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Indonesia and Senegal to co-host 2022 Gavi COVAX AMC Summit, together with Germany

The governments holding the presidencies of the G7, the G20 and the African Union will co-host a summit to raise new urgent funding for global vaccination in lower-income economies, a sign of renewed international cooperation and a continued…

First Portuguese COVAX doses reach Senegal

As part of a pledge to share at least 5% of domestic supply of vaccines with its development partners, the first doses donated by Portugal through COVAX have reached Senegal.

UK-donated COVID-19 vaccine doses reach African countries

The first AstraZeneca doses donated to COVAX by the United Kingdom (UK) will soon arrive in Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal and Uganda, with Zambia and DRC set to be the first to receive these UK-donated vaccines…

COVAX roll-out - Senegal

Senegal COVAX vaccine roll-out information and latest news.

What does it take to deliver COVID-19 vaccines?

Ending the COVID-19 crisis hinges on all countries being able to vaccinate their people. A lot goes into getting ready.

What we learned from tracking every COVID policy in the world

For one year, 600 people tracked 20 types of coronavirus restriction in 186 countries – here's what they found out.

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