The Board also welcomed the appointment of Richard Sezibera, independent Board member, as Chair of the Programme and Policy Committee.

Meeting documents

00a Document list Final pdf

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 00a

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 10 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 11 June : 08. 30 -18. 15 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 12 June : 08. 30 -17. 30 (Board meeting Day Two)
Document list
00a - Document list
00b - Agenda
01a - Declarations of interest
01b - Minutes from 4-5 December 2012
01c - Action sheet
01d - Board workplan
02a - Consent agenda: Board /Committee member appointments
02b - Consent agenda: Committee chairs and member terms: Changes to By -Laws
and Committee Charters
02c - Consent agenda: Revision to the Investment Committee Charter
02 d - Consent agenda: Board Travel Policy
02e - Consent agenda: Amendment to Programme Funding Policy
02f - Consent agenda: Internal audit reporting lines and terms of reference
02g - Consent agenda: Review of GAVI?s pilot prioritisation mechanism
03 - CEO?s report (To follow)
04 - Committee Chair reports - No paper
05 - Financial forecast
06 - Vaccine investment strategy
07 - Polio and routine immunisation
08 - Chair?s reflections on the day ? No paper
09 - Chair's overview and presentation of short film - No paper
10 - Presentation from CSOs on their activities in GAVI -eligible countries - No paper
11 - Country Programmes update (including Health and immunisation systems
12 - Grant application, monitoring and review
13 - Mid -term review and fundraising update
14 - IFFIm report ? No paper
15 - Risk management update
16 - Report of the internal auditor
17 - Review of decisions and actions - No paper
18 - Closing remarks and any other business - No paper
A - Annex ? Committee minutes (For information only)

00b UPDATED Agenda Final pdf

Board -201 3-Mtg -1-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 10 June : Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 11 June : 0 8.30 -18. 15 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 12 June : 0 9.00 -17.30 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14


UPDATED - Pre -Board Meetings ? Monday, 10 June 2013
Item Subject Room Schedule
Pre -Board meetings
? Technical Briefing Montana 10.30 -12.30
? AMC annual s takeholders ? meeting Villars 11.00 -13.00
? GAVI Do nors? meeting Saas Fee 12.00 -14.30
? GAVI Donors? consultation on revisions to GAVI
TAP and Gender Policies
Saas Fee 14. 30 -15. 30
? Developing Countries Board members meeting Montana 14.00 -16.30
? All Chairs meeting Villars 13.30 -14.30
? Governance Committe e meeting Arosa 14.45 -15.45
? Executive Committee meeting Villars 16.00 -17.00
? IFFIm Donors? Meeting Saas Fee 17.00 -18.30
? Closed Executive Session Montana 17.30 -19.00
? IFFIm Board meeting Arosa 19.30 -21. 15

01a Declarations of interest Board pdf

Board -201 3-Mtg -1-Doc 01a 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 10 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 11 June: 0 8.30 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 12 June: 0 8.30 -17.30 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 1 4

Declarations o f interes t


Section 5.2 of the Conflict of Interest Policy states, ?Annually, each member of the Board
(including alternate Board members and Committee delegates)...shall complete and submit
a conflict of interest form to be distributed by t he Managing Director, Law and Governance.?
The following declarations were made by members of the Board on their most recent annual
Member Organisational Interests Financial/ Personal /Advise r Int
Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Chair None GAVI -appointed s pecial advis er
Geeta Rao Gupta, Vice Chair UNICEF GAVI -appointed special advis er
Wayne Berson None GAVI Fund Affiliate (Board)
Zulfiqar A. Bhutta Aga Khan University (Research
& Tech. Health Institutes) None
Simon Bland UK (UK/NOR/IRL) TBD
Dwight Bush None TBD
Flavia Bustreo WHO None
Robert Clay USA (AUS/JPN/KOR/USA) None
Awa Marie Coll -Seck Government of Senegal GAVI -appointed special advis er
H.R.H. the Infanta Cristina
of Spain None
?la Caixa? Foundation (Emplo yee)
Barcelona Inst. for Global Health (Board)
GAVI -appointed special advis er
Suraya Dalil Government of
Afghanistan GAVI -appointed special advis er
Mahima Datla Dev. Ctry. Vaccine Manu. Net. Biological E Limited (Employee)
Maria C. Freire None Johns Hop kins University (Family)
Ashutosh Garg None None
Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali France (FRA/EC/LUX/GER ) None
A.F.M. Ruhal Haque Government of Bangladesh GAVI -appointed special
advis er/TBD
Alan Hinman Task Force for Global Health
(CSO constituency )
Novartis (R esearch grant - Rabie s)
Merck (Imm. Workers training grant)
GAVI -appointed special advis er
Orin Levine Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation PATH (Family)

01b Minutes from 4 5 December 2012 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Board-2012-Mtg-3 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
4-5 December 2012
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.15 local
time on 4 December 2011. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board C hair, chaired the

1.2 The Chair welcomed the Board members to Tanzani a, stating it was an
opportunity to celebrate the Alliance. It was also an opportunity to celebrate
the achievements of Tanzania, a country which WHO a nd UNICEF estimate
has a DTP coverage rate of greater than 90%. The Ch air thanked Hussein Ali
Mwinyi, Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Ta nzania for hosting the
Board meeting and the forthcoming Partners? Forum.
1.3 The Chair reported he had visited a health clin ic in Arusha the day before and
had been able to see GAVI and its implementing part ners at work. He
reminded the Board that GAVI?s major partners are t he mothers (and fathers
too) and that he had talked to them about the launc h of vaccines in Tanzania
to prevent pneumonia and diarrheal diseases. Their expressions were a
reminder that these are diseases that are part of t heir experience and that the
introduction of these life-saving vaccines offered new hope. He also reported
on his recent visit to Myanmar with colleagues from the Secretariat and
Australian and New Zealand parliamentarians.
1.4 He welcomed several new Board members and noted that there will be an
opportunity for an appreciation of departing Board members during the ?family
dinner? that evening. He also welcomed Ren? Karsent i, Chair of the IFFIm
Board, and thanked the IFFIm Board for its leadersh ip in a particularly
challenging environment.
1.5 He reported that over 500 global health and gov ernment leaders will join the
Board later in the week for the Partners? Forum. He noted that he particularly
looked forward to seeing former GAVI Fund Chair Gra ?a Machel. He
remarked that it is an important point in GAVI?s hi story. The Alliance has
promised to deliver, deliver, deliver and the Partn ers? Forum is really the first
major opportunity since the June 2011 pledging meet ing to demonstrate what
GAVI has accomplished and for stakeholders to hold GAVI accountable. He

01c Action sheet Final pdf

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 01c 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 10 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 11 June: 0 8.30 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 12 June: 0 8.30 -17.30 (Board meeting Day Two)
Action sheet

Item Request Matter Responsible Status


4-5 Dec
2012 ; ? 3


? The Board will include Strategic Goal 2 (health
systems) as a standing and discrete item on its
forward agenda until further notice.

? The Board requested the Secretariat to provide
an explanation of changes to the coverage
baselines and targets.


(Berkley ,
Schwalbe )

In Doc 11

Done (in


4-5 Dec
2012; ? 4


? The Programme and Policy Committee will
include the supply situation on its forward

? The Governance Committee should consider,
exceptionally, the extension of the terms of key
unaffiliated Board members who would normally
not be eligible for reappointment, using the
existing flexibilities built into the By -Laws.

(Khatib -

GC ;
(Adams )




4-5 Dec
2012; ? 5


Presentation of the forecast should include a clear
explanation of the actual spend compared to the
previously forecasted spend.

(Greene )


01d Board workplan pdf

Graphical format

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 01d

GAVI Alliance Board Agendas
Board/Cte member appointments (Consent Agenda)
Cte chair appointments (Consent Agenda)
Vice Chair appointment (Consent Agenda)
Appointment of Independent Auditor (Consent Agenda)
Statutes and By-law changes (Consent Agenda)
Changes to Committee Charters (Consent Agenda)
Gender Policy Review (Consent Agenda)
TAP Policy Review (Consent Agenda)
Financial forecast
Grant application, monitoring and review
Business plan and budget
Vaccine investment strategy
Polio and routine immunisation
GAVI's supply chain strategy
GAVI Alliance Strategy 2016-2020
Co-financing Policy Review
Annual financial report
Risk management update
Long-term funding strategy
Country programmes update (including health and immunisation systems strengthening)
Chair rpt (Decl of Int, Mins, Acts, W kpl)
CEO report
Committee chair reports
IFFIm report
Country presentation
Review of decisions and actions
Any other business
Report of the internal auditor Information
June 2014
May 2014 December Jan-Mar 2014 April 2014
21-22 Nov Sept NoObj October

02b Consent Agenda Committee chairs and members terms Final pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 02b
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Consent A genda: C ommittee chairs and member terms :
Changes to By -Laws and Committee Charters
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance and Assistant Secretary
Agenda item: 02b
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 Following the discussion at the November 2012 and 7 May 2013
Governance Committee meeting s, the Govenance Committee invite s the
Board to formally amend the governing documents to perform the
refreshment of committees every two years.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Governa nc e Committee recommend s to the Board that it :
(a) Amend the second sentence of Article 4.2 of the By -Laws as follows:
? Each of the Board Committees shall have a presiding chair who
shall be one of the Board Members and shall be appointed annually
once every two years by the Board unless otherwise provided in the
Statutes, By -Laws or Charter of the relevant Committee .
(b) Amend the first sentence of Section 2 of the Charter of Executive
Committee as follows:
? Executive Committee members shall normally sit on the Executive
Committee for three two years and may be reappointed for a single
term, provided that an Eligible Organisation (or group of Eligible
Organisations) or Eligible Constituency shall be entitled, in
accordance with Article 10 of the Statutes, to have the same
person(s) serv e as its Excecutive Member(s) for such additional
time as it shall desire and shall be entitled to replace its member(s)
as it shall desire .

02e Consent Agenda Amendment to the Programme Funding Policy Final pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 02e
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Consent Agenda: Amendment to the Pro gramme
Funding Policy
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance & Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director , Finance & CAO
Agenda item : 02e
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG3 - Financing

Section A: Overview

1 Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This report highlights the changes to the Programme Funding Policy that are
required to reflect the removal of the GAVI Funding Affiliate (GFA) from the
IFFIm structure

2 Recommendations

2.1 The Audit and Finance Committee recommends that the Board :

Approve the amend ed GAVI Programme Funding Policy attached as A nnex 1
to Doc 02e .

3 Executive summary

3.1 In February 2013 The GAVI Fund Affilate was removed from the IFFIm
structure with the GFA Board electing to wind up the entity on 28 March 2013 .
3.2 The Programme Funding Policy is being updated to reflect the removal of the
GAVI Fund Affiliate (GFA) from the GAVI structure , following the decision of
the GFA Board on 28 March 2013 to wind -up that company . Remaining cash
and investment balances (approximately $109 million) held by GFA will be
transferred to the GAVI Alliance during 2013. Going forward IFFIm will
disburse funds directly to GAVI Alliance .
3.3 Annex 1 of the policy is also being updated to refer to ? new cash programmes?
instead of ?HSFP programmes ?, for consistency with current practice and
terminology .

03 CEO report pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 03
11 -12 June 2013
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

4 June 2013
Dear Board Members,
Our meeting next week comes at a time when the vaccine landscape in the
developing world is changing faster than ever before, and during a record year for
growth in the Alliance?s programmes.
From 2000 until 2012, the Alliance funded around one billion doses of vaccine. This
year alone, we will fund over six hundred million doses. With Somalia?s introduction
of pentavalent vaccine in April, we are now supporting vaccine programmes in 72
count ries. We are also starting funding for our newest vaccines: in the last two
months the first GAVI -supported doses of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine was
used by Kenya in a demonstration programme, and Rwanda introduced measles -
rubella vaccine. Recen t announcements have shown that we are successfully
shaping vaccine markets. The tremendous attention that the new lower price for HPV
vaccine attracted gave further evidence of the strength of the Alliance and the
coalition working to tackle cancer and i mprove women and girls? health. In this record
year we are expecting to support 33 vaccine introductions into routine schedules, 14
campaigns, and seven HPV vaccine demonstration programmes. In addition to the
HPV and measles -rubella vaccine programmes, measles campaigns are also starting
this year. When the Alliance raised funds to sustain GAVI up to 2015, we were
aiming for the acceleration in vaccine introductions that we are now seeing. We are
having a massive impact on the health and well -being of millions of people.
After almost two years as CEO, I would like in this report to give you an overview of
the issues on the Board agenda, and some early thoughts on GAVI?s next phase.
First let me begin with an update on some of the exciting development s since the last
Board meeting.
The December meeting was followed by the Partners? Forum, which brought together
more than 6 50 leaders, experts and practitioners from across the vaccine world.
During the Forum, Tanzania simultaneously launched pneumococca l and rotavirus
vaccines. In an important example of south -to -south collaboration, Tanzanian
programme managers before the launch visited and studied the experience of
Ghana , which in April last year became the first country to launch the two vaccines
sim ultaneously. When I returned to Ghana in March this year , with Bill Gates, we
saw a country with a strong commitment to its primary healthcare system. What
particularly impressed us was the extent to which data was collected and used at all
levels to str engthen performance. There will be post -introduction evaluations in
Tanzania and Ghana later this year; in both countries the early signs are that the
introductions went well, with high levels of coverage being reported.

05 Financial forecast document Final pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -2-Doc 05
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Financial Forecast update
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance & Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director, Finance & Chief Accounting
Agenda item : 05
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the repor t
1.1 This report informs the Board of the updated GAVI financial forecast for 2011 -
2020 (Version 7.0F b1).
1.2 It also informs the Board of :
(a) Funds allotted through 30 April 2013 from the Programme Funding
Envelope amount that the Board approved in December 2012
(b) Programme disbursements made during 2012 and 2013 .
1.3 No programme approvals are being sought on this occasion.
2. Recommendations
2.1 This report is for information only.
3. Executive summary
3.1 Th e updated GAVI financial forecast (see Section B) incorporates the latest
demand estimates and funding decisions taken to date . The level of resources
reflects amounts pledged to date and an allowance for forecasting purposes
that direct contributions will continue at their 201 2-2014 level in subsequent
3.2 The forecast indicates that through 2015, while GAVI will have sufficient
resources to cover the needs of existing programmes, additional resourc es of
US$ 221 million may be needed to fully meet estimated demand anticipated for
1 Version 7.0Fa of the Financial Forecast was shared with Audit & Finance Committee on 22 April
2013. That has been updated (as Version 7.0Fb) for this paper, to include programme funding
decisions taken through 30 April 2013, with an immaterial impact (of US$ 2 million) on the expenditure
forecast through 2015.

08 Chair s reflections on the day no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 06
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Chair ?s reflections on the day
Agenda item : 08
No paper

09 Chair s overview no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 09
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Chair ?s overview
Agenda item : 09
No paper

10 Presentation from CSOs on their activities in GAVI eligible countries no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 06
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Presentation from CSOs on their activities in GAVI -eligible
Agenda item : 10
No paper

11 Country Programmes update including Health and immunisation systems strengthening pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 11
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Country Programmes Update (including Health and
immunisation systems strengthening)
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by 1: Stefano Malvolti, Director, Vaccine Implementation, and Alan
Brooks , Special Adviser for Immunisation
Agenda item : 11
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : SG1 - Vaccines, SG2 - Health systems, SG3 - Financing
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report provides an update on GAVI?s country p rogrammes .
2 Recommendations
2.1 This report is for information .
3 Executive Summary
3.1 The fourth quarter of 2012 and first five months of 2013 have been periods
of rapid transition and intense work for GAVI?s country programmes. New
or updated collaboration mechanisms for support ing countries (e.g. a
Strategic Goal 2 Management Team) have been rolled out to facilitate
alignment across partners and implementation of the Business Plan. The
Secretariat has increa sed its focus on active programme and grant
management, including strengthening co -ordination between
Transparency and Accountability Policy -related activities and C ountry
Responsible Officer (C RO ) grant management . A new Partnership
Framework Agreement is being implemented that sets out the legal
relationship between GAVI and countries and will speed formalisation of
GAVI funding decisions.
3.2 DR Congo, India, Nigeria and Pakistan continue to require intensive
engagement because of the complex operating en vironments, the large
numbers of unimmunised children and the number of vaccine
implementation activities. The Secretariat has begun to implement the
1 With contributions from Paul Kelly and Bakhuti Shengelia

13 Mid term review and fundraising update document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 13
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Mid -term review and fundraising update
Report of: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Director, Resource Mobilisation
Authored by: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao
Agenda item : 13
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : SG3 - Financing: global predictability/nat'l sustainability
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report present s an update on the s tatus of GAVI?s fundraising efforts
to close the current cycle and transition to the next one , and sets out
preparations for the Mid -Term Review (MTR) , which will take place in
October 2013 .
2 Recommendations
2.1 This report is for information only.
3 Executive summary
3.1 Two years after the 2011 Pledging Conference, strong country demand
and implementation have boost ed programme expenditure , which is now
foreseen to reach US$ 7.8 1 billion for the period 2011 -2015 . In spite of a
challenging fiscal climate in many donor markets and thanks to the
powerful collaborative resource mobilisation effor ts from donors, countries
and vaccine manufacturers , investments in health and immunisation
continue to be a priority among many donors ? including new donors .
3.2 Of the US$ 7. 4 billion resources assured for 2011 -2015, US$ 6. 6 billion
ha s been secured through signed legal agreements , the majority (78%) of
which are multi -year . In the past two years, the payment of pledges has
enabled GAVI to cover 100% of planned expenditures . Such payment has
been accompanied by steady co -financing commit ments from 63
countries , which account for 8% of the vaccine support to those countries.
Similarly, active market shaping efforts are bearing fruit with a substantial
31% reduction in the average price to fully immunise a child with
1 This estimate includes forecasted expenditures for currently approved GAVI interventions and does not
cover any potential future IPV and VIS expenditures. See Doc 05 on Financial forecast .

14 IFFIm Report no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 14
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : IFFIm Report
Agenda item : 14
No paper

15 Risk management update pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 15
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Risk Management Update
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Ciara Goldstein , Analyst, Performance Management and
Adrien de Chaisemartin , Head of Performance Management
Agenda item : 15
Category: For Guidance
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 This report is part of the regular reporting to the Board and the Executive
Committee on the risks faced by the GAVI Alliance in fulfilling its mission.
This risk report is based on the regular risk assessment conducted at the
end of the first quarter 2013 , and made available to the Board on myGAVI
in May 2013 .
1.2 As requested by the Board, key risks identified by the new proposal and
monitoring Independent Review Committees (IRCs) have also been
integrated into this report.
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Board is requested to give guidance on the key risks and mitigation
strategies put in place as well as identify additional risks, as appropriate.
3 Executive summary
3.1 Of note, the Internal Auditor is currently conducting an audit of the risk
management process, which he expects to complete before the November
2013 Board meeting . His findings could result in changes to how the
process is conducted and reported to the Board.
3.2 As of the end of the first quarter 2013, the following items were identified
as the highest risks for the Alliance as part of the risk review process.
(a) Low data quality on immunisation coverage, leading to ineffective
decision making by the GAVI Alliance: The Secretariat convened a
Data Summit in Q1 2013 to review current efforts of t he GAVI Alliance
and partner agencie s working in the area of immunis ation coverage

16 Report of the internal auditor pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 16
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Report of the Internal Auditor
Report of: Simon Lamb, Managing Director of Internal Audit
Authored by: Simon Lamb
Agenda item : 16
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals
Section A Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this paper is t o inform the Board on Internal Audit?s
activities year -to -date, and those planned for the remainder of the year.
2 Recommendations
2.1 Th is report is for information only .
3 Executive summary
3.1 Th is report describes Internal Audit?s activities in 2013 , past and planned .
3.2 The re is a significant focus on the further development of the Internal Audit
Function . T he paper outlines the plans to establish the key audit
processes which should be in place, consistent with best practice , and
appropriate to support an external Quality Assurance R eview of Internal
Audit ( to be undertaken towards the end of 2014 ). The introduction of
these processes will strengthen the instit ution of Internal Audit in GAVI,
and provide a basis by which the Audit and Finance Committee, on the
Board ?s behalf, can most readily overs ee the function .
3.3 A summary is included of Internal A udit ?s activities year -to -date, and those
planned to be undertak en for the remainder of the year.
3.4 A summary is included of the activities of the Transparency and
Accountability Policy Team (TAP) year -to -date, and those planned to be
undertaken for the remainder of the year.

17 Review of decisions and actions no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 17
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Review of decisions and actions
Agenda item : 17
No paper

18 Closing remarks and any other business no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Doc 18
11 -12 June 2013
Subject : Closing remarks and any other business
Agenda item : 18
No paper

Annex Committee minutes 11 12 June 2013 pdf

Board -2013 -Mtg -1-Annex: Committee minutes

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 10 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 11 June: 0 8.30 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 12 June: 0 8.30 -17.30 (Board meeting Day Two)
Annex: Committee minutes
Annex Pages MINUTES
1-5 - Executive Committee ? 15 February 2013
6-14 - Executive Committee ? 20 -22 March 2013 (Decision slides)
15 -17 - Executive Committee ? 1 May 201 3 (Decision slides)
18 -22 - Audit and Finance Committee ? 5 February 2013
23 -27 - Audit and Finance Committee ? 22 April 2013 (Decision slides)
28 -33 - Programme and Policy Cte ? 29 -30 April 2013 (Decision slides)
34 -39 - Governance Committee ? 20 -22 March 2013
40 -49 - Governance Committee ? 7 May 2013 (Decision slides)
50 -53 - Investment Committee ? 19 February 2013
54 -56 - Investment Committee ? 26 April 2013 (Decision slides)

Note: Minutes of committee meetings held since the Dar es Salaam Board meeting
are included in this annex for ease of reference. Decision slides are included instead
of meeting minutes that are not yet approved.

GAVI Alliance Board Minutes 11 12 June 2013 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Board -2013 -Mtg -1 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 201 3
Geneva , Switzerland


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 08.30
local time on 11 June 201 3. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair , chaired the

1.2 The Chair welcomed the Board members to Geneva and extended a special
welcome to several new Board members and alternate Board members
attending a Board meeting for the first time. He also welcomed Ren ? Karsent i
and his colleagues from the IFFIm Board.

1.3 On behalf of the Board he extended congratulations to Olga Popova who had
recently given birth to GAVI?s fir st Board baby, and wished a speedy recovery
to Paul Fife who had recently suffered a stroke.

1.4 The Chair reminded the Board that Nelson Mandela had been the first Chair
of the GAVI Vaccine Fund Board, one of the organisations founding fathers
who had brough t some key donors to GAVI and who continues to be an
inspiration to all. He would be sending, also on behalf of the Board, greetings
from this meeting and wishes for a speedy recovery.

1.5 The Chair n oted that a number of departing Board members would be
recog nised at the dinner that evening but extended a special word of thanks
to Gustavo Gonzalez -Can ali, who had rece ntly informed the Chair and the
Vice Chair of his intention to step down as PPC Chair as his current role at the
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs would end in August. The Chair expressed,
also on behalf of the Board, his appreciation for Dr Gonzalez -Can ali?s
dedication to GAVI over the years and his leadership of the PPC, a role which
wa s no doubt challenging but one which he had fulfilled w ith great success.

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the
Board pa ck). Alan Hinman declared grants received from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation (BMGF) for cholera and inactivated polio vaccine, and
Zulfiqar Bhutta declared a grant received, also from BMGF, to support polio
eradication in Pakistan.


03 CEO report June Board pdf

Seth Berkley, MD
Chief Executive Officer

CEO Board Report

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Overview of presentation
? R esults
? Accelerated vaccine support
? Hot topics
? Expenditure and resources ? horizon view
? Opportunities and challenges
? Board agenda: key decisions and discussions

04a AFC Chair Report pdf

Wayne Berson
Audit and Finance Committee
Chair Report
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Activity since December 2012 Board meeting
? 2 meetings (incl. 1 video conference meeting)
? Areas reviewed:
? Financial reporting and audit
? Financial forecast / programme approvals /
expenditure report / funding allotments
? Business Plan budget update
? Corporate matters (IFFIm/GFA/Insurance)
? Report of the Internal Auditor

05 Financial Forecast presentation pdf

Barry Greene
Financial Forecast
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Projected demand
Needs are prior to:
? A ny additional vaccines
that may be supported
in the future (+)
? Monitoring IRC
adjustments ( -)

2011 -15 : $7.8 bn

2016 -20: $8.6 bn
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
GAVI Cash Outflows Estimates (US$ millions)
2011 -2020
Vaccines Programmes Cash Based Programmes Business Plan
2013 -15: $1.9 bn per year 2016 -20: $1.7 bn per year

06 Vaccine Investment Strategy presentation pdf

Aur?lia Nguyen, Judith Kallenberg
Vaccine Investment Strategy
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Strategy process
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov
Analysis of WHO landscape
vaccines for initial prioritisation
27 -28 Mar:
Expert Review
30 Apr:
PPC review
and shortlist
11 -12 June:
In -depth analysis of shortlisted vaccines
and development of recommendations
19 -20 Aug:
Expert Review
review VIS
8-9 Oct:
PPC review
21 Nov:
Board to



Phase I stakeholder consultations
Technical Consultation Group
Phase II stakeholder consultations
Phase II Phase I
Technical Consultation Group

07 Polio and routine immunisation presentation pdf

Alan Brooks
Polio and routine immunisation
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013

10 CSOs activities in GAVI eligible countries pdf

GAVI CSO Health Systems
Strengthening Project Update
Jennifer Overton, Catholic Relief Services

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
June 11 - 12, 2013 ,
Starling Hotel, Geneva , Switzerland

GAVI CSO Project : active in 14 countries

11 Country Programme update pdf

Hind Khatib -Othman
Country Programme Update
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013
? Vaccine indicators ? how are we doing ?
? Vaccine implementation scale up
? Health systems and policy implementation
? Co -financing and graduating countries
? Country stories

12 Grant application monitoring and review presentation pdf

Peter Hansen & Daniel Thornton
Grant Application, Monitoring
and Review
Board Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 - 12 June 2013
? Inefficient, burdensome and complicated
? Long delays after application
? Disconnect between HSS and NVS
? Lack of accountability
? One -size -fits -all approach for diverse
portfolio of grants
? Part of broader change management
? Workshops with internal and external


13 Mid term review and fundraising update presentation pdf

Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao

Fundraising update and Mid -term r eview

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Strong country demand drives projected
497 398
404 458
1,293 689
London pledging conference 2011 June Board 2013
Business plan
Cash-based programmes
Measles SIA
HPV - routine&demo
Other vaccines
US$ 7.8 bn
US$ 6.8 bn

14 IFFIm Update pdf

IFFIm Report

Ren? Karsenti , Chair, IFFIm Board

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
12 June 2013

Manage risk and credit rating challenges

Conduct donor outreach

Enhance funding sources

IFFIm strategic priorities
? As a key component of GAVI?s long -term funding
strategy, IFFIm must remain efficient, and both increase
and diversify donor support

? A road map identifying 2013 -14 actions to support these
objectives was created at the March IFFIm Board retreat

2 GAVI Alliance Board meeting
11 -12 June 2013

17 Review of decisions pdf

Debbie Adams
Review of decisions

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 11 -12 June 2013
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
11 -12 June 2013
Decision 1: Board/Committee member
appointments (1/3)
? The GAVI Alliance Board:
(a) Appointed the following Board members:
? Joan Awunyo -Akaba as Board Member representing civil
society organisations in the seat currently held by Alan
Hinman effective 1 July 2013 until 30 June 2015.
? Jenny Da Rin as Board Member representing the Australia,
Japan , Korea and the United States of America donor
constituency in the seat currently held by Robert Clay
effective 1 July 2013 until 30 June 2015.
? Donal Brown as Board Member representing the United
Kingdom , Canada and Ireland donor constituency in the
seat currently held by Simon Bland effective 1 July 2013
until 1 July 2016.
Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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