

(Khatib -Othman )

Discussed with
World Bank .
cannot be
finalised in time
for June Board

Will be
presented to the
Board in June


21 -22
2013 ; ? 5


? The Board requested the Audit and Finance
Committee to consider sharing the audit
management letter with the Board as a matter of

(Greene )

auditors have
confirmed that
this can be done


21 -22
2013; ? 6


? The Board encouraged the Secretariat to continue
to perform scenario planning and to present those
scenarios to the Board for planning purposes and,
if necessary, to help inform trade -offs.

? The Board requested the Secretariat to organise a
financial briefing prior to the next Board meeting for
interested Board members.

(Greene )


Included in ?The
2016 -2020
GAVI Alliance



21 -22
2013; ? 7


? It was agreed that in order to inform the
consultations the paper submitted to the Executive
Committee for its 27 September meeting should be
recirculated to the Board.

(Adams )


01e Board workplan pdf

Traditional format
Board -201 4-Mtg -2-Doc 0 1e

GAVI Alliance Board Agendas
Board/Cte member appointments (Consent Agenda)
Cte chair appointments (Consent Agenda)
Statutes and By-law changes (Consent Agenda)
Changes to Committee Charters (Consent Agenda)
[Vaccine introduction grant & operational support for campaigns policy review (Consent Agenda) ]
Co-financing policy review
Graduation policy review
Country eligiblity policy review
Financial forecast and programme funding approvals
Business plan and budget
Risk Policy
GAVI support for access to appropriate pricing for GAVI graduates & other lower middle income
Annual financial report
Chair rpt (Decl of Int, Mins, Acts, W kpl)
CEO report
Committee chair reports
IFFIm report
Risk management update
Resource Mobilisation
Review of decisions and actions
Any other business
Report of the internal auditor
July-Aug Sept NoObj 10-11 Dec
Jan-Feb 2015 Mar 2015 Apr-May 2014 June 2015

02a Consent agenda Board and Committee member nominations pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 02a
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Consent agenda: Board and C ommittee member
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock
Agenda item : 02a
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The Governance Committee will meet on 17 June to review nominations
received and will verbally update the Board at its meeting on 18 June.
2 Recommendations
2.1 On 17 June 2013, the Governance Committee will consider
recommending to the Board that it :
(a) Appoint the following Board Member s:1
? Stephen Zinser as an Unaffiliated Board Member in the seat
formerly held by Dwight L. Bush effective immediately until 3 0
June 2017.
? Olivier Charmeil as Board Member representing the
industrialised vaccine industry constituency in the seat currently
held by Johan Van Hoof effective 1 August 2014 until 31 July
2017 .
? Adar Poonawalla as Board Member representing the developing
vaccine ind ustry constituency in the seat currently held by
Mahima Datla effective 1 July 2014 until 3 0 Ju ne 2017.

1 Candidate biographies are located in Section B.

02c Consent Agenda Board Chair s term extension pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 02c
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Consent Agenda: Board Chair?s term extension
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Secretary
Agenda item : 02 c
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This report sets out the Governance Committee?s recommendation for
extending the Board Chair?s term.
Recommendations 2
2.1 The Governance Committee recommend s that the Board:
(a) Exceptionally extend the term of Dagfinn H?ybr?ten as an
Unaffiliated Board Member and Chair of the Board with individual
signatory authority until 31 December 2015.
The minutes will note that Dagfinn H?ybr? ten did not participate in
discussion and voting on his extention.

03 CEO s report pdf


Report to the GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 03
18 -19 June 2014

Report of the Chief Executive Officer

11 June 2014
Dear Board Members,
I look forward to seeing you all next week at a time when the Alliance is busier than
ever. Our core programmes continue to accelerate, with 2014 set to be another
record year in terms of vaccine introductions and campaigns . W e are also
implementing new programmes such as IPV support as part of the Polio Endgame ,
support for Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, and the cholera stockpile approved in the
Vaccine Investment Strategy (VIS ). We are implementing improved management
systems , such as the grant application, monito ring and review (GAMR) process and
new knowledge management systems, and continue to learn and adap t in the face of
key challenges (e.g., through the full country evaluat ions) . At the same time, we are
also charting our future with this Board meeting hopefully set to appro ve the Alliance
2016 -20 strategic framework . And we are now in full Replenishment mode following
our successful launch meeting in Brussels last month. Th is is an exciting time for the
Alliance and I look forward to reflecting on all of this and other issues with you .
You will note that this is longer than past CEO reports. This is because we removed
several information items from the Board agenda (e.g., co untry programmes update) ,
based on the recommendation of the Board and Committee self -assessment to
reduce the number of information items discussed by the Board. Therefore, we have
included more detail on these topics in the CEO report and have also inclu ded more
detail ed papers (e.g., Country Update from PPC, latest GAVI Risk Register) in your
packs . Also in line with the self -assessment, we will be organising a number of
technical briefings the day before the Board. These will provide in -depth briefings on
a number of issues and also share some more recent developments and lessons
learned from our work (e.g., interesting recent findings from the HPV demonstration
projects , country graduation assessments etc. ). Please let me or any of the team
know how useful these briefings are.
Building GAVI?s future
Among the many issues we will discuss at this Board meeting, the 2016 -20 strategy
stands out for its importance in shaping GAVI?s future. The proposed strategi c
framework is the culmination of a thorough process and series of discussions with all
of you. Overall, the message we heard was that the next strategic period should be
about consolidating our progress , following the rapid acceleration in v accine
introdu ctions during the current period. This includes en sur ing every eligible country
can introduce the full range of GAVI -supported vaccines if they choose , raising
coverage rates to ensure the full power of immunisation reaches every child , and
supporting the first wave of graduating countries to successfully transition their
programmes from GAVI Alliance support.

04 Committee Chair and IFFIm Board reports no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 04
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Committee Chair and IFFIm Board reports
Agenda item : 04
No paper

05 GAVI Alliance immunisation supply chain strategy document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 05
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : GAVI Alliance immunisation su pply chain s trategy
Report of: The Immunisation Supply Chain Steering Committee
Authored by:
Daniel Thornton, Director, Strategic Initiatives and Benjamin
Schreiber, UNICEF, on behalf of the Immunisation Supply
Chain T askforce
Agenda item : 05
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 To seek the GAVI Alliance Board ?s approval of the GAVI Alliance?s
immunisation supply chain strategy. This paper reflects the PPC
discussion of the strategy: amendments are marked in tracked changes.
Recommendations 2
2.1 The PPC, and where appropriate, the AFC and the EC recommended to
the GAV I Alliance Board that it:
a) Approve the GAVI Alliance immunisation supply chain strategy as
attached as Annex A to Doc 05 .
b) Approve US $ 3 million to be added to the 2014 Business Plan for
implementation activities of the immunisation supply chain strategy .
2.2 As explained in section 5.1 of this report, in early 2014 the Government of
Canada provided funding for the implementation of the immunisation
supply chain strategy and therefore the amount of US$ 3 million to be
added to the 2014 Business Plan do es not af fect GAVI?s resources for
other purposes .
Executive summary 3
3.1 Over the next few years, the Alliance has the opportunity to help countries
to immunise hundreds of millions of additional children, saving million s of
lives . This impact depends upon effective im munisation supply chains that
move vaccines and other supplies from the point of manufacture to the
point of administration. Although one of the challenges of managing

06 Chair s reflections on the day no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 06
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Chair's reflections on the day
Agenda item : 06
No paper

07 Chair s overview and presentation of film no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 07
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Chair's overview & presentation of film
Agenda item : 07
No paper

08 Financial forecast document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 08
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Financial Forecast
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director, Fina nce & Chief Accounting
Officer and Minzi Lam Meier, Head Financial Planning,
Analysis and Management Reporting
Agenda item : 08
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the report
1.1 This report informs the Board of the updated GAVI financial forecast for 2011 -
1.2 It also informs the Board of programme expenditure through 30 April 2014, and
utilisation of the Programme Funding Envelopes and the 2013 Business Plan
1.3 No programme funding approvals are being requested on this occasion.
2. Recommendations
2.1 None; th is report is for information only.
3. Executive summary
3.1 The GAVI financial forecast , v9.0F b (see Section B) , incorporates the latest
demand estimates and funding decisions to date (through 30 April 2014) . The
level of resources reflects amounts pledged to date and an allowance for
forecasting purposes that direct contributions will continue at their 201 2-201 4
level in subsequent years. The financial implications are summarised in
paragraph 5 below.
3.2 The expenditure forecast does not include a provision for funding a malaria
vaccine, which is subject to further consideration by the Board in the future, or for
strategic investments to fund priority areas, pending consideration by the Board
within the 20 16 -2020 strategy development process.
3.3 Expenditure on IPV is not yet included within the updated GAVI financial forecast
pending finalisation of expenditure estimates . Neither is the additional polio -
specific funding to meet this expenditure. As decided by the Board, expenditure

09 GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 2020 pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 09
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 -2020
Report of: Seth Berkley, MD, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: Robert Newman ; Adrien de Chaisemartin ; Anna van
Agenda item : 09
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A: Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 Th e report annexed to this paper proposes a new strategic framework for
the GAVI Alliance in the period 2016 -2020. It builds on a large body of
analytical work conducted through the strategy process and on the input
provided through the extensive engagement of Board members and
constituencies since June 2013.
1.2 The latest version of the proposed strategic framework is attached in
Annex 1 and results from the extended discussion by the Board at its
retreat in April 2014. A ?track change ? version of this framework is included
in Annex 2 and highlights the changes made during and after the Board
retreat. Annex 3 include s a narrative describing the elements of the
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Board is requested to approve the framework for the GAVI Alliance
strategy 2016 -2020 attached a t Annex 1 to Doc 09 and further described
in Annex 3 to Doc 09.
3 Process to date
3.1 Th e strategy development process has been structured around the
following steps:
(a) June -November 2013: Identification of areas requiring stronger focus in
the 2016 -2020 period . During this period, Board members shared their
views through one -on -one interviews with the GAVI Alliance D eputy
CEO on the areas requiring fine -tuning or stronger focus in the next
strategy period. With further input from Board members,

10 The Road to Replenishment 2016 2020 REVISED PDF


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 10
18 -19 June 2014
Subject: The Road to Replenishment 2016 -2020
Report of: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Director, Resource Mobilisation
Authored by: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Joseph Leenhouts -Martin
Agenda item : 10
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : SG3 - Financing: global predictability/nat'l sustainability
Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report 1
1.1 This report presents the outcomes and conclusions of the High Level
Replenishment Launch meeting held in Brussels on 19 and 20 May 2014,
and progress made on the road to Replenishment for the 2016 -2020
period. This report is complemented by the 2016 -2020 GAVI Alliance
Investment Opportunity that presents the case for support for GAVI?s
second repleni shment. 1
Recommendations 2
2.1 This report is for information only.
Executive summary 3
3.1 On 19 and 20 May 2014 in Brussels, over 150 participants including
implementing countries, public and private donors, civil society
organisations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health
Organization, UNICEF, and vaccine manufacturers met for the launch of
GAVI ?s 2016 -2020 Replenishment. Attendance at the highest levels
included President Barroso of the European Commission, H.E. Dr Mulatu
Teshome, President, Fe deral Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,
Representation from Ministries of Health of Myanmar, Pakistan, and
Uganda, and key EU development ministers (France, UK, the
Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, and the EC).
1 The 2016 -2020 GAVI Alliance Investment Opportunity is available online at: -
launch/investment -opportunity/

12 Review of decisions and actions no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 12
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Review of decisions and actions
Agenda item : 12
No paper

13 Closing remarks including presentation of film and any other business no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2014 -Mtg -2-Doc 13
18 -19 June 2014
Subject : Closing remarks, including presentation of film, and any
other business
Agenda item : 13
No paper

GAVI Alliance Board Minutes 18 19 June 2014 PDF

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
18 -19 June 2014
Board -2014 -Mtg -2 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
18-19 June 2014
Geneva, Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 11.15
local time on 18 June 2014. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired the

1.2 The Chair noted that as a result of the Board and Committee self -assessment
in 2014 , the Board decided at its April 2014 retreat to be more efficient and
strategic as a B oard. For example, to allow for more time for free -flowing
discussion and debate around the Board table, the Board agenda contain ed
fewer separate information items with technical sessions available the day
before the Board. He was pleased to note that tho se sessions were well
attended with good feedback from Board members.

1.3 The Chair welcomed incoming Board members, noting that he had hosted a
dinner for new Board members and alternates the previous evening . He noted
that several Board members and alternates were departing from the Board
and they were thanked for their contributions to the GAVI Alliance. He also
welcomed Ren? Karsenti, the IFFIm Chair, and his fellow IFFIm directors to
the meeting.

1.4 The Chai r welcomed Anuradha Gupta, incoming Deputy CEO to her first
Board meeting, noting that the Board members looked forward to working with
her. This also meant saying goodbye to Helen Evans, Deputy CEO . The
Board would have an opportunity to recognise her sub stantial contribution to
the GAVI Alliance during the Board dinner that evening.

1.5 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Committee (Doc 1a in the
Committee pack). The Board noted its minutes from 21 -22 November 2013
(Doc 01b) and 8 April 2014 (Doc 01c), which were approved by no objection
on 25 February 2014 and 30 May 2014, respectively. It also noted its act ion
sheet (Doc 01d) and workplan (Doc 01e).

1.6 Finally, the Chair invited the Board to view a film reviewing the successful
replenishment launch meeting held in Brussels on 20 May 2014.


03 CEO presentation Board June 2014 Final pdf

Seth Berkley, MD
Chief Executive Officer
CEO Board report

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 -19 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
18 ?19 June 2014
Remembering Ciro de Quadros (1940 ? 2014),
a giant in public health and immunisation
Sabin Vaccine Institute 20 th anniversary, 25 April 2014

04a AFC report pdf

Wayne Berson
Audit and Finance Committee
Chair Report
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 -19 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
18 -19 June 2014
Activity since November 2013 Board meeting
? 2 meetings (incl. 1 video conference meeting)
? Areas reviewed:
? Financial reporting and audit
? Financial forecast update & programme
? Business Plan budget update
? Report of the Internal Auditor
? Other matters ( C urrency hedging and
Insurance coverage)

04c IFFIm report pdf

GAVI Alliance Board meeting18 June 20141
IFFIm Report Ren? Karsenti, Chair, IFFIm Board
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board meeting18 June 20142
IFFIm essentials

Increasing the available funding for
life saving vaccines and

Giving GAVI the flexibility to use
funds when they are needed most

Helping to drive down vaccine
prices and increase security of
vaccine supply by increasing the
long-term predictability of funding

Improving the efficiency of GAVI?s
financial management
IFFIm makes GAVI more effective by:

05 GAVI Alliance immunisation supply chain strategy presentation pdf

Daniel Thornton and
Benjamin Schreiber
GAVI Alliance immunisation
supply chain strategy
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 -19 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
18 -19 June 2014
Challenge to the immunisation supply chain:
higher volumes, doses and vaccine cost
Growing volume (cm?) to
vaccinate per child
Increase in number
of doses
2010 Supply chain requirements
Introduction of more
expensive vaccines
Increase in stock keeping units
2010 2020
Note: All figures relate to GAVI -funded vaccines

08 Financial forecast presentation pdf

Barry Greene
Financial Forecast
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 -19 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
18 -19 June 2014
Overview of projected demand
Prior to :
? Any additional
vaccines (+)
? Monitoring
adjustments ( -)

GAVI -funded:

2011 -15 : $7.3 bn

2016 -20: $9.0 bn
plus $500m
for Strategic

Excludes Polio
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Expenditure Estimates 2011 - 2020 (US$ millions)
GAVI cash outflows & Country co -financing
Business Plan Cash Based Programmes Vaccines P rogr ammes Country c o-financing Total GAVI funded
2013 -15 average per year:
$1.7 bn GAVI -funded
$0.1 bn Country co -financed
2016 -20 average per year:
$ 1.8 bn GAVI -funded
$0.24 bn Country co -financed

09 GAVI Alliance Strategy pdf

Helen Evans
GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016 ? 2020

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 -19 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
18 -19 June 2014
Three themes guided the development of the strategy
Consolidation and sustainability
?Next strategic period should focus on
consolidating strengthening and deepening
GAVI Board member ? December 2013
?Look into sustainability for graduating
countries. ?
GAVI Board member ? February 2014
Coverage and equity
?Focus should be on understanding and
addressing barriers to coverage and equity. ?

GAVI Board member ? February 2014
?Focus of the next period should be around
coverage, equity, sustainability and the most
fragile settings. ?
GAVI Board member ? November 2013
Innovation and ambition
?GAVI needs to articulate an ambitious statement of what the
Alliance aims to achieve longer term. ?
GAVI Board calls ? December 2013
?GAVI should be bold, innovation is part of its DNA. ?
GAVI Board member ? July 2013

10 Road to the replenishment 2016 2020 pdf

The road to replenishment 2016 ? 2020
Seth Berkley, CEO
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 -19 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
June 2014
2016 - 2020

11 Internal Auditors report presentation pdf

Simon Lamb
Internal Auditor?s Report

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
18 -19 June 2014
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
18 -19 June 2014

Four key messages
? Strengthening the institution of Internal Audit
? Resourcing the Internal Audit and Programme
F iduciary O versight functions
? Providing assurance through programme
? Developing the whistleblower reporting
Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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