Board documents

a Consent agenda Vice Chair appointment pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02a
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018

Section A: Summary
? In December 2017 it was announced that Board Vice Chair, Gunilla
Carlsson, had been appointed as Deputy Executive Director, Management
and Governance, UNAIDS, and Assistant Secretary General of the United
Nations. At that time , it was agreed that she would remain as Board Vice
Ch air until 31 March 2018.
? William (Bill) Roedy assumed the role of acting Board Vice Chair from
1 April through 30 June 2018 following prior consultation with the
Governance Committee and notification of the Board.
? At its meeting on 15 February 2 018, the Governance Committee approved
updated terms of reference for the Board Vice Chair (Annex A) as well as
updated terms of reference for the Board Vice Chair Nominations
? The Board Vice Chair Nominations Subcommittee was constituted
com prising Dr Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala (Board Chair and Subcommittee Chair ),
Bill Roedy 1, Minister Bahar Idriss Ab ugarda and Blair Exell. Dr Clarisse Lou
Loumou and Dr Sai Prasad of the Governance Committee were co -opted
by the Board Chair to participate in the de liberations to bro aden
constituency representivit y.
? An invitation for expressions of interest in the position of Board Vice Chair
was circulated to the Board on 16 February 2018 and two expressions of
interest were received.
? Both candidates were interview ed by the Subcommittee and scored against
an agreed set of questions common to both candidates.
? On this basis, Bill Roedy was recommended by the Subcommittee to be
nominated as the next Board Vice Chair of the Gavi Alliance Board, and
subsequently by the G overnance Committee at its meeting on 4 June 2018.

1 Mr Roedy subsequently recused himself from the dliberations of the Subcommittee on account
of his candidacy for the position
Agenda item: 02 a
Category: For Decision

a Declarations of interest pdf

Board -201 8-Mtg -2-Doc 01 a

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
6-7 June 2018
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Quorum: 14
Declarations of Interest

Section 5.2 of the Conflict of Interest Policy states, ?Annually, each member of the Board
(including alterna te Board members and Committee delegates)...shall complete and submit a
conflict of interest form to be distributed by the Managing Director, Law and Governance.? The
following declarations were made by members of the Board on their most recent annual
sta tements:
Board members:
Member Org anisational Interest s

Financial/Personal/Advisor Int /
Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala , Chair None Gavi -appointed special adviser
William H. Roedy , Acting
Vice Chair None None
Peggy Hamburg
Joint Coordinating Group,
Coaliti on for Epidemic
Preparedness Initiative (CEPI)
Yifei Li None
Man Group (Chair) Jackson
Institute for Global Affairs, Yale
University (Board), Rockefeller
Foundation (Board of Trustees)
Helen Rees
WHO AFRO Regional
Immunization Technical
Advisory Gro up (RITAG );
WHO International
Health Regulations (IHR)
Committee on Polio ; WHO STI
Vaccine Ro admap Expert
Advisory Committee; WHO
advis er on STI vaccine
research ; WHO SAGE
Working Group on Ebola
Vaccines ; WHO RSV Vaccine
Development Technical
Advisory Group; WHO H SV
Vaccine Advisory Group ;
Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovation
Scientific Advisory Board ;
International Health
Regulations Roster of Experts ;
SAGE Working Group on the
Decade of Vaccines and
Global Vaccine Action Plan

a Document list pdf

Board -201 8-Mtg -1-Doc 00 a

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
6-7 June 201 8
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 June: Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 6 June: 0 9.00 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 7 June: 09.00 -17.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14

Document list

No. Document
00a Document list
00b Agenda
01a Declarations of interest
01b Minutes from 29 -30 Nov ember 201 7
01c No Objection Consent D ecisions
01 d Action Sheet
01 e Workplan
02a Consent agenda: Vice Chair appointment (To follow)
02 b Consent agenda: Board/Committee member appointments (To follow)
02c Consent agenda: Independent Review Committee appointments (To follow)
02d Consent agenda: Independent Auditor appointment ? Commercially Sensitive
02e Consent agenda: Governance Commi ttee Charter (To follow)
02f Consent agenda: Independent Review Committee Terms of Reference (To follow)
02g Consent agenda: Review of Conflicts of Interest Policy (To follow)
02h Consent agenda: Changes in 2016 -2020 Strategic Indicators
02i Consent ag enda: Reflecting Board -approved changes to Eligibility and Transition
02j Consent agenda: Modifications to Gavi?s HSIS Support Framework and Gavi?s
Fragility, Emergency , Refugees Policy
02k Consent agenda: Extension of support for use of Gavi?s gl obal cholera stockpile in
endemic settings for 2019
02l Consent agenda: Expansion of PCV support to include catch -up during new
02m Consent agenda: Mid -term approach to replace reactive approvals of continuation of
support in Yemen and Sout h Sudan

a Strategy Implementation and Progress pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 03a

Section A: Introduction
? The Board agenda for this meeting has been streamlined to enabl e a more
strategic Board discussion. As a result, this paper seeks to rationalise and
consolidate many of the previously standalone updates 1 in order to present
an integrated view of progress i n implementing Gavi?s 2016 -2020 strategy,
including programmatic and financial performance and related risks. The
intention is to reduce duplication and provide a more holistic view of the
Alliance?s performance to allow discussions on cross -cutting issues and
inform exchanges on strategic priorities at the Board.
? This is the fourth report to the Board on progress against Gavi?s strategic
indicators for the 2016 -2020 strategy , and we now have over two years?
experience in monitoring and reporting on these indicators. As a result, we
have gained a more in -depth understanding of the strengths and
weaknesses in our ability to analyse progress in a timely and meaningful
manner. In light of this, the Secretariat, in consultation with Alliance
stakeholders, completed a review of all strategic and Alliance indicators to
assess their strength of measurement and their utility in accountability and
performance management. Based on this review, the PPC are
recommending changes to six strategic indicators to allow better monitoring
of the Alliance?s performance and inform more effective prioritisation of
resources. The PPC also requested that the original indicators continue to
be tracked . Doc 02h provides further details on the specific changes
recommended to the strategic indicators and the rationale for these
? This paper focus es on providing a n overview of progress across Gavi's
2016 -2020 strategic goals, and integrating a disc ussion on related top risks ,
strategic issues, and financial performance . Due to the cyclical nature of the
WUENIC process, this update focuses more on strategic goals 3 and 4,
where there is more new data available , while providing qualitative updates
for the other strategic goals and Alliance indicators, where relevant . At the
next Board meeting, with new WUENIC data available, a more detailed
update will be provided on strategic goals 1 and 2.

1 Including: Finance Update, Partners? Engagement Framework Update, Risk Management Update
and the Alliance Update on Country Programmes.
Agenda item: 03 a
Category: For Information
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018

b Agenda pdf

Board -201 8-Mtg -1-Doc 00b

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
6-7 June 2018
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 June : Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 6 June : 0 9.00 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 7 June : 0 9.00 -17.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14


Next Board Meeting s: 28 -29 November 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
3-4 April 2019, TBD (Board Retreat)
26 -27 June 2019, TBD
4-5 December 2019, TBD

Philip Armstrong , Director, Governance and Secretary to the Board, +41 22 909 6504,
Joanne Goetz , Head, Governance, +41 22 909 6544,
Please note that the Board meeting will be recorded. This recording will be used as an aid to minute the meeting
and prep are news releases. A transcription of the full proceedings will not be made.

Board -201 8-Mtg -1-Doc 00b 2
Pre -Board Meetings ? DAY ONE ? Monday, 4 June 201 8

Schedule Meeting Room

07.45 -13.00 ? IFFIm Board meeting Paris
13.00 -15.30 ? IFFIm Donors? meeting Copenhagen
14.00 -17.00 ? Audit and Finance Committee meeting Paris
16.00 -18.00 ? AMC Stakeholders? meeting Munich
17. 30 -20.00 ? Governance Committee meeting Copenhagen

b CEO Board update pdf

Board meeting
6-7 June 2018
Previous Board decisions Strategy update Key developments Meeting agenda Alliance update
CEO Board Update
Seth Berkley, MD
6 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Board meeting
6-7 June 2018
Previous Board decisions Strategy update Key developments Meeting agenda Alliance update
Board meeting
6-7 June 2018

b CEO s report FR pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 03b _FR
Rapport au Conseil
d?administration de Gavi
6-7 juin 2018

Le 30 mai 201 8

Chers membres du Conseil d?administration,
Nous allons nous retrouver ? mi -chemin de notre p?riode strat?gique. Avec
l??valuation ? mi -parcours de Gavi qui aura lieu ? Ab ou D abi en d?cembre, c?est le
moment de faire le point sur les progr?s r?alis?s au cours de ce s deux ann?es et
demie, d?ajuster si besoin notre strat?gie et de commencer ? penser ? Gavi 5.0
(notre strat?gie pour 2021 -20 25). Nous avons d?j? commenc? ? en discuter lors
de notre retrait e de mars dernier , et j'ai r?sum? ci -dessous ce que nous avons
ret enu de ces discussions avec les membres du Conseil d?administration et ce que
nous pr?voyons de mettre en place suite ? ces ?changes .
Pour permettre au Conseil d?administration d?avoir une discussion ? un niveau plus
strat?gique et r?pondre aux commentaires du P r?sident et des membres d e notre
Conseil d?administration , nous avons essay? de rendre plus rationnel l? ordre du
jour de cette r?union. Nous avons regroup? plusieurs d es rapports qui figuraient
auparavant sous des rubriques distinct es dans l'ordre du jour de deux rapports
transversaux : le rapport du Directeur ex?cutif et le rapport sur la mise en ?uvre
de la strat?gie 2016 -2020 ( qui int?gre d?sormais les principales donn?es
actualis?es sur le financement, le s risque s, le Cadre de participation des
partenaires (PEF, pour Partners? Engagement Framework ) et les programmes de
Gavi). En outre, nous pr?senterons lors de la r?union une analyse approfondie de
certains des probl?mes et des d?fis identifi?s dans ces rapports et expliquerons
comment l'Alliance les aborde au niveau international et national. Nous esp?rons
que ces modifications nous permettront de discuter de mani?re plus globale de s
progr?s accomplis , des d?fis, de s opportunit?s et de s risques , et de consacrer plus
de temps ? la discussion strat?gique. Ce changement nous a ?galement permis
d?all?ger les documents du Conseil d?administration , avec une r?duction de 35%
du nombre total de pages par rapport ? notre derni?re r?union. Le Conseil
d?administration continuera ? discuter s?par?ment des finances et des risques ? la
fin de l'ann?e , au moment de l?approbation du Rapport sur les pr?visions
financi?res et sur les risque s & assurance s. Des mises ? jour d?taill?es sont
toujours fournies p?riodiquement aux comit?s concern?s (elles sont ? la
disposition des membres du Conseil d?administration sur BoardEffect ).
La plus grande partie de l?ordre du jour du Conseil d?administration est maintenant
ax? e sur les points appelant une d?cision et nous avons cherch? ? les rendre plus
Rapport du d irecteur ex?cutif

b CEO s report pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 03b
Report to the Gavi Board
6-7 June 2018

30 May 201 8

Dear Board members ,
We will meet at the mid -point of our current strategy period . With Gavi?s Mid -
Term Review taking place in Abu Dhabi in December, this is a n important
moment to take stock of our progress over the past two and a half years, adjust
our approaches as needed, and to begin to look forward to Gavi 5.0 (our 2021 -
20 25 strategy). We already began some of this discussion at our Retreat in
March, and I have summarised below what we heard from the Board and how we
are planning to move forward from that discussion.
To enable a more strategic Board discussion and respond to feedback from
Board members and our Chair, we have sought to streamline the agenda for this
meeting. We have integrated many of the updates which were previously
standalone agenda items into two cross -cutting reports ? the CEO Report and
the Update on I mplementation of the 2016 -20 20 strategy (which now integrates
key updates on finance, risk, the Partners? Engagement Framework (PEF) and
Gavi?s programmes) . In addition, we will present at the meeting a deep dive on
some of the issues a nd challenges identi fied in these reports and how the
Alliance is addressing these at global and country level. We hope these changes
will allow us to discuss our progress, challenges, opportunities and risks in a
more holistic manner, and allow more time for strategic discus sion. This change
has also enabled us to further streamline the Board papers, with a 35% reduction
in the total number of pages compared to our last meeting . The Board will
continue to have standalone discussions on finance and risk at the end of the
year when it approves the Financial Forecast and Risk & Assurance Report, and
detailed updates are still provided routinely to the relevant committees (these are
available to Board members on BoardEffect) .
Most of the Board agenda is now focused on items requiring a decision and we
have sought to bring more coherence to these by explicitly grouping linked
decision items into thematic areas (at this meeting, we will focus on enhancing
sustainability of immunisation programmes, and shaping Gavi?s future vacc ine
programme investments). The remaining items , which are not for decision , will be
discussed at the end of the meeting. We have also heard the Board?s feedback
about wanting more systematic updates on how their decisions are implemented .
We have therefor e created a Board decision dashboard, which is available on
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

b Consent agenda Board Committee member appointments pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02b
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018

Section A: Summary
? At its meeting on 4 June 2018 , the Governance Committee considered a
nomination to the Board and to the Governance Committee to replace Yifru
Berhan Mitke, Ethiopia, which is now been being submitted to the Board for
Section B: Board/Committee Member Appointments
Constituency process for Board and Committee nominations
1.1 In April 2018, Dr Amir Aman Hagos was appointed by the new Prime
Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to replace Professor
Yifru Berhan Mitke as Minister of Health. Dr Yifru confirm ed to the Secretary
to the Board that he would not wish to remain on the Board to represent the
AFRO Anglophone constituency.
1.2 As there is agreement within the constituency that Ethiopia occupy the
Board seat for three years to end 2020, the Secretary to t he Board firstly
obtained confirmation from Dr Amir Aman Hagos of his interest in
representing the constituency as Board Member. This information was then
shared with the constituency and approved by them on 9 May 2018 through
a no -objection process.
1.3 The n omination was therefore submitted to the Governance Committee for
consideration at its 4 June 2018 meeting and is no w being submitted to the
Board for approval.
Gender Implications
2.1 Board -approved guidelines on the Gavi Board gender balance state that a
ratio of 60/40 male/female Board Members and Alternate Board members
should be established and maintained. This is extended to include Board
Committees as required by Article 4.2 of the By -laws.
2.2 For the purposes of this calculation, the Board Members and Alternate
Board Members are assessed as separate groups. The Board currently has
15 men (5 6%) and 1 2 women ( 44 %). Nine alternates are men ( 50 %) and
nine are women (50 %).
Agenda item: 02 b
Category: For Decision

b Key Performance Highlights pdf
Key Performance Highlights
Anuradha Gupta
6 -7 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Gavi?s total spend was $1.8 billion
in 2017
Country -level Gavi support
Cash -based programs
Technical assistance
Co -financing/country financing
of Gavi -supported vaccines 228m
Global & regional level
Gavi activities
Operating expense ratio 6.8%
Overhead ratio 2.5%

b Minutes from November pdf

Board -2017 -Mtg -01 1

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
29 -30 November 2017
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Vientiane, Lao PDR

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09. 13 local
time on 29 November 2017 . Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala , Board Chair , chaired the
meeting .

1.2 The Chair started by expressing, on behalf of the Board, her appreciation and
gratitude to the gover nment of Lao PDR for hosting the meeting.

1.3 The Chair welcomed new Board member s and Alternate Board member s, as well
as Rob Moodie, Chair of the Evaluation Advisory Committee , and member s of the
IFFIm Board. She noted that departing members would be recognised for their
service at the dinner that evening. She regretted that a number of representatives
from the developing country constituency had not been able to attend this meeting.

1.4 She recalled that as WHO leadership is currently transitioning, and that WHO
representation to the Gavi Board is being finalised, she had exercised her
discretion as Board Chair to exceptionally permit Dr Princess Nothemba (Nono)
Simelela, Assistant Director General, Family, Women, Children and Adolescents,
to join the Boa rd at the main table for this meeting . Dr Simelela would be w elcome
to participate in the discussions but as an observer would not be permitted to vote.

1.5 The Board met in closed session on the evening of 28 November to discu ss a
number of items including the CEO?s annual performance review, a s well as a
preliminary discussion relating to successfully transition ing Nigeria from Gavi
support , which would be discussed further at this meeting .

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board
pack). The Chair noted that in the context of the items for decision on the agenda ,
there were a number of Board member s who would have conflicts of interest and
that these would be raised at the appropriate time and recorded in the applicable
parts of the minutes.

1.7 The Board noted its minutes from 14 -15 June 2017 (Doc 01b) and 7 July 2017
(Doc 01c) , which were approved by no objection on 15 August 2017 . The Board
also noted decisions approved by them by no -objection consent since the last
meeting (Doc 01d), namely the 2016 Annual Financial Report and appointments
to the Board and Board Committees.

Board Mtg pdf

Board -2018 -Mtg -01 1

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
6-7 June 2018
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09. 09 local
time on 6 June 2018 . Dr Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala , Board Chair , chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Chair welcomed new Board member s and Alternate Board member s, as well
as Rob Moodie, Chair of the Evaluation Advisory Committee , Cyrus Ardalan, Chair
of the International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) and other directors
of the IFFIm Board. She noted that departing members would be recognised for
their service at the dinner that evening.

1.3 The Board met in closed session during the afternoon of 5 June to discu ss a
number of items including the process for the CEO?s 2018 annual performance
review , changes to the Secretariat and a feedback process to be institute d for the
Board Chair this year .

1.4 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board
pack). The Chair noted that in the context of the items for decision on the agenda ,
there were a number of Board member s who would have conflicts of interest and
that these wo uld be raised at the appropriate time and recorded in the applicable
parts of the minutes. Minister Bahar Idriss Abugarda asked that it be noted that he
had recently been appointed to the WHO Executive Board.

1.5 The Board noted its minutes from 29 -30 November 2017 (Doc 01b) which were
approved by no objection on 3 April 2018 . The Board also noted decisions
approved by them by no -objection consent since the last meeting (Doc 01 c),
namely appointments to the Board and Board Committees.

1.6 The Board also noted its action sheet (Doc 01 d) and workplan (Doc 01 e) and the
Chair encouraged Board members to contribute to the forward plan by raising
issues which they may wish to add either with her directly or with the Secretariat .

1.7 The Chair noted that while there ha d been an improvement in the quality and
volume of the papers that are being shared with the Board , she feels that there is
still room to further reduce the volume and she encouraged the Secretariat to
continue to work on this and look at how the Board papers can be refined further .

1.8 She also noted that the agenda has been redesigned into thematic topics, with
routine reporting placed towards the end of the second day. This aims to create a
more organised flow in Board discuss ions.

c Consent agenda Independent Review Committee appointments pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02c

Section A: Summary
? This report informs the Board of the Governance Committee?s
recommendations for membership of the Independent Review Committee
? The Governance Committee recommends that the Gavi Board a ppoint as
new IRC members the individuals listed in Annex A for terms effecti ve
immediately until 31 March 2021 .
Section B: Independent Review Committee Appointments
1.1 Under the Gavi By -Laws, the IRC is an independent, impartial group of
experts that serves to guarantee the integrity and consistency of funding
decisions related to Gavi grants to countries.
1.2 The IRC consists of a group of diverse public health experts who review
funding proposals and recommend their approval to the Gavi CEO , based
on an assessment of whether countries? plans will likely achieve the
proposed results and contribute to Gavi achieving its mission and strategy.
1.3 In response to the new typhoid window approved by the Board in November
2017 and to deepen the measles expert ise in the pool, as well as to increase
and augment the available skill set for reviewing health system and
immunisation strengthening ( HSIS ) support, the Secretariat set out in
January 2018 to identify an additional approximately 35 IRC members to be
adde d to the pool of potential IRC reviewers. (The most recent
replenishment was undertaken in 2013 -2014.)
1.4 To ensure a transparent and systematic process to identify experts with the
required areas of expertise, the Secretariat retained the services of Russell
Reynolds Associates, an executive search firm with international reach and
recogni sed expertise in global health.
1.5 A total of 350 individuals were identified and considered by Russell
Reynolds (applications received as a result of ad vertisement s and Ru ssell
Reynolds direct outreach). After assessing the candidates against criteria
established by the Secretariat, Russell Reynolds interviewed 77 candidates.
Agenda item: 02c
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

c No objection consent decisions pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 01c
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018

Since the November 2017 Board meeting, one decision has been circulated to the
Board electronically for approval by no -objection consent in line with Article s
2.7.3. 2 and of the By -Laws.

On 15 February 2018 , Board members were invited to consider approval of the
appointment of Board and Board Committee members .

No objections were received prior to the end of 27 February 2018 and the following
decision was therefore entered into the record:

?In accordance with article 2.7.4 of the By -Laws, on a no -objection basis, the Gavi
Alliance Board:

a) Appointed the following Alternate Board Member:
? Princess Nothema Simelela as Alternate Board member to Soumya
Swaminathan representing WHO in the seat currently vacant, e ffective
immediately and until her successor is appointed and qualified.

b) Appointed the following to the Investment Committee effective immediately:
? Margaret (Peggy) Hamburg (Board Member) until 31 December 2019.

c) Appointed the following to the Programme an d Policy Committee effective
? Princess Nothema Simelela (Alternate Board member) until 31
December 2019.
Agenda item: 01c
Category: For information

Closing remarks and review of Board workplan No paper pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 13
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

Agenda item: 13
No paper

Consent agenda pdf


d Action Sheet pdf

Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 01d 1

G avi Alliance Board

Action sheet as of 23 May 2018

Request Matter Responsible Action taken

14 -15
June 2017
? 16
Closing remarks and review of Board
? Deep dive on one country for better
understanding of how different
support mec hanisms work

? Detailed discussion on MTR and next

(Khatib -Othman )

(Saraka -Yao)

Presented at
March 2018
Board Retreat

See Agenda Item
9, June 2018
Board meeting

29 -30
Nov 2017
? 4
CEO?s report and 2016 -2020 Strategy:
Implementation and progress:
? Information to Board on private
sector partnerships

(Saraka -Yao)

See Agenda Item
03a , June 2018
Board meeting &
Appendix 1,
Agenda Item 4,
May 2018 PPC

29 -30
Nov 2017
? 5
Financial update, including Forecast:
? Discussion at Board retreat on
approach and potential additional
investments required to advance
coverage and equity (including
reaching the fifth child and
subnational approaches )

(Khatib -Othman)

Discussed at
March 2018
Board Retreat

29 -30
Nov 2017
? 6
Risk & Assurance Report:
? Discussion at Board retreat on risks
related to reaching the under -

(Khatib -Othman)

Discussed at
March 2018
Board Retreat

29 -30
Nov 2017
? 7
Partners? Engagement Fram ework:
? Overview of investments in private
sector partnerships to be provided to

(Saraka -Yao)

Provided to
February 2018
PEF MT meeting

e Consent agenda Governance Committee Charter pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02e
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018

Section A: Summary
? At its meeting on 4 June 2018 , the Governance Committee considered
proposed amendments to the Governance Charter, which are now being
submitted to the Board for approval .
Section B: Governance Committee Charter
1.1 Over the course of the past months the Governance Committee has been
? The work of the Governance HR Subcommittee
? Gavi?s Conflicts of Interest Policy
1.2 In the context of these reviews Governance Committee members noted that
? A report on Gavi HR issues would be presented to the Governance
Committee anually
? Whe reas the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Governance Bodies (see Doc
02g) will be submitted to the Board for approval, the Conflicts of Interest
Policy for the Secretariat will be submitted to the Governance Committee
for approval.
1.3 Amendments to the Govern ance Charter to formalise these responsibilities
of the Committee were considered by the Governance Committee at its
meeting on 4 June 2018, and the proposed amendments are now being
submitted to the Board for approval.
Section B: Actions req uested of the Board
The Gavi Alliance Governance Committee is invited to recommend to the Gavi
Alliance Board:
Approve the revised and updated Governance Committee Charter as set out in
Annex A to Doc 0 2e , effective from 1 July 2018.
Agenda item: 02 e
Category: For Decision

e Workplan pdf

Graphical format

* W ill include polio
** Should include CCEOP; Supply Chain Strategy Review; HSS Review; Evaluation of PBF Approach; Campaigns and routine immunisation (including consideration of multi-antigen campaigns); Channelling funds away to and back from government
systems; India strategy review; Syria update; Further information on country appetite to introduce TCV; Fragility Policy
*** Additional reports to be provided as required and where deemed necessary
GAVI Alliance Board Agendas July-Aug
2018 Oct 2018 Dec 2018-
Mar 2019 May 2019 July-Aug
2019 Oct 2019
Board Chair or Vice Chair appointment (Consent Agenda)
Board/Cte member appointments (Consent Agenda)
Cte chair appointments (Consent Agenda)
IRC appointments (Consent Agenda)
Changes to Committee Charters (Consent Agenda)
Review of Board Travel Policy (Consent Agenda)
Vaccine Investment Strategy*
Gavi support for Yellow Fever Diagnostic Capacity
Gavi Strategy 2021-2025
Successfully transitioning Papua New Guinea from Gavi support
Gender Policy review
Transparency & Accountability Policy review
Update on malaria vaccine pilots
Annual financial report
Chair rpt (Decl of Int, Mins, Acts, W kpl)
CEO's report
2016-2020 Strategy: Implementation, progress and performance
Committee chair reports
IFFIm report
Review of decisions and actions
Any other business
Alliance Update on Programmes**
Financial update (including Forecast and Budget)
Report from Audit and Investigations
Risk update (incl. risk and assurance report)
Report on Implementation of Nigeria Strategy
4-5 Dec 2019
Sept NoObj
Guidance Guidance
28-29 Nov 2018 Sept NoObj 26-27 June 2019
3-4 April 2019
Discussion Discussion Discussion
Board-2018-Mtg-1-Doc 01e

Engagement with countries post transition pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 06

Section A: Introduction
? The purpose of this paper is to respond to the request of the Gavi Alliance
Programme and Policy Committee ( PPC ) and Board to provide a more
detailed analysis of gaps and opportunities to sustain and improve
programmatic performance post -transition from Ga vi support in Angola,
Congo Republic and Timor -Leste, and outline actions that the Alliance can
take to address them.
? Angola, Congo Republic and Timor -Leste are post -conflict countries that
from 2004 to 2014 experienced unprecedented economic growth driven by
high commodity prices. In spite of these positive developments, they exhibit
continued dependency on commodity exports, weak institutional capacities ,
and limited human resources. There are signs of improving political will
towards immunisation, but these countries remain vulnerable to setbacks in
programmatic performance particularly due to weak institutions, inadequate
service delivery , and high dependency on technical partners and donors.
? The Secretariat and Alliance partners, in close collaboration with the
governments of Angola, Congo Republic and Timor -Leste, identified areas
of support and interventions to assist them in address ing these gaps. The
PPC reviewed the proposed actions and recommended that the Board
approve them as an initial approach of post -transition engagement for these
three countries with an additional allocation of US$ 20 million. The PPC also
acknowledged that so me of the proposed actions might not be ambitious
enough and requested the Secretariat to present robust individual country
plans for these three countries to the PPC at its next meeting .
Section B: Engagement with countries post -transition: Angola, Congo
Republic and Timor -Leste
1.1 At its Retreat in 2017, the Board conducted a deep dive on the risks related
to transition. A s a result , five countries were identified as higher risk : Nigeria,
Papua New Guinea (PNG), Angola, Congo Republic and Timor -Leste. At its
last meeting , the Board requested the Secretariat to engage with Alliance
partners in Angola, Congo Republic and Timor -Leste to undertake a more
Agenda item: 06
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

f Consent agenda Independent Review Committee Terms of Reference pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02f

Section A: Introduction
? At its November 2017 meeting, the Board approved the flexibility to include
in-country and ad -hoc reviews by Independent Review Committee (IRC)
members as part of the Gavi review mechanism for country applications. To
comply with the Board decision, the Secr etariat is proposing update s to the
Terms of Reference (TORs) of the IRC to implement these flexibilities.
? The Governance Committee recommended that the Gavi Board approve
the updated TORs for the IRC .
Section B: Terms of Reference of the Independent Re view Committee
1.1 Under the Gavi By -Laws, the IRC is an independent, impartial group of
experts that serves to guarantee the integrity and consistency of an open
and transparent funding process.
1.2 In November 2017 the Board approved that, in exceptional cases, in -country
and ad hoc reviews by IRC members could be organised, while
acknowledging that most applications will continue to be reviewed by the
IRC in Geneva.
1.3 The Board, as part of its Novem ber 2017 decision, requested the Secretariat
to update any relevant governance documents to enable the implementation
of these flexibilities. Therefore, the IRC TORs have been updated to reflect
the changes approved by the Board, as well as several other m inor changes
incorporating other previous Board decisions.
1.4 The changes made to the IRC TORs are as follows:
? Inclusion of the possibility, on an exceptional basis, to organise in -
country and ad -hoc reviews by IRC members as part of the Gavi
review mechanism for country applications, as approved by the
November 2017 Board;

Agenda item: 02f
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

g Consent agenda Review of Conflicts of Interest Policy pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02g

Section A: Introduction
? At its meeting in April 2017, the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC),
following a request from the Committee Chair, discussed the principles
behind Gavi?s Conflicts of Int erest (CoI) policy and process. They agreed on
the need to ensure that the CoI policy is alig ned with best practice in
managing conflicts. The AFC Chair therefore requested the Secretariat to
discuss with the Governance Committee (GC) , with a view to updating the
policy , given that it had last been reviewed in 2012 and that Gavi ha d
evolved since then.

? An initial desktop review of the CoI policy was therefore presented to the
GC at its meeting on 5 October 2017. Comments were provided by GC
members and further input was sough t from Alliance constituents and other
relevant actors and experts.

? At its meeting on 15 February 2018, the GC noted that there would be a
separation of the current policy between Board and Secretariat and that
accompanying guidance and procedures would be developed for both. This
is consistent with practices among internatio nal organisations including the
World Bank.

? An initial draft CoI policy for Governance Bodies was presented to the GC
at its meeting on 13 March 2018. Further comments were then requested
from Board constituencies not represented on the GC and a further draft
policy presented to the GC at its meeting on 28 May 2018.

? The GC is now asking the Board to consider approval of a CoI policy for
Governance Bodies. Work on drafting an accompanying Secretariat CoI
policy is ongoing.
Section B: Background and consultation process
1.1 The current Conflict s of Interest policy was last rev ised and approved by the
Board i n June 2012.
Agenda item: 02g
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

Gavi Global Fund Collaboration pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 04

Section A: Introduction
? Over recent years, Gavi and the Global Fund have increasingly collaborated
where this can increase their impact and efficiency. The move to the Global
Health Campus will facilitate further collaboration and enable greater
sharing of infrastructure and services between the Secretariats of the
organis ations. The Gavi CEO and former Global Fund Executive Director
jointly presented their collaboration approach to both Boards in mid -2016.
This joint paper describes how the Secretariats have continued to work
together to enhance collaboration a nd provides an update on major areas
of joint work. The Gavi CEO and current Global Fund Executive Director
jointly discuss ed their collaboration at the recent Global Fund Board
meeting and will do so at this Gavi Board meeting as well .
Section B: Facts and Data
Background on Gavi and the Global Fund
1.1 Gavi and the Global Fund are the two largest multilateral funding agencies
in global health and collectively provide over US$ 5 billion per year to scale -
up access to health services, fight infectious disease and save lives.
1.2 Gavi?s mission is to protect populations against infectio us disease by scaling
up immunis ation programmes to reach all children in lower -income
countries. The Global Fund works to end the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis
and malaria by scal ing up access to diagnosis, treatment and prevention
services in a range of age and population groups . Both organis ations are
committed to building resilient and sustainable systems for health and
strengthening overall health systems, providing more health products and
services to more people, and ensuring access to improved resources.
1.3 Both achieve their m ission through providing grants, which are concentrated
in many of the same countries (e.g. DR Congo, Ethiopia, India, Kenya,
Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda) , while the donor base of Gavi and the Global
Fund is also similar.
1.4 Although both organi sations are focused on controlling disease and saving
lives, the two have somewhat different models to achieve their missions.
Gavi?s grants are largely implemented by national immuni sation
Agenda item: 04
Category: For Information
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

Gavi Global Fund Collaboration pdf

Enhancing impact & efficiency
Collaboration between Gavi & the Global Fund
Gavi and Global Fund at a glance
Mission ? Increase equitable use of vaccines ? Defeat HIV/AIDS , TB and malaria
Core partners
Secretariat size ? ~300 FTEs ? ~700 FTEs
Board ? 2/3 constituency , 1/3 independent
? Alliance partners voting members
? Fully constituency -based
? Partners have non -voting seats
Expenditure (2016) ? US$ 1.8bn ? US$ 4.2bn
(HIV, TB & Malaria)

Gavi s engagement in Polio Eradication pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 08

Section A: Introduction
? This report requests a decision by the Board to support the incremental cost
of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) for the period 2019 -2020 using core
Gavi resources, as recommended by the Programme and Policy Committee
(PPC) in May 2018. This exception al funding request by the Polio Oversight
Board (POB) to Gavi is due primarily to the extension of polio eradication
timelines and programme budget constraints . To date, Gavi?s support for
IPV through 2020 has been predicated on the assumption of additiona l
funding being provided by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) to
defray the incremental cost that is not covered by existing available funding
and hence not in Gavi?s Board -approved financial forecast .
? In addition, the Board ?s guidance is so ught on two issues. First, potential
Gavi investment in IPV beyond 2020 , as considered through the Vaccine
Investment Strategy (VIS) . Second, on Gavi?s engagement in broader polio
eradication activities beyond IPV that include country -level polio transiti on
and the Post -Certific ation Strategy .
? As the Board considers increasing resources in support of polio eradication,
the appropriate role for t he Secretariat in GPEI decision -making processes
will need to be considered .
Section B: Facts and Data
IPV support 2019 -2020
1.1 In November 2013 the Board approved support for the introduction of
inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in all 73 Gavi eligible countries as part
of the polio eradication ?Endgame? strategy. Of these, 70 countries are
currently support ed by Gavi 1. As part of this decision, the Board approved
a series of policy exceptions to allow for the unprecedented introduction
timeline s and other aspects of IPV support that were different to Gavi?s
regular vaccine support. These included waivers to the policies on country
co -financing and country eligibility. Support was contingent on the

1 Ukraine was not supported as IPV was already introduced in 2006, Georgia opted for a
combination vaccine not supported by the Alliance and India was provided one -time catalytic
vaccine support from GPEI donors that ended in 2016.
Agenda item: 08
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018

h Consent agenda Changes in Strategic Indicators pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02h

Section A: Introduction
? The Gavi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) recommends
that the Gavi Alliance Board approve changes to six strategic indicators to
strengthen Gavi?s ability to effectively track and analyse progress .
? These changes are recommended based on a review by the Secre tariat of
all strategic indicators , as well as engagement with Alliance stakeholders.
This process highlighted certain indicators that were not able to measure
change in a meaningful way or be use d effectively for performance and
accountability management. Targeted updates to certain indicators are
proposed to address these challenges .
? The PPC were supportive of these changes in enabling better monitoring of
performance and i ncentivising effective prioritisation of resources. The PPC
asked for the original strategic indicator definitions and targets to continue
to be tracked for monitoring purposes . The PPC also noted modifications to
three Alliance KPIs managed by the Secretariat .
Section B: 2016 -2020 Strategic Indicators
Introdu ction
1.1 Gavi introduced the Alliance Accountability Framework in 2015, to support
the implementation of Gavi's 2016 -2020 strategy. This new framework puts
a strong emphasis on enhanced transparency, accountability and
performance management across constituen ts of the Vaccine Alliance ,
including the Secretariat, partners, countries, and the Alliance's governance
mechanisms. The Alliance Accountability Framework cascades all the way
from long -term Mission Targets, through output and outcome -focused
Strategy Ind icators, to input, process and output Alliance Indicators.
1.2 Semi -annual discussions held over the last two years have provided greater
insights into how we are progressing as an Alliance in implementing our
strategy. They have also shown that a few indicat ors are not well suited to
the new approach of frequent progress review and may in some limited
instances produce misleading information. Targeted updates to indicators
are proposed to address this.
Agenda item: 02h
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

i Consent agenda Reflecting Board approved changes to Eligibility and Transition Policy pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02i

Section A : Introduction
? In November 2017, the Gavi Alliance Board ?approved the extension of the
grace period for new vaccine introduction during the accelerated transition
phase (Phase 2) from one year to the full five years, if vaccine introductions
during accelera ted transition effectively contribute to strengthening routine
immunisation and increasing coverage and equity .? (Decision 12b,[a] )
? To reflect this decision, the Gavi Alliance Policy and Programme Committee
recommends that the Board approve modifications to paragraphs 7.6 and
7.7 of the Eligibility and Transition Policy .
Section B : Actions requ ested of the Board

Further to the decision of the Gavi Alliance Board in November 2017 to extend the
grace period, t he Gavi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee recommends to
the Gavi Alliance Board that it:

? Approve the following modifications to Gavi?s Eligibility and Transition Policy :

7.6 Countries are eligible to apply for new vaccine support during the five
years of Phase 2, provided that vaccine introductions during this phase
effectively contribute to strengthening routine immun isation and increasing
coverage and equity.

7.6. 7.7 Countries that surpass the Eligibility Threshold have one year to
apply for new HSS ( i.e. for a country that has not received any HSS support
from Gavi yet) and vaccine support , from January 1 of the year after
surpassing the Eligibility Threshold (a grace year). However, new HSS
support is restricted to those countries with Penta3 coverag e below 90%.

7.7. From the second year in Phase 2, countries cannot submit new
applications or resubmit previously rejected applications for any of Gavi?s
funding windows .
Agenda item: 02i
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

IC Chair Report to the Board pdf
Stephen Zinser
6 -7 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Reach every child
Investment Committee
Chair Report
Market Sentiment: Mixed
Volatility beginning to normalize : Both fixed income and equity markets
shook off the low volatility regime of recent years .
Synchronized global growth continues for now : Ten years after the 2008
financial crisis, the US economy finally satisfied the Federal Reserve?s
twin mandates of low unemployment and moderate inflation .
Geopolitical risk rising : Political risk plays a more prominent role in
investors? risk assessment compared to prior years .
2 Board meeting
6-7 June 2018

j Consent agenda Modifications to Gavi s HSIS Support Framework and Gavi s Fragility Emergency and Refugees Policy pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02j

Section A: Introduction
? The Gavi Alliance Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) recommends
that the Gavi Alliance Board approve certain flexibilities to allow countries
to fully benefit from the Board -approved Health Systems Strengthening
(HSS ) envelope of US$ 1.3 billion in the 2016 -2020 time period . Requested
flexibilities include :
o To allow all countries facing fragility challenges to request additional
HSS support of up to 50% beyond the current country ceiling 1.
o To allow the Gavi Secretariat the flexibility to increase individual non -
fragile country ceilings for HSS through 2020 by up to 25%, including
countries that currently have a maximum ceiling of US$ 100 million.
? These flexibilities are intended to meet country demand and operate within
the already Board approved envelope for HSS disbursements of
US $ 1.3 billion. The Secretariat will track disbursements routinely and will
discuss with the Audit and Finance Committee and the Board if there is a
risk that disburse ments might exceed this level for 2016 -20 20 .
Section B: Background
1.1 Gavi's Health System and Immunisation Strengthening (HSIS) Support
Framework (the "Framework") was approved by the Board in June 2016.
The Board agreed that an amount of at least 2 US$ 1. 3 billion would be
available for health system strengthening (HSS) disbursements in the 2016 -
2020 strategic period . The Framework included a formula to allocate HSS
funds across countries.
1.2 Experience shows that actual disbursement rates for HSS are typically 80 -
85% of the approved grant due to a variety of reasons including country
readiness and implementation challenges, fiduciary risks, audit issues, etc .
Since countries have been allocated funding based on the approved

1 Currently this support is only available to countries responding to an emergency, as per the current
Fragility, Emergencies, Refugees Policy. 2 The Board could approve additional funds in case of country de mand exceeding the level of
US$ 1.3 billion.
Agenda item: 02j
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018

k Consent agenda Extension of support for use of Gavi s global cholera stockpile in endemic settings for pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02k

Section A: Introduction
? The Vaccine Investment Strategy ( VIS ) 2018 decision timing poses a
potential programmatic risk to the support for oral cholera vaccine (OCV) for
preventive use in endemic settings in 2019. To mitigate this risk, t he Gavi
Alliance Programme and Policy Committee ( PPC ) recommends to the
Board hat it approve an extension of funding for OCV use in endemic
settings . This funding is in addition to the original envelope of US$ 114.5
m illion , and estimated to be US$ 52 million for 2019. At its meeting on 26
April 2018, the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC) confirmed, that under
the Programe Funding P olicy, the Board could approve the
recommendations the PPC would be consider ing at its meeting on 2 -3 May
2018 .
Section B: Background
1.1 In the 2013 Vaccine Investment Strategy (VIS), the Board approved a
contribution to the global cholera stockpile for use in epidemic and endemic
settings and endorsed a net increase in programme budgets for t he global
cholera stockpile by US$ 114.5 million for the period of 2014 -20 18 . Use of
the vaccine in endemic settings (preventive) was permitted on a limited
basis to enable learning.
1.2 In 2016, the Board approved a set of principles for Gavi?s support for
em ergency vaccine stockpiles as part of integrated disease control
strategies. This included a principle that stockpile investments would no
longer be time -bound, extending Gavi?s support for the emergency
component of the cholera stockpile beyond 2018. In l ine with the 2013
decision, an extension of Gavi?s support for the cholera vaccine as a
preventive intervention in endemic settings would be considered in the VIS
1.3 The VIS 2018 is being conducted in a phased approach with final decisions
on investment cases being taken at the November 2018 Board meeting .
Please refer to Vaccine Investment Strategy: short list paper ( Doc 0 7) for
more information.
Agenda item: 02k
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

l Consent agenda Expansion of PCV support to include catch up during new introductions pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02l

Section A: Introduction
? In line with the SAGE recommendation on p neumococcal conjugate vaccine
(PCV) catch -up vaccination, the Gavi Alliance Programme and Policy
Committee (PPC) recommends that the Gavi Alliance Board approve Gavi
support for countries that may choose to vaccinate children between 1 -5
years of age in the year of introduction of PCV . The additional funding for
this decision is expected to be up to approximately US$ 18.7 million during
the 2018 -2020 perio d. At its meeting on 26 April 2018, the Audit and Finance
Committee (AFC) confirmed, that under the Programe Funding P olicy, the
Board could approve the recommendations the PPC would be consider ing
at its meeting on 2 -3 May 2018 .
Section B: Background
1.1 Gavi currently supports Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) routine
vaccination for the base cohort (up to 1 year of age) with a 3 dose schedule.
Countries pay vaccine co -financing as per Gavi?s Co-Financing Policy and
receive v accines, supplies, and a Vaccine Introduction Grant (VIG) up to
US$ 0.80 per live birth (depending on the transition phase) in the year of
introduction. 1
1.2 In October 2017, SAGE reviewed recommendations 2 on PCV catch -up
vaccination and recommended vaccinati on as part of PCV introduction in
children aged 1 to 5 years old, stating that a single dose can be used to
vaccinate this age group .3,4

1 Since 2009, Gavi has invested more than US$ 3.4 billion in support of pneumococcal disease
prevention by routine vaccination. 2 Executive summary of SAGE October 2017, Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
Session: 17/october/1_Hosangadi_PCV_Execu
tiveSummary_SAGE_PCV_WG_Oct2017.pdf 3 For the group aged 12 -24m, either a single or two doses are equally recommended. After
consultation with SAGE and PCV experts, Gavi proposes to support single dose only, for simplicity
of implementation. 4 SAGE also recommended the use of catch -up vaccination to reduce the disease burden in
areas/communities where low vaccination coverage has permitted sustained vaccine serotype
pneumococcal transmission (or disease), especially those wit h coverage below 50%. The
Secretariat is further considering the programmatic, financial and feasibility aspects of this
recommendation while simultaneously engaging in o ngoing efforts to improve routine coverage for
PCV and other vaccines through efforts with partners and countries.
Agenda item: 02l
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

m Consent agenda Mid term approach to replace reactive approvals of continuation of support in Yemen and South Sudan pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 02m

Section A: Introduction
? This update presents a recommendation from the Gavi Alliance Policy and
Programme Committee (PPC) that the Gavi Alliance Board approve, given
the exceptional context and the socio -political and economic prospects, that
South Sudan be exempted from co -financing obligations from 2017 to 2020.
The financial implication associated with such an approval is expe cted to be
up to approximately US$ 650,000 ( relating to the estimated amount of
waived co -financing contributions in the relevant period ).

? The PPC noted that it was important that the Board stayed abreast of
developments in South Sudan. To this end, t he G avi Secretariat will
continue to monitor the situation , and report to the Board , on a yearly basis
on the evolution of the socio -political and economic situation in the country.
Section B: Background
1.1 At the November 2017 Board meeting, the Secretariat committed to
presenting to the next PPC a medium -term approach to replace reactive
approvals of continuation of support despite South Sudan's and Yemen's
continuous default status. As Yemen remains in a protracted conflict
situation, in 2017, the World Ba nk, in close coordination with the
government and other donors, fulfilled Yemen's co -financing obligations
and, given prevailing conditions, has agreed to meet them in 2018 and 2019.
While Gavi will continue to monitor the situation in Yemen, a medium -term
approach to replace reactive approvals of continuation of support to Yemen
is thus no longer necessary.
1.2 In South Sudan, the situation remains volatile, with recurrent outbreaks of
violence and severe political instability. This has led the Board to agree , for
the last two years, that exceptional circumstances in South Sudan justified
the continuation of Gavi support irrespective of its default status on both
2015 and 2016 co -financing obligations. Moreover, UNICEF has been
financing traditional vaccines s ince the country's independence.
Agenda item: 02m
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

PPC Chair Report to the Board pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Programme and Policy Committee Report

Section A: Introduction
? This report provides the Board with an overview of the activities of the
Programme and Policy Committee ( PPC ) since the Board last met in
November 2017 .
? The PPC met in Geneva on 2-3 May 2018 . During the two -day PPC
meeting, the Committee discussed a number of important topics for the
Allianc e and agreed on recommendations which are being put forward to
the Board at its June meeting for consideration.
? The PPC Chair report is attached in the form of a presentation as Annex A
and the PPC recommendations to the Board are attached as Annex B.
Anne xes
Annex A : PPC Chair report
Annex B : PPC recommendations to Gavi Alliance Board
Category: For Information
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018
Reach every childBOARD MEETING
Richard Sezibera
6 - 7 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Annex A

Successfully transitioning Nigeria from Gavi support pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 05

Section A: Introduction
? At its retreat in April 2017, the Gavi Board discussed the significant risks to
Nigeria?s upcoming transition and asked the Secretariat to consider if a
tailored strategy was required. The Secretariat began exploring the
implications of Nigeria?s transition in mid -2017. In November, the consensus
of the Board was that in view of low coverage rates, poor health outcomes,
a constrained macroeconomic environment, and multiple outbreaks
including Yellow Fever, Meningitis and Cholera, the country would be
unlikely to transiti on successfully by end 2021, as the transition policy
requires 1. This would pose a risk not only to Nigeria, but to the region as a
whole. The Board therefore asked the Secretariat to engage with the
country and Alliance partners to develop a transition pl an based on a set
of principles of engagement (see Appendix 2).
? Intensive engagement by the Alliance started thereafter, most notably by
supporting the Nigeria Primary Health Care Development Agency
(NPHCDA) to develop the National Strategy for Immunisati on and Primary
Health Care System Strengthening, 2018 -2028 (NSIPSS), which is included
in Appendix 1 . The government set up a Task Team that led the technical
work, and a Core Group of government stakeholders, technical partners and
donors, provided strat egic guidance to the process. Gavi?s proposed
support to Nigeria during the transition period builds on this national plan.
? In addition to the intensive, collaborative day -to -day work, the NSIPSS
process included a two -day retreat in January, with more than 100
stakeholders from federal and state government, as well as technical and
development partners. The retreat laid out key issues and requirements for
a successful transition from Gavi support and advanced innovative
programmatic strategies and approaches to financing immunisation. In
March 2018 , a high -level mission by the Gavi CEO and Alliance
Partners intensified political engagement at the federal and state level to
secure robust commitments from Nigeria towards the transition. A
subsequent visit by Bill Gates reinforced the importance of receiving
tangible government commitments.
? The PPC had a positive and constructive discussion about Nigeria. While
support was expressed for the proposed transition plan, a number of

1 Nigeria entered its Accelerated Transition phase in January 2016. This 5 -year phase is the last
before a full transition from Gavi support.
Agenda item: 05
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
6-7 June 201 8

Update on MTR planning pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Doc 10

Section A: Introduction
? This report provides the Board with an update on the planning of and
preparations for the Gavi Mid -Term Review (MTR). It highlights (i ) the
evolving political context and (ii) the objectives and current planning of the
Section B: Status on the MTR prep arations
From 2 015 to the new realit ies of 2018
1.1 The 2015 Berlin pledging conference under the aegis of the German G7
proved critical in raising more than US $ 7.5 billion from donors making Gavi
one of the largest recipient of fu nds in global health . Th e promised funds
have materialis ed in r ecord time with close to 90% of the grant contracts
signed to date includin g all multi -year pledges. The event also helped build
confidence among new donors to join and others to step up. In addition to
expanded support from our traditional donors, six gov ernments have since
then joined Gavi as new donors, including Switzerland, the Principality of
Monaco, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and China. India signed a new five -
year pledge to Gavi at the beginning of the year. Denmark, a long -time Gavi
contributor that had decided not to renew its support beyond 2013, has
recently announced its intent to re -join .
1.2 Gavi?s private sector donor base is also broadening . Private sector
engagement has accelerated due to the incentive provided by the Gavi
Matching Fund 1, and Gavi?s latest innovation initiative - (INFUSE) 2 which
takes a novel approach to combining catalytic funding with unique expertise
from the private sector. To date , Gavi has been able to diversify sectorally
and geographically , breaking new ground in Asia a nd Africa . Gavi
established i nnovative private sector partnerships with tech pioneers,
regional entities and local businesses in Gavi countries. For further
information on Gavi?s private sector approach, please see Doc 03a .

1 Supported by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the government of the Netherlands
(US$ 87 million, to be doubled by private sector contributions) 2 Innovation For Uptake, Scale and Equity in Immunisation (INFUSE) supported by Canada and
UAE (US$ 21 million)
Agenda item: 10
Category: For Information
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018


03b CEO Board update presentation

Board meeting
6-7 June 2018
Previous Board decisions Strategy update Key developments Meeting agenda Alliance update
CEO Board Update
Seth Berkley, MD
6 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Board meeting
6-7 June 2018
Previous Board decisions Strategy update Key developments Meeting agenda Alliance update
Board meeting
6-7 June 2018

03b Key Performance Highlights presentation pdf
Key Performance Highlights
Anuradha Gupta
6 -7 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Gavi?s total spend was $1.8 billion
in 2017
Country -level Gavi support
Cash -based programs
Technical assistance
Co -financing/country financing
of Gavi -supported vaccines 228m
Global & regional level
Gavi activities
Operating expense ratio 6.8%
Overhead ratio 2.5%

04 Gavi Global Fund Collaboration presentation pdf

Enhancing impact & efficiency
Collaboration between Gavi & the Global Fund
Gavi and Global Fund at a glance
Mission ? Increase equitable use of vaccines ? Defeat HIV/AIDS , TB and malaria
Core partners
Secretariat size ? ~300 FTEs ? ~700 FTEs
Board ? 2/3 constituency , 1/3 independent
? Alliance partners voting members
? Fully constituency -based
? Partners have non -voting seats
Expenditure (2016) ? US$ 1.8bn ? US$ 4.2bn
(HIV, TB & Malaria)

09 3 IC Chair Report to the Board presentation pdf
Stephen Zinser
6 -7 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Reach every child
Investment Committee
Chair Report
Market Sentiment: Mixed
Volatility beginning to normalize : Both fixed income and equity markets
shook off the low volatility regime of recent years .
Synchronized global growth continues for now : Ten years after the 2008
financial crisis, the US economy finally satisfied the Federal Reserve?s
twin mandates of low unemployment and moderate inflation .
Geopolitical risk rising : Political risk plays a more prominent role in
investors? risk assessment compared to prior years .
2 Board meeting
6-7 June 2018

09 PPC Chair Report to the Board presentation pdf


Board -2018 -Mtg -1-Programme and Policy Committee Report

Section A: Introduction
? This report provides the Board with an overview of the activities of the
Programme and Policy Committee ( PPC ) since the Board last met in
November 2017 .
? The PPC met in Geneva on 2-3 May 2018 . During the two -day PPC
meeting, the Committee discussed a number of important topics for the
Allianc e and agreed on recommendations which are being put forward to
the Board at its June meeting for consideration.
? The PPC Chair report is attached in the form of a presentation as Annex A
and the PPC recommendations to the Board are attached as Annex B.
Anne xes
Annex A : PPC Chair report
Annex B : PPC recommendations to Gavi Alliance Board
Category: For Information
Report to the Board
6-7 June 2018
Reach every childBOARD MEETING
Richard Sezibera
6 - 7 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Annex A
Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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