”la Caixa” Foundation became Gavi’s first private sector partner in 2008 and has been a key contributor to Gavi’s immunisation and innovation work, particularly in support of the pneumonia vaccination programmes in Mozambique and Ethiopia. It raises funds and awareness for Gavi through employee donations, micro-donations from the general public and the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination, a programme that offers Spanish companies and private banking clients the opportunity to collaborate with Gavi in the fight against child mortality through vaccination.
In 2015, ”la Caixa” Foundation adopted the Gavi Matching Fund strategy. They pledged to double every euro raised by their network and, in turn, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) would double that amount, which originated the “1=4 YOUR DONATION IS WORTH 4 TIMES MORE” campaign. Since its inception, the Gavi Matching Fund strategy has had a great impact on the number of companies and individuals joining the donation programme.
Overall, ”la Caixa” Foundation has contributed more than US$ 51 million to Gavi. Furthermore, an additional US$ 36 million has been mobilised by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation via the Gavi Matching Fund.
Proceeds are funds made available to Gavi from donor contributions and commitments, either through: cash payments made to Gavi, through frontloading via the capital markets of a future donor commitment to IFFIm; or Advance Market Commitment (AMC) funds released to Gavi via the World Bank. IFFIm proceeds are allocated over five-year periods coinciding with Gavi’s strategic periods. Proceeds for the current and future strategic periods are indicative until the end of each period and could be revised following changes in market conditions (interest rates or foreign exchange rates), the signing of new pledge(s) and/or changes in IFFIm’s disbursement profile.
Click on Direct, IFFIm, AMC or Matching Fund in the above key to toggle their data on the graph, click again to show the data
Direct Contributions (including Matching Fund)
Received contributions: non-US$ contributions for 2000–2023 and Q1-Q2 2024 are expressed in US$ equivalents using the exchange rates on the dates of receipt. For 2014–2023 and Q1-Q2 2024, where contributions were hedged to mitigate currency risk exposure, these have been expressed using the rates applicable to the hedge agreement.
Future contributions (for pledges made prior to the June 2020 donor pledging conference): non-US$ direct contribution and Gavi Matching Fund pledges for Q3-Q4 2024 and for years 2025 and beyond are expressed in US$ equivalents using the applicable “forecast rates” from Bloomberg as of 30 June 2024 or using the rates applicable to any hedge agreement in place.
Future contributions (for pledges at the June 2020 donor pledging conference): non-US$ direct contribution and Gavi Matching Fund pledges for Q3-Q4 2024 and for years 2025 and beyond are expressed in US$ equivalents using the “spot rates” from Refinitiv as at 30 June 2024 or using the rates applicable to any hedge agreement in place.
IFFIm contributions
Received contributions: non-US$ contributions for 2000–2023 and for Q1-Q2 2024 are expressed in US$ equivalents as confirmed by the World Bank Group’s International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
Future contributions: non-US$ contributions for Q3-Q4 2024 and for years 2025 and beyond are expressed in US$ equivalents as follows:
General notes regarding IFFIm contributions:
Due to IFFIm’s nature as a frontloading vehicle, yearly contributions paid into IFFIm can differ significantly from yearly proceeds transferred to Gavi.
While IFFIm grants are irrevocable and legally binding, they are subject to a Grant Payment Condition that can potentially reduce the donor’s amount due, in the event that a Gavi-supported programme country is in protracted arrears with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Since 29 June 2021, no reduction applies, as all countries from the reference portfolio have cleared their arrears with the IMF.